RPGM - Goblin Layer [v0.56.75] [Parodos]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Only good part of this game is having great sense of humor i gues? For example first time i saw Status screen was totaly priceless and hilarious, espacily the part ''Goblin Pussy Addict'' LMAO. And of course scenes are pretty funny aswell like while you are fucking female goblin in front of simp goblins they tell things like: ''I subscribbed your Goblyfans for YEARS! and then... this?!?!'' etc which is funny ASF LOL. Or cheese addict Lizardbro LMAO. And thats it... Other then we have zero good point...

    Bad Points
    - Well... Its made by RPGM... I do believe its good enough for being bad point. Less save file amount, annoying gameplay mechanics, annoying/unuseable HUD/IU, less details for options etc...
    - We have only 18 save file... Adding more save file was to hard for you? Nearly all games have 999+ save ''page'' in these days, im gonna say again ''page'' not file... So this means nearly all games have 6x999+ save file while this game have only 18... Cool...
    - Game starts with windowed mod and we dont have fullscreen mod option in menu, i find out we can make fullscreen with F4 via chance, because there is literaly zero info about how you can make game fullscreen...
    - WASD is not useable, if you want walk you gotta use mouse click or movement buttons of keyboard.
    - Not every place in game is walktable and clickable/moveable places via mouse is not clear enough, you gonna missclick a lot of place because of that and its kind of annoying.
    - There is no rollback option, which is quite annoying because of alt button skipping dialogue: when you make Alt+Tab its gonna skip dialogues and you will lose some of them... Cool...
    - Fights are kind of annoying... You gotta click and click and click again to different locations again and again... Seriously why cant i attack with clicking enemy instead of clicking ''attack'' button every god damn time?! Its just pure annoying and nonsense... Classic RPGM...
    - Game quality looks terrible.. I know screenshots looks kind of good but dont get fooled, ingame graphics looks pretty bad, which is quite disappointment. And not just animations or renders, literaly every visual part of game have terrible quality. I played game via 21.5 inc 1080p monitor, so i cant even imagine how bad it will look with higher resolutions etc... I cant even believe someone can make game with that much bad visual quality in 2022...
    - This is adult game, so sex scenes are pretty important but because of terrible quality and unwell maked animations they look poor. Sex scene animations needs a lot of work to...
    - We have literaly zero story content...

    For The End
    Its have potencial but current quality of game in every aspect except sense of humor is literaly terrible... DEV gotta fix all bad points i write for reaching that potencial. Words cant even describe how disappointed i am... After seeing this game about Goblin Slayer and have all those 5 star rates i was thinking its gonna be great or at least would be average, but reality often disappointed... Dont get fooled by sided reviews, this is not good game, not even average or even poor... I can see potencial but for reaching that potencial DEV need work a lot on this game, i hope he will take my review serious and fix those things, at least thats what i wish...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The dev seems like a fun guy, I really enjoyed the whole writing in this game. I literally cracked up in laughter while playing it.
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    The story is pretty much a parody of Goblin Slayer which is available as novel/manga/anime. If you know the original story, it'll be more fun.

    Gampelay is fun as well. One thing I didn't quite like was the obvious cheat skill which you can access so easy as it was your own magic skill. I just hope it's an early access kind of thing for now. Aside from that, the battles can be challenging and at some point you have to use your abilities wisely. I really liked that and hope he'll improve it in future updates.

    Another thing which I hope will be fixed are the old animations. It seems dev is experimenting a lot, which is nice, and he changed quite a bit in this regard. I like the new features he added in, but I hope he updates the old ones as well.

    Speaking of animations, they are not bad. I like the overall character design, and it fits with the original story. Not only that, but I got the goblin slayer vibe from watching and playing it further. So overall It's a pretty unique style, which is quite charming.

    The only sad part was the amount of variations. You basically repeat the intro sex scenes as repeatable later on, which is not a bad idea considering the amount of work, but I hope he adds at least some more sex positions / angles for each in future updates.

    Anyway, I'll give my support to this dude and see how it goes. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, the female goblins in this game look hot!.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    game humor is pretty funny, borderline hilarious at times. Which is coupled with pretty hot smut scenes pressing my buttons quite correctly. I'm honestly pretty interested to see how the dev is going to continue the balance between extremely caustic (sometimes 4th wall breaking) humor, and the world-building/character-devellopment (which always need to take itself somewhat seriously to generate immersion/attachement and some in-universe coherence). Currently walking the line pretty nicely, with a pretty decent cast, tho the shock-value of the wtf plot premise is bound to gradually wear off and an actual plot is put together. but I'm cautiously optimistic in the dev's abilities. And in the possibility to lewd some non-goblins sooner or later down the road. Smut, uh, find a way.

    tldr: good game, and kudos to the dev for channeling his autism in more productive ways than most of us. realistically the game rn would be worth 4/5 (or 4.5/5 at most if such a vote option was available) because it's still very much an early product, but its originality and charm warrant some encouragement :)
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    An rpgmaker barebones game with some potential, but very little to show for now.

    The only positive aspects of the game are the humor and some of the models.

    The negatives are:
    ugly simplistic rpgmaker map
    ugly proportions on H scenes
    you can only fuck goblins nothing else wtf
    gameplay is trash so far likely because its early alpha
    there's very little incentive to even play this in its current state

    Nevertheless I will check the game after a few more updates and change my review if the game merits so, this could be a really fun game to play
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This RPG has no right being this funny, or hot. It's hard to praise the humor without spoiling the jokes. But even if you haven't seen Goblin Slayer, this game's writing stands very well on its own with how outrageous some of its punchlines hit and how it manages to stay consistent with its absurdity. Meanwhile the main scenes are well made 3-d animations instead of just still images or short loops.

    My only gripe is that it's still early in development, and you'll likely get around 2-3 hours of content out of it. But man am I eager for more content.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh man, what a gem! The characters and the sex scenes/animations are so damn hot. The story actually makes sense and is interesting. But the thing I love most about this game is the top-notch humor: I lost my shit when reading the puns regarding the stock market, or the witcher references. Absolutely love it! An absolute 5 out of 5!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    v035.8 reviewed.

    This is quite a gem from a humor perspective. The combat feels a bit cludgey, and the map is...RPGM-ey, but those few niggles aside, the writing and humor is on point and the story is fun and interesting.

    It's always a bit of a struggle when you want to balance your appraisal of the execution quality versus the content. In this case, I'll defer to what's fun, and it is certainly that, even if I generally don't find the "lewd content" particularly erotic.

    It's sort of a National Lampoon's spoof of an H-Game. Don't get me wrong, it's graphic in all the right ways, but...Goblins and a shirtless guy wearing a bucket on his head while he fucks them isn't gonna appeal to everyone for fap material.

    Conversely, if you have avoided trying this game because of the obvious goblin fuckery premise, you shouldn't. It's absolutely worth the time spent, even if it doesn't get you to half mast. I look forward to watching this one develop!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 stars: a fun little parody of Goblin Slayer; complete with comedy, lewdity and sex. Goblin Layer is built upon traditional turn-based rpg design, follows the cannon plot loosely, and has about 8-10 hours of game play currently.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    haha very entertaining, i really love it. I've read the manga before including watching the anime 1, but never seen they made a game until i saw this game.
    the story is really fun lol
    Can't wait to see more.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    awqsrem man

    This game is a classic rpgmaker game with pretty decent 3d assets.

    As of yet v0.35, the mc is only interested in goblins however there are many non-goblin suitors for him.

    Why did I give this game a 5 then?(Other than shortstack overload?) The humour. This game really doesn't take itself too seriously and that is great.

    Also the sex scenes are actually great, definitely in the top 5-10% of games on this website.

    As of yet(still v0.35) the game is very short but it's constantly introducing fun characters and interesting interactions. Highly reccomend for a short nice little adventure.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I can highly recommend this game,

    The one thing that might lower my rating would have been the combat.
    But it's entirely skippable due to the GL having the magic cheat spell that simply kills whatever you're fighting.
    Wonderful if you like me don't enjoy the combat part, but entirely ignorable for those out there that do enjoy it.

    The animations are on point, the parody and the humor that is used to land the jokes are just wonderful.
    Everyone tends to mishear the GL's name, and ignore him when he wants to correct them. But this is paid off with shock moments when they realize their mistake.
    The fact the GL sticks to his singular fetish no matter other options out there. I can only recommend such a choice, really helps drive the point home who the GL is.

    I can recommend trying the game out, as it simply delivers on what it promises in the title.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is like konosuba anime - doing everything in hilarious twisted manner full of memes and jokes, needs work with transitions, lag and animations but it has very good potential, i recommend this to anyone who likes meme jokes and parodies
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this yesterday for the first time and i hate this game.
    The puns are horribel, and the game is bad.
    And i have been distracted by after images of Big Titty Goblin Girls (BTGG or TBTGG) all day.

    The few sanity points you have left are sure to be lost once you play it, but you are already on F95 so you mite as well get it over with.

    I give this game 5 out of 5 stars
    Will totally be distracted by TBTGG's in the future
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Quirky, funny and a great parody of the actual manga. The women are thicc and juicy, what more could you ask for? Don't be afraid of the sandbox tag either: the majority of the content is guided and linear.

    There is a reason why Parados' Patreon has already gone past the thousand dollar mark. Highly recommended.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3408557

    The updates are always consistent and fresh with new content. The content being sublime 3D women (human and goblin) having sex with the protagonist because he a Chad and that's it. I'm a fan of 2D games over 3D games, but Goblin Layer is one of the few that would recommend to other 2D game enjoyers because of it's unique, fresh, and very hot style. It's has enjoyable, funny dialouge that is charming in its own right. I believe this game has the potential to be a cult classic at minimum or one of the shining stars on this site at most.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The best parody video game on F95, period !
    The sex scenes are so high quality I personally cant believe that this wasnt made by a high budget studio.
    The parody elements make me laugh so hard, my lungs hurt... Even someone who hasnt watched Goblin Slayer will laugh their ass off .
    *Hint Dont remove the Helmet, or all Girls around you will be BLINDSTRUCK by your beauty*
    The combat is basic for now, with the Goblin Layer not really being in serious danger against most enemies, except Boss Goblin Girls , but thats okay, HES THE GOBLIN LAYER. Taking out your DICK to whack them in the middle of combat is HILLARIOUS, I seriously cant stop doing it xDDDDD
    10/10 Would Bang Again, IGN
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good, can't lie when Goblin Slayer the anime came out first thing I thought is one, not my thing at all, and two their has to be some female deep in the goblin nests, and I would rather see the "hero" go slaughter the males to get to her to put a stop to the goblin problem then way that pilot went.

    So to me I like it, writing is good, I mean its good, like could it be better maybe, but its better then a lot of RPGM games I seen on here, and still funny just not I caught myself laughing out loud funny.

    Artwork is good, I know its just renders, but good quality yet again could be better but still better then illusion game rendered content, even though at times I wondered how old the assets were for the MC lol

    Overall say its worth playing and is something I will be following hoping for more content. Defiantly worth a try in current state and can't wait to see where this is in 2022 :p
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    There's a certain trend of h games and h material these days that try to be too edgy or gross, or tease you too much, and unfortunately sometimes both. These games tend to drag aimlessly, and often hinting at scenes but never showing them. Once they do give the carrot, they run out of patreon bait.

    This is NOT one of those games. Goblin Layer is a rather refreshing take h game trends. The game's humor is straightforward and charming, and the same can be said about the scenes and interactions. It never takes itself too seriously that the jokes no longer land. It is straightforward, consistent in its tone and vision, and delivers what it sets out to do.

    No pussyfooting, no bait and switch, and no dragging things out. What you see, is what you get. I look forward to this game's development.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The chad knight vs Goblin simps... great art and sex scenes to boot. Still on the short side, but still being updated. There is an rpg battle system but no grinding required.
    Overall its a good game, cant wait for more content
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Goblin Layer [v0.3] review

    Ok since other asshats below are grading this low because the amount of content, I'm going to have to step in and do a review. I normally don't involve myself this early in the development of a game but the rating seems really really unfair for this one. "Oh you've just started this project? - Well fuck you then!" It boggles the mind...

    This is a very light hearted RPG parody porn game and its' main selling point is the humor. Well, and the dirty sex of course, but mostly the humor.

    The writing is really top notch and the dev plays around with expectations a lot. You're seldom getting what you're expecting, and that's great!

    There's some decent content in here, maybe 0.5-1 hours of play with a variety of sex scenes implemented.

    Give it a try if you want something light hearted and fun. And definitely don't try it if you need 4 hours of content or more to feel happy about trying a new game.