4.00 star(s) 21 Votes


Oct 24, 2020
Don't understand why this latest version was posted, with all but the vanilla route not finished. Two reasons why people would pay this game this and #1 they want to see the wife/girlfriend screw are with others that aren't the husband/boyfriend, #2 they want to whine and complain about online. That's it, so why post the version nobody wants. It's like your trying to make it a slowburn , look if you want it to burn slow you do it with the dialogue not by releasing versions of the story that nobody's going to play so there left with having you waste time and memory storage.
Jan 17, 2023
Sorry, usually play these on my PC which has now died, considering getting an android tablet, will I be able to play all games on that unity, ren’py etc or shall I just get a cheap laptop


Feb 14, 2018
Thank you for recognizing that this was exactly the spirit I wanted to convey. MC lets go a bit too much, but his girlfriend, who loves him, steps in and takes control again.

As for what you mentioned about the actual story, the instructions are unfortunately a bit unclear. When naming the characters, it’s not obvious that you need to enter the names of the two new characters to proceed, or simply press enter to keep the default names.
Oh fantastic! That's what I was missing - its not actually the instructions, its the font. On my computer (Win10Home) at least this is what that screen looks like - maybe it requires a missing font or something, but I couldn't see the text anywhere, so didn't realize it was a text entry. And I'd tried clicking in that area and typing a few letters (just in case) but nothing seemed to happen (because that font issue was doing white letters on a white background, so have to really zoom in or type a bunch of letters to see an effect. Had same issue at the very start of the game but I think the background was a different color so was able to figure out what to do. Much thanks!!

And glad to hear the gf is going to hold the reigns back a bit so it at least doesn't get there too quickly - or maybe it provides some branch where he can still keep her. And gotta say, since that was intentional, you did a great job with those moment. They're honestly very realistic and I've absolutely met people entering these new lifestyles (kink, like when the mistress reels her back), sharing, etc, who try to cliff-dive-belly-flop with excitement at these new worlds. And they are very very lucky when they meet experienced people to help pull them back off the edge and teach them to swim a bit and savor the journey before making huge decisions. <3

Oh, haven't mentioned this, but super-appreciate that for all that the MC does do a few cheaty-things (as does she), he actually pulls back from all major cheating and introduces people to his partner. Especially with the role of the person who is enjoying giving up power in a relationship while building up trust, its always weird to me when they just have a side-path where they're just 'yolo, carpe diem, cheaters gotta cheat!'. And I love that its done in a way that doesn't lock out content (none of that 'sure, you can do the right thing, and we're just gonna trim off 10% of the kinks and sex scenes here.. and 10% here... you sure you don't just want to click yes?') Well done :)
4.00 star(s) 21 Votes