The first release is very good, I think he needs to give the community some more love to get some good developer points
Like, don't make Tier build from the start, especially if you have a reputation for abandoning games."Always work hard at the start to make a fan base of Simps and money launderers to protect your feature fuck ups"Darkcookie
Don't say release dates if you can't respect them.
Don't put more additional characters in the game"This is an incest game so the focus must be on the fetish, any other woman who is not part of the family is not gonna get a big interest like the main cast".Focus on the selling point"
Be nice and communicate even offtopic with the community"Especially with the pirate community..your game will get pirated that's the reality on many sites but that's how you get cloud and some will donate money for you"
If your feature release is like the first one. I can see you going big with this game