Thank you again for your feedback, I want to improve the game, and you guys can help me to get the softspot between challenge/fun.okay I got to the boss a few more times and I honestly feel like the biggest issue with the controls is the fact that you have to "reload" the orbs. I think a big improvement would just be making the A and S keys a cycle between fist/purple/gold and having X be "fire". Keeping a gap in between projectiles is fine but the combined process of needing to press "orb" adjust aim and then fire is just a little too cumbersome
edit: I just want to say, since the creator seems to be in the thread, that the game as a whole is great. Like remove the tits and ass, I would still enjoy playing it as a game, but with some minor tweaks the system could be improved greatly overall.
Thank you for your feedback, i'll consider your opinion.If possible I'd suggest switching the aiming and throwing to mouse control while keeping keyboard for movement. The controls feel more difficult than the game itself.
Also loading a shot is very clunky and time consuming and easily interrupted. Unless you wish to keep that aspect of the game intentionally difficult I'd recommend switching to an ammo cycling system that lets you switch your type of munition with a button and always shoot with another.
Unnecessarily difficult H-Games are a niche market within a niche market. Tread carefully.
But what do I know? You do you.
Believe me, i tested alot. Dont get upset, this game still under development. Im here to get your feedback, i want to offer the best experience for everyone. Maybe you're playing to agressive luring all enemys, try to play more safe next time.I managed to include 1 more picture and removed humor tags. I'm tempted to remove masturbation/stripping unless proven otherwise with proof
for real tho SrMagal you have to test your own game and judge what needs to be fixed, I'd do more damage punching monsters than the 5 seconds it takes me to jump, stop moving, load, aim, stop moving again, throw, stop moving again, then get attacked by an instant zombie flail, snake bite or one of the dozens flyings projectilres
Thank you for your huge feedback, you guys are helping me to create a better game! I see everyone complaining about the aiming system, so i was thinking about changing it and how it could solve almost every problem that you mensioned.This game has a load of problems, some of which could be solved rather simply.
For starters, the difficulty could do well to be toned down just a notch, especially during the second phase(?) of the boss battle. Dodging the boss' bullets isn't hard in and of itself, but when she starts summoning little ghoul things that take three gold orbs to take out only to split apart into even more obnoxious enemies? That's asking a little much of the player. (Also, maybe I'm dumb, but I can do what I assume is damage to her, but I can't get that second bar above the first to fill. Is that where the purple orbs come in or something?)
Aside from that, a better reticle system would be appreciated, either an arrow or simply a dotted line showing the first few feet of your projectile' trajectory; when the current square reticle hovers within arm's reach of your character and is nearly the exact same size as your character, you don't really get a good grasp on where the hell you're aiming... I think I've lined up a shot perfectly only to have it fly way too high or way too low. When using the orbs, I find it's either better to use either the lowest or highest angle to "aim" at flying enemies (unless I'm standing perfectly still and have ample time to aim at enemies on the other side of the screen).
Personally, I find the controls fine; they're not hard to get used to, but they are a bit unintuitive, and nothing in the game itself tells you about some of the finer controls and abilities, like the ability to hold and throw three orbs at once (which I found out about by accident, and later by looking at the dev's Patreon page) or that you can jump on enemies' heads to be able to do double the damage of a punch (but has a finicky hitbox and has a greater chance of you incidentally taking damage). I also spent a good half-hour or so playing the game under the assumption that the 'Pick Up' key was useless—I was expecting to be able to grab the corpses of enemies after defeating them since, y'know, you can punch them in their defeated state... but apparently the 'Pick Up' key is to pick up rocks that I honestly thought were mere decorative elements for the longest time. You could easily solve that problem with a small indicator over the player character, like a floating 'C' key that appears overhead when they come past a hard-to-see rock in the grass.
Finally, on the matter of collectibles themselves... one of three things needs to happen:
A) there has to be more of them strewn about the level for as fast as you can expend them (I don't think I ever got more than 50-60 gold orbs out of the maximum possible 100, but it's easy to find and get maximum purple orbs);B) they need to have a slight chance (even as low as 10% or something) to drop from random enemies upon defeat, making boss fights marginally easier where the Titans spawn minions to aid them; orC) you need to make the indicators where there are hidden collectibles more prominent (maybe a slightly larger area of sparkles, with a marginally bigger hitbox to match; it needs to feel rewarding to find and collect, not a chore in needing to waste ten orbs trying to hit a marker the size of a pinhead).As it stands, orbs are some of your worst options to attack with, and when you have to spend half the game dodging flying enemies that you can barely hit, it makes for a somewhat frustrating experience.
You see, i just beat the demo and came here to review it. In my sincere and honest opinion the game is too hard, exactly because of the keyboard aiming system, so the idea of moving it to the mouse is awesome(the rest of the game is g.r.e.a.t btw). I think maybe you could just rebinding the attack key to the left click and leave the orb selection on the keyboard and that should fix most of the issues, and don't forget to make it aim with the mouse pretty please. Love the pixel art style btwAiming with Mouse
Left Click = Throw 1 Orb
Right Click = Throw 3 Orbs
What do you think about it guys?
Thank you for your feedback! Im working right now changing the Aiming System! keep tuned to check the next update with the new mouse aiming system.You see, i just beat the demo and came here to review it. In my sincere and honest opinion the game is too hard, exactly because of the keyboard aiming system, so the idea of moving it to the mouse is awesome(the rest of the game is g.r.e.a.t btw). I think maybe you could just rebinding the attack key to the left click and leave the orb selection on the keyboard and that should fix most of the issues, and don't forget to make it aim with the mouse pretty please. Love the pixel art style btw
p.s this is just an opinion do not kill me or any of my other 21 personalities over it pliz
Sounds good, also sometimes it seemed like my character would get stuck in place but would fix itself shortly afterThank you for your huge feedback, you guys are helping me to create a better game! I see everyone complaining about the aiming system, so i was thinking about changing it and how it could solve almost every problem that you mensioned.
A,D = Walk: Left,Right
W = pickup/interaction
Q and E = switch [Punch,Pink Orb, Golden Orb]
Spacebar = Jump
Aiming with Mouse
Left Click = Throw 1 Orb
Right Click = Throw 3 Orbs
What do you think about it guys?
Lots of people already said it - Dev is already tinkering with interface to deal with specific issues brought up by other players. Guess we might see a "bugfix" version in a week or two.this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard. What a waste