good morning everyone, the second scene of pinkie for now is from patreon (and third and fourth ....) the second one will be this month for freeok thanks also how you get pinkie pie 2nd scene ?
The male protagonist gives us bugs and we continue to fix it, neither you nor the patreons have it, as long as there are no more problems, both the free and the patreons will be able to choose itI enjoy the concept and the style of this game. I was wondering however if you will be adding a male protagonist soon?
The minigame for now easy version, you just have to press the arrows that are marked on the sides, in the next level the arrows will disappear and you can only help with the Luna animation or the tilt meter, and in the hard version you will only have one thing to guide youHow do I balance the serving dish with the drink?
working on it, we will put a complete guide on the hentaired web, you will simply have to look for your version and there you will have all the details, but for now under construction, if you have doubts or questions I will gladly answer allyeah a walkthrough will be cool, imagine using the free version and trying to find things of other tiers
It is a slow process because you have to put many things each time, correct a bug, add animated scenes, etc ... I will not deny that we work in other games but golden is very time consuming, anyway we think slow progress is more fun to go Little by little perverting them, we try to make scenes for all the versions and new places to explore, the next the cafeteria opens, and from there (which we will have at 40%) the exterior of the casino and the first look at ponyvilleWith how slow progress was made with the project i kinda expected you to work and have this as your side project... pretty sure thats how a lot indie devs do it.
I could be wrong about the slow progress but i've seen this here quite a while ago and don't see a lot of difference
Being able to use kb and mouse with vr still will be very good.This scene is focused on the new feature that we have in the project (it is already on the table but it is still early) we want to put it in VR so you will see many scenes focused on this style, you can play it with keyboard and mouse as always but they are little things that already we are doing