RPGM - Goblin Layer [v0.56.75] [Parodos]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly funny and better than the original material - 10/10. The writing is just amazing. Would have been 12/10 if it was based on koikatsu to capture the original anime style but this aint bad either as the goblins and girls are cute. Also rip lizardbro
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5670829

    If you haven't noticed from the title or characters, this game is a blatant parody of a certain light novel-turned-anime.
    Humor's pretty funny and there isn't a lot of grinding involved. Overall, a great game if you have an hour or two to spare.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    at first i was laike : "ehh another rpgm pooring game with grind "
    then boom u can skip chapters get to the quest and scenes ,
    the fuckin humour in this game is hilarious , goblin out of 10
    hope to see more of ur games in the future
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good easy game, has a nice little skip and cheat feature if you want to get straight to the spice. A must play for anyone looking for groblin action.
    Has a few funny jokes and lines thrown in, but rip Lizardbro.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really what h-games should be. Non-creepy, fun, funny. As direct as you want, only as much challenge as you want, well-written. All the gamer inside references are fun -- know your audience -- and the animations and graphics are over-the-top in the best way possible (i.e., cartoon-exaggerated, not C-grade-porn-star-exaggerated). I hope the dev keeps it simple, no crazy feature bloat or side plots: this game has a formula but it's a good one.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Damn fun game, though there is still a decent amount of jank. Can't count the number of times I've walked over a boundary line and had to play invisible wall to find my way back. Not much of an issue though, and everything else more than makes up for it. The humor is top notch, and the characters, while still being twisted by the nature of the game they are in, are very noticeably the same cast of the original story. Loving the game though, having great laughs and getting my fellow degens in the friend group to give it a go-b.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Stellar humor. Not just in a little exhale of the nose way either; I laughed aloud more than once. It's a wonderful blend of character humor and a touch of the absurd. If you're a fan of funny games, this is the one.

    The writing is lighthearted. Nothing dark to interrupt it, but not superficial either; there's definitely a feeling of camaraderie between the characters.

    The little character portraits are charming and contribute a lot to conveying emotion.

    The combat wasn't tedious, which was a refreshing surprise; there's a way to instantly end fights, which means that you're only engaging with combat by choice, when desired.

    A great experience. Quite surprising that there aren't more ratings.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Gu Changge

    This is the funniest game i have ever played, my man dev is really good writer, like for real, i dont want to spoil you, but you should really consider playing this game, is pure gold, good wifus and if you are into goblings(not my case but this ones are cute lol) this is your freaking game. definily a worthy game.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Note: I don't believe a complex opinion can be properly represented by a number but I do understand some people are impatient so I don't use the star system normally, my ratings are as follows. 1 don't recommend, 3 unsure please read review, 5 recommend.

    Goblin layer is a spoof on goblin slayer the anime/manga best known for the first episode which promptly displays horrible rape for, basically no reason, the proceeds to be a tame and normal anime except that now there are just rape victims throughout the show that kinda clash with the tone.

    In a lot of respects I'd say Goblin Layer improves on the story and characters a lot, the titular Goblin Layer's character is about as deep as a raindrop hitting hot metal but at least he actually has a personality, unlike the show. It actually makes some sense that the chicks in this would wanna fuck GL since there are no other men and they can see him fuckin. The girls are also there but they don't matter as much because the one thing kept form the source material is the MC only wants to deal with goblins and nothing else, he has 1 drive and nothing else matters or will alter that in any way, Unfortunately this means you pretty much only fuck goblins, and hey credit to the devs the goblins are hot but they get stale after a while.

    It's an RPGM game and you are encouraged to play it like a real JRPG for some reason thankfully you can cheat otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered, I would say subpar at best.

    To be honest that's kinda it, there isn't much to this game, it's also not complete at time of writing so eh? I didn't complete the game as is because I got sick of the JRPG shit and realized other games don't have that so I played all of those instead. If the art catches your fancy, you don't mind some mediocre humor nor the RPGM crap then give it a whirl, otherwise go play all the other games.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.425:
    Nice character models and animations.
    Extra enjoyment if you read the books / manga and/or watched the anime
    Funny writing, decent combat.
    Needs more quests and content or course, but it already has a few hours of content.

    Really looking forward to play the next versions ;)
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    Since I've recently found a good RPGM game, I've decided to try a couple more with high ratings, this one being the latest.

    This is by far, one of the silliest game around, and entertaining as fuck.

    The renders are decent, as is the writing.
    The story is actually well thought out for something so silly.

    The world map is pretty nice, which is usually one of the massive issues I've got with RPGM games, the damn maps being impossible to see/navigate.

    The combat is standard, but, for those not into RPGM combats, it's got a cheat skill, terminating the combat instantly, which is by far the best thing in this game.

    The game's kinda short, but is certainly begging for more content, that is one to follow for sure.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an absolute S-Tier shitpost. If you've read Baalbuddy or Oglaf comics then you know the kind of adult humor to expect. This game knows exactly what it wants to be and that's based as fuck. It takes real brains to make a game that feels this stupid.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed in 0.42] This game is rife with dumb humor. There is not one line of serious dialogue to be seen here. And I love it for it.

    You are Goblin Layer. The only thing Goblin Layer wants to do is fuck goblin girls. No desire to fuck other women, no desire to eat, sleep, drink, or even wear a gods damned shirt. Goblin girl fucking. That's it.

    Considering my love of goblin girls follows in the foot steps of Goblin Layer (it's not humanly possible to equal it or even approach it) the joke never gets old for me. There's plenty of other sexy scenes with non-goblin girls with humor thrown on top for how much Goblin Layer just doesn't care. So you still get some variety to play with. Characters have sufficient variation in personality to make them enjoyable to interact with as well.

    The models and animation appear original, or at least unique, which really helps the game stand out from the crowd, and all the girls (but especially the goblin girls) are super cute.

    The game has an adequate RPG system. I certainly prefer the offer here of Final Fantasy style heroes on the right, baddies on the left setup, over the RPG Maker standard portraits at the bottom. And all the enemy sprites are original, animated, and delightful to look at. The game isn't going to stand on the RPG battles alone, but that's obviously not the draw here. The RPG combat just does well enough to give mildly interesting gameplay to those that like turn-based RPG battles, and blends well with the story.

    This is definitely a game I will watch for further development.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game worth playing. It's genuinly fun, it's well-written, it plays well. I'm not into goblin stuff and all, but this game has a plenty of juicy ladies. Also, this game getting regular updates and supposed to be a finished story - a marvel in our dark times.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    It might just be personal taste, but all of the interactions, the humor and really everything are so diminished by not having names for characters. Makes it feel pointless and empty. Was super excited and I love the premise but this decision ruins it
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I simply love the humor, art and devotion that is inside this game, a really great job done by the creators, looking forward to future updates.
    Please dont drop this project really want to see it being finished hahaha
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking hilarious. The 3D models are nice and cartoonish, represent very well the characters they are parodying. The combat is kinda annoying, but is is already full of cheats, so who cares. Goblin Layer is memetic potential incarnated.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated Review for v0.43.8

    A year later, a lot of my thoughts remain the same. This a a delightfully fresh RPGM game rife with humor (that actually lands) and filled with plenty of goblin girls to sate your goblin laying needs, plus some non-goblin girls too if you're into that you freak.

    With a less serious and often goofy tone in general, Goblin Layer is just a fun ride of an RPG. If you're like myself and have not seen/read anything about Goblin Slayer (the thing this game is based off), you might be worried if this is just some parody game to avoid. I'm happy to say that isn't the case for me. A lot of humor, even the clear references, still very much land for me.

    The dev has clearly put a lot of effort into the character models and scenes making them both stand out as unique and hot in general. Now I am one of those aforementioned freaks who wanted to see scenes with non-goblin girls as well. Originally, I was a bit concerned those wouldn't happen. Once again I'm happy to say that turned out not to be the case. Goblin Layer is slowly awakening to the blasphemous idea of non-goblin girls and I'm here for it.

    An incredibly fun and unique RPGM game at the end of the day. A pretty easy recommend if you're into them.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    didnt wanna register

    This game has really good models and animations girls are thick af
    It's not grindy at all
    The developer puts out updates really frequently
    The dialogue is very self aware and can be funny at times
    fun game I generally like 2d games more, but this game is up there
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Review to game v0.36.3.
    The game has the potential to become a masterpiece under porn games.
    It has a funny story with a lot of girls, awesome 3D models, high quality animations with these models and even proper sounds (a lot of games lack of sound in their animations).
    I personally like RPGM games, if they are done well and have proper scene animations, and this game has it.