Ohhh Patch 3
Use previous girls in a new mode.
Online Play
First tested in patch 3, this is our early attempt at online functionality. Build the greatest burrow and fight, fight, and fight some more!
There's even a new "Dinner" system! Players can use game components to create their own scenes and upload them online! Earn the sought-after "Gob-tastic" rating and become the king of goblin porn!
Register your copy of the original game to use heroines you've captured in the "Dinner" system!
Also on their DL page now.
This is an extra-large expansion pack, but can be played on its own.
You don't need to own "Goblin Burrow (RJ291561)" to run this game. It can work standalone.
However, if you do have both, then you'll be able to play Goblin Musou!
Goblin Musou? Like Dynasty warriors? lol
Guess I better reDL the 1st game, I can finish it in a few minutes by holding enter anyway