VN - Ren'Py - Godson Remake [v0.1.95 Gold Part 2] [Cheesecake Studio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I lasted all of five minutes before I had to quit this one.

    So you wake up with amnesia, hardly an original beginning but no matter, it can still be good. But then MC pretends like nothing is wrong like those around him are actually gonna buy that, but most of all, why? there's absolutely no reason to make that pretense unless he suspects foul play, which he has no reason to.

    Next up we get thrown into yet another pointless and empty sandbox, with the added bonus of having really really shitty navigation. No thanks, hard pass for me.

    Only positive thing I have on this one is that the models are passably nice, unfortunately that's just not enough to make me suffer through the rest.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Since I can't delete the review to add a new one or have one for Godson and one for the remake, this will be the review for the remake. And, to start with it, I must say I liked it way less than the original. First reason: the story. It's bad. It's not written poorly but by the end of 0.1 version you have no clear reason for why anything is happening, what it has to do with anything, or any reason to actually keep playing. The characters so far are uninteresting as well, quite crazy but in an extreme yet uninteresting way. And choices so far don't seem to matter much, even though there are plenty, but that is usual when it's just a first release.

    Render quality is quite fine but I didn't like the character models much (but that is a matter of taste). Music is decent and there are a few sounds here and there that improve the experience.

    So far, the game is looking poorly, we'll see if this improves or not over time.
  3. 3.00 star(s)



    Would this be a complete game - or half a game - I would probably say something on the lines of "It's worth it for the ability to fuck this 'totally not your slutty sister' - Megan Fox looking bimbo".

    However it's not a complete game. Nor is it really a game, but a demo. And as far as a demo goes, I have more fears than praise.

    It's an empty sandbox world, with clicking on arrows to progress a completely linear story. The story is stupid AF - this coming from a dude who is into porn for the sake of porn. Give me incest, bestiality and much more insane shit. Give me magic rings and fairy god-mothers that give you a magic cock and a good fucking.

    But here? it's bad. Your "totally not mom" sees you in bed, not breathing. Panicks. Goes and makes some tea or coffe, comes back to see you alive, hugs you, goes back to the tea. You have amnesia and your head hurts. Does she call an ambulance? Tell you to go see a doctor? Nop. Just ... finishes making tea or whatever.

    I have - no hopes - that this will ever end up being a finished product. But only time will tell. At this point in time, there's one amazingly hot model, two okay models, and a less-than-okay model but with huge boobs.

    And a painfully bad and short sandbox.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Characters Renders
    Overall renders

    Not that good:
    Epilogue wasn't well developed, for a guy with amnesia it's response to what was going on was just like as someone arriving in an unknown environment, Milf didn't even calling a Doc after weeks of "coma" was weird too.
    Characters presentations wasn't that well developed too.

    Navigate through the house was unnecessarily difficult, dev might think a better way to do it, larger arrows, lightboxes though doors/passways or a "The Sims" house view would be better.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Norman Knight

    This review may change depending on future updates.

    the first thing that needs to be said its that the visual aspect its well done, the characters have interesting designs that look different from the stock models that appear in most other games, clearly the dev spent time working on the models to make them look unique including the MC model.

    The quality of the renders its really good and the environments are also different from the usual rooms.

    In terms of the story so far there is not much to go on, the MC has amnesia so rediscovering his life might be the basis of the plot although apparently there is more to discover.

    Since this is a first version, there's not a lot of content, although there was supposed to be more than what it's currently shown, but due to hardware problems the full content was not released, a future update might rectify this showing the full planed content.

    The gameplay aspect its where things get complicated, the game has a freeroam system that could be simpler to navigate since in its current form it takes too many clicks to go from place to the other, it also has the recurring problem with freeroam games of having many areas but too little content to see.

    I do recommend people to play this game since its visual aspect are really good and the story presents several possibilities that are worth exploring in future updates.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Edit: I am going to keep most things in the original review because those were my genuine feelings while playing the game for the first time. However, the dev reached out to explain a few things. I won't spoil a thing out of respect for them and you who is playing this game. BUT, this story will have guts and plenty of intrigue and everything in this version has a purpose. That's all I will say. Based on what the dev told me I upped my rating to 4 stars because the story sounds too good to pass up if done well.

    Now on with my original review

    I expected this first look to be a lot longer considering it was greater than 1 GB download size(explained in dev notes), but it was pretty average. Given that, this is a very subjective review and will change in the future.

    Others have said it before me, the initial plot device is wholly unoriginal. Immediately you are hit with the amnesia bat. Dude wakes up in his room and is like "Where am I!?". I audibly groaned. This plot device is almost a guarantee in a new game anymore. What's worse is I literally just got done with another amnesia game update right before booting this up. Anyways, what comes after that is worse. The... mom? aunt? comes in and is like "I found you in your room not breathing!" I'm sorry, what!? You didn't call an ambulance? At this point if the game isnt about a failed murder plot I will be more confused and upset about this massive plot hole. Also, if he wasn't breathing and this all took place weeks ago the MC should definitely be dead. Then you meet everyone else in the house including Megan Fox and that's pretty much all there is to it at this point.

    The renders are... good, I think. Sometimes they look amazing and other times something looks haunting about them. Especially the MC. I'm going to put my favorite part up top here, I loved the house. I have never seen it before. I'm not sure if its an original, but every part of it seemed fresh and lovingly made. Now for the characters. The MC felt off to me for some reason. He doesn't look bad, but for some reason the first name that came to mind was Willem Dafoe. He looks his age and his skin isn't perfect which I admire. There is a shot or two that his hair part is very very parted. Bald stripe down his head. Megan Fox looks like Megan Fox. The Mom and younger sister look related but Fox does not. Then there is the obligitory massive busted friend that shows up. The models aren't perfect, but they aren't bad. I'd argue that sometimes they look too life-like for a game like this and that's what is off putting to me.

    As for the writing; I couldn't find anything overtly wrong or cringy outside of the overused plot. At this point I'd welcome back the long forgotten son trope. The dialogue wasn't that great. It feels clunky. The dude has amnesia, he has already told one person, so why not tell them all? They are bound to find out. I loved the old cartoon implementation of the MC talking to the friend. The conversation was once sided, we can't hear the friend. That being said, it makes me feel less like I am the MC and more like I'm watching him. (Edit: I don't play these games with sound, but I guess the friends lines were spoken not written? Personally not a fan of that choice.)

    The gameplay is pretty limited but I do have early issues. Along with it being another amnesia game, it's also, thus far, a sandbox on rails. You can click around the house, but you can't go in closed rooms unless you're meant to. My sisters and I never ever locked our doors, so what did this creep do that they lock their doors when they are inside? Also, choices are limited and a most of them I looked at and said "umm, neither?" because they were so clearly not what a normal person would do, even with amnesia. Either make a true sandbox or a true VN, don't try to do both unless it's like Being a DIK where they have dedicated sections that contribute to the plot.

    This is way too much to say about a game with maybe 15 minutes of play time. Give it a shot if you aren't adverse to 0.1s, and if you are then add this to your watchlist.

    Good luck dev.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    This is typically one of those 'depends on what you're looking for' games. The visuals are awesome and most of the female models look very sexy. But if you're looking for an original story and realistic characters then you might want to keep looking, because neither are here.

    Even though this is only a (short) first release, it's already pretty clear where this game is heading. No-nonsense, fast paced and lots of sex.

    The renders are top-notch, with lots of detail in both the models and the general surroundings. It all looks very realistic. The only thing that stands out are the comically large breasts on some of the female models. Not my thing but I guess some people like that stuff. The use of English is flawless (which unfortunately isn't self-evident in these games) and I liked the use of music and sounds.

    And that's it. If you like to watch some high resolution bimbo chicks get fucked then this is probably the game for you, but don't expect a realistic story to go with that. This is your typical 'geek in a house full of horny chicks' game. One with very nice visuals, but nothing more.

    Your "friend of your" mom thinks it's totally fine when you suddenly kiss her, you big sister(?) walks around the house half naked and lets you touch her breasts to 'refresh your memory', and her friend has tits so big it looks like she's wearing another person under her shirt. That's the kind of stuff you should expect. And if that doesn't bother you this could become something really nice.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A fun enjoyable VN

    -Great renders
    -Unique models and assets
    -Great amount of details present
    -Got good humor with nice presentation
    -Great writing
    -Voiced part was lit it was really funny and goes along really well
    -Nice music

    now for the story part it's way too early to comment on that but it definitely has potential
    Got a feeling it will be another fun VN looking forward to future updates
    Goodluck dev
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I am a little confused about what to think about this one.

    On the upper hand I love the "Megan" aka Jennifer (big sister) model, for sure like the most once who jumped on this game.
    The idea with the vocals is a nice fresh spark and I wish the Developer all the luck and success he needs, to get some female voice actors, which I too believe the most people would love.
    The guy is ok and like I said a great idea, but listen later to just him maybe having a sex scene and the girl keeps quiet? Shivers in all the wrong ways ;-)
    For me it was even hard to listen to him during their counter-strike game and sorry but I skipped the most of it. Perhaps it would be a good idea to write his text down too, so you can read if there are some important details in his lines.
    Most of the girls have the large boobs problem, but it is right on the line of being too much, without the friend of Jennifer. She looks just ridiculous, like she had cancer in both breasts and had to replace them with a bathtub.
    The writing and story so far… are what they are, a porn game. So if you are offended with people acting like just a pornstar would in extraordinary circumstances then you might have no fun here. If you are looking for a silly little fantasy, to have some fun, with some fresh ideas and especially one great looking model, then this might be your thing.
    No sex scenes so far but it seems that there will be some, not to far down the road.