2.30 star(s) 23 Votes
Mar 18, 2022
A quick important update!
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February 5, 2022
Hello Backers!

It's been a while, but I want to give everyone a quick update on things on our end.

We recently had a Q&A on our where many of our backers asked great questions, so I thought I would sum it up here. Our new writer is currently working hard to finish writing the script, and she will hopefully finish it by the first week of February. We are taking a bit different direction, with a slightly modified outline, but all the characters you love will remain the same. We will try to get a full, working final beta in February. We'd need to beta test and do a lot of Quality Assurance and testing before releasing the Girls! Girls! Girls!?. We expect to release the game in March. Thank you again for your fantastic support on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Patreon; it helps immensely. Someone also asked me about the physical items. For now, there won't be any. But hopefully, when the game is out and there is a big fanbase with a physical item demand, we will release it on the Myosuki store (currently WIP).

Finally, my health condition has improved gradually. However, I have to go to surgery soon to get fully cured. Again, this won't affect the game's development, as I have a supporting team and capable team members working hard on finishing the game.

We are also opening up some stock options for Myosuki! If you are interested in purchasing shares on Myosuki, kindly send me an email at: myosukiofficial@gmail.com

ROI aside, you will be crucial to decision-making for Myosuki. You will also dictate what direction the company will be taking in the future and get exclusive sneak-peaks to our upcoming titles months before the official announcement. I will discuss further benefits in email.

That would be all for now. Thank you again for your continued support.

- Toffee San,

Game Director, Myosuki.

From kickstarter,copy-pasted everything,no need for thx :D

So,after owl house and amphibia returns in march,we could also have this game finished in the same month.neat.

Lets hope its the last change regarding the release date.
>new writer
>different direction
>myosuki store
I dont want to be that guy, but this seems to be heading in an ominous direction. so many things changing and a literal year of delays starts raising starfield levels of concern. I am still hopeful for a successful launch but, id advise anybody to be more skeptical henceforth


Oct 8, 2018
its already april
You will likely be saying the same thing when march comes.
Put this on a back burner try out some new games.
If it comes out soon, it comes out soon.

Not being a troll.
Just easier to find a good game on here than just wait.


Aug 14, 2021
You will likely be saying the same thing when march comes.
Put this on a back burner try out some new games.
If it comes out soon, it comes out soon.

Not being a troll.
Just easier to find a good game on here than just wait.
Yes but I have this persistent feeling that this operation will be a huge scam. People are concerned because this promised to be the best title in the genre but the lack of sincerity in production is concerning.
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Oct 8, 2018
Yes but I have this persistent feeling that this operation will be a huge scam. People are concerned because this promised to be the best title in the genre but the lack of sincerity in production is concerning.

Anytime people say it will be the best.
It almost always falls short.

Given this genre, any time you hear that claim you should question that.
Its so often done wrong, that should be a massive red flag on its own.
Even the demo didn't show enough to give credit to that claim.
Now It is being reworked completely which means anything you liked in this demo, means nothing.

I'm not saying demo's are always a good sign.
But look how many try to make claims.
Best recent game title that did that is cyberpunk, its not of the genre but look at those claims.
Look at the demo stuff that was removed and changed to life path.
From the option to choose why you went to night city,
ability to change cloths look,
Jackie with the name he called the M.C. (female V) I think he called her Jania(?) that was the subtitle I think.
It got a massive overhaul before release.

Given how long this game was in development and how the demo felt.
It gave an impression of a lot going to happen but that doesn't mean a lot.
However it also hasn't been in the works for a very long time either.
Which usually means short story, I don't know about you but I tend to look less favorably to games under 15 hours read time.
I prefer games to be 20 hours +

With the whole trap concept, it seems easy to make a claim it will be the best.
Since many fail or just get abandon.
Keep in mind the Titanic was claimed to be unsinkable.
Never believe hype, be patient.

As for if you want a game in the mean time that's a VN
I would suggest
Xchange Alternative - not really trap based but the M.C. has a gender change.
Or Snow Sakura - not trap based but its a good story.

Not being a prick just offering up titles I found good to help kill some time.
Actually they are the games that got me started on VN's :)


Dec 17, 2021
Why is he advertising stock options when the game is delayed 3 years (and counting)? Who would want to invest in that?


Jun 29, 2017
Not looking good. From Steam on the 15th.

"Everyone After another two weeks of silence, and broken promises on delivery date, I have decided not to use the services of the second writer no longer, after pretty much experiencing the same situation as the first.

It seems it's really hard to find someone reliable and who keeps to their words these days.

But again, as I have mentioned and conveyed probably hundred of times, Girls! Girls! Girls!? is something significant in my life. It's not just a project, but one of the life goals. I'll go through heaven and hell to get this project out.

So I have decided to start writing the entirety of the script myself. I'll be honest, I am not a writer, and have very little experience writing. I would of course, need help. But I'll get all the help I can get to get this done. My patience has reached the endpoint.

However, to ensure quality, I would of course hire additional editors, and supporting writers. I am confident, I'll do a better job at this myself, than anyone else.

I cannot promise I can deliver this any time soon. On top of being a Director at Myosuki, I am also running two other companies, and hold a position as a Chief Operating Officer at PUSH!. So I have to allocate resources - my time equally to all my ventures.

I hope you all understand."

"Let me know your thoughts on the girls-girls-girls channel. Also, if you are someone adequate in writing and edition, kindly send me a PM. I am arranging a team - for all the help I can get."
Mar 18, 2022
Not looking good. From Steam on the 15th.

"Everyone After another two weeks of silence, and broken promises on delivery date, I have decided not to use the services of the second writer no longer, after pretty much experiencing the same situation as the first.

It seems it's really hard to find someone reliable and who keeps to their words these days.

But again, as I have mentioned and conveyed probably hundred of times, Girls! Girls! Girls!? is something significant in my life. It's not just a project, but one of the life goals. I'll go through heaven and hell to get this project out.

So I have decided to start writing the entirety of the script myself. I'll be honest, I am not a writer, and have very little experience writing. I would of course, need help. But I'll get all the help I can get to get this done. My patience has reached the endpoint.

However, to ensure quality, I would of course hire additional editors, and supporting writers. I am confident, I'll do a better job at this myself, than anyone else.

I cannot promise I can deliver this any time soon. On top of being a Director at Myosuki, I am also running two other companies, and hold a position as a Chief Operating Officer at PUSH!. So I have to allocate resources - my time equally to all my ventures.

I hope you all understand."

"Let me know your thoughts on the girls-girls-girls channel. Also, if you are someone adequate in writing and edition, kindly send me a PM. I am arranging a team - for all the help I can get."
>writer leaves
>throws everything out
like I know that having the creative vision you want is important and all, but couldn't they just keep whats been written so far and just kinda finish it? I find it hard to believe that somebody so passionate about their "lifes work" would give so much discretion to the writer for story decisions, hell maybe even just using what both writers made and combining them would be best. but yeah, this isnt coming out for a long time if at all.
Feb 22, 2018
"@Everyone After another two weeks of silence, and broken promises on delivery date, I have decided not to use the services of the second writer no longer, after pretty much experiencing the same situation as the first.

It seems it's really hard to find someone reliable and who keeps to their words these days.

But again, as I have mentioned and conveyed probably hundred of times, Girls! Girls! Girls!? is something significant in my life. It's not just a project, but one of the life goals. I'll go through heaven and hell to get this project out.

So I have decided to start writing the entirety of the script myself. I'll be honest, I am not a writer, and have very little experience writing. I would of course, need help. But I'll get all the help I can get to get this done. My patience has reached the endpoint.

So in other words. The dev probably underpaid or refused to pay the writers they hired. Because why else would all the allegedly completed script be thrown out? Because the developer never received it. Sure, they could have gotten scammed twice by writers that produced nothing. But I doubt it, given the conduct of many "first time" porn game """developers."""

So the promise of this game is dead, and its going to suck balls. This is the worst birthday ever.


Jun 29, 2017
Hey they have an update on patreon is anyone here a patron of theirs who is willing to update us?
Edit: This was posted on Discord on July 1st, same day as the Patreon post. I'm gonna place a bet and say it is the same post.

On serious note though, as you know, we are on our third writer, currently working on the script.

The second writer promised to deliver the full script by early february. And then, no reply till June. now we have the third writer on board, continuing from where our first writer left off. We are currently on Scene 10, more than half of the script. so I can say that things are advancing really fast. It shouldn't be long. I am really happy with what @ScarlettMoon is doing, on top of his full-day time job.
N.B: We would not be using any of the material from the second writer.
Last edited:


Jun 29, 2017
If you are on Discord, Patreon, or kickstarter than you have already seen this. For everyone else that hasn't seen it I'll post it here. Its too fucking long to copy/paste so here is the link. It gives some information about the delays but the one crucial point, the release date, is this: (That being said, I think the burning question is - "When is this game coming out then?" To answer- I will not.)

So yeah.

If you want to read it than here you go.



Jan 30, 2018
[...] It gives some information about the delays but the one crucial point, the release date, is this: (That being said, I think the burning question is - "When is this game coming out then?" To answer- I will not.) [...]
That is a rather misleading excerpt from the original post, that gives the impression that the game will not be released at all. While it's not what the dev is saying there: he's avoiding giving a specific release date, not claiming that the game won't be released.
Of course, given the existing delays already, everyone can take this with a grain of salt.

The bottom line is, instead of being hyper-focused on one game coming out (with significant delays or not at all), there are plenty of other games to discover. If it ever gets released, great! If not, such is the game industry, no need to lose sleep over it.


May 3, 2019
The bottom line is, instead of being hyper-focused on one game coming out (with significant delays or not at all), there are plenty of other games to discover.
Such statement would be correct about 99% abandoned/milked/forever-in-progress games on this site, but in the case with this game it doesn't really work. Trap-only dating sims aren't exactly common; in fact, I think this is the only western game of the genre (there are several translated japanese games, but even they can be counted by fingers).
2.30 star(s) 23 Votes