VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Good Girl Gone Bad [v1.2 Jasmin DLC] [Eva Kiss]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was much better than I expected!

    Honestly, I was a bit unsure about the art style and the fact that MC was female. But I'm glad I gave this a spin.

    The story itself wasn't anything new, but I felt like your decisions really had weight on MC and the path that the story would be going. I think I'll be playing again trying a different path.

    Characters were deep enough for them to have personalities and that was a really nice touch given the diverse cast.

    Give the game a go, it's definitely on my top 5. Give the dev some love as well if you can.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best real RPG game here.
    There are so many paths this is amazing.
    And the story changes completely.
    You will enjoy this game if you are interested only in the story since the design and the scenes are not on top but this is not a problem for me.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Bruce the Lee

    Gameplay is quick, you can stack corrupt choices fast. It is satisfying to corrupt the MC this way. The art is great if a little bit sparse. The story here is second to none, with so many pathways to choose from that you never feel roped into one direction. This here is one of my favourite games on this site. I really enjoyed playing this game and it really has multiple play through value
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Doubtlessly one of the best erotic games (particularly virtual novels) to come out in recent years. Given the lack of serious competition, I would go as far as to say that it is the best Western VN of the recent past.

    It's not without flaws, the two biggest being that:
    - the art style is based on real porn images turned into drawings which leads to some inconsistencies and sometimes looks a tiny bit weird (particularly the older men you can be with).
    - the plot revolves around sex to such a degree that not all decisions you make make perfect sense, which can be a big factor for some.

    However, compared to the many, many, MANY games on this site alone which can boast neither something resembling decent art nor coherent writing, this game certainly looks flawless.

    It's a testament to both the versatility (and replayability) of CYOA-type games when effort is put into making distinct paths available and to how such development can eventually stall (I remember EvaKiss writing that she would probably work on this for a long, long time - which she obviously renounced, since she wrapped this up) but make no mistake: this game is completed and work was put into making it a wrap-up that felt natural. And do not misunderstand the suggested flaws as too significant: the art design IS overall very good and rather unique so far, the writing engaging both during regular and sex scenes which are neither too long nor too short. There's a lot of sex scenes, most of them with some variations, and while the logic behind some decisions is porn-y, it's not so outlandish that it's a turn-off.

    Overall, this is probably one of the neatest packages of VN goodness you will come across for years to come.
    Definitely worth a try, no matter what you're looking for (since it probably has some story path in store for you).
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Having played this game way too many times, I can say it's a really good game. the vast majority of choices matter and there is a different ending based on which relationships survive and which don't. With that in mind, if you like the characters it might be worth it to play through and get a few different endings. The vast majority of characters can be romanced, though some are harder to bed than others. The best example of this that I can think of is the protagonist's Latina best friend. You have several options:

    1. Become too different and fight
    2. Stay friends, and go down dark paths together
    3. Stay friends in a healthy relationship for everyone
    4. F*** like rabbits and convince her to become lesbian (Note that this option is really hard to get. If you don't pick the perfect two options, this isn't even a path you can choose.)

    And this is just your direct relationship with her. You also decide whether or not she and her boyfriend break up no matter what path you choose. Now, to be fair, this isn't true with every character, and I couldn't give you a list even if I wanted, because I don't have 100 hours to read through every possible path. The writing is...okay, which is sad since I really like some of the characters and the different sides of them you can see. I'm not sure how to put this without directly making a reference to an outside source, but it's similar to a less well written Jane Austin novel combined with an 80s story-based porno. If you laughed, or none of this sounds offensive to you, I can easily recommend you play it. The Jasmine DLC is worth getting. I originally played this game on a separate website that already had that content, so I wasn't even aware that it's not part of the base game. Fair warning, Jasmine is trans, so if you're not into that, then don't get it. There is no other content that comes with that DLC.

    A final warning is that relationships really matter. Characters react in pretty realistic ways of getting cheated on, and there are characters that won't have sex with you if they know you're in a serious relationship. If you want to cheese the game, make a save file late in the game and go through every possible romance option based on what's happened. If you memorize most of the different choices as I did, it's really easy to speed run and get back to the sex scenes which is a plus. Overall a fantastic game with a crazy (for this kind of game) amount of replayability and variety. It's only limiting factor is that the plot is almost nonexistent. Almost. It's there, but the plot is really just the relationships, and the rest is just fluff. If you don't like the characters, which considering how easy some of the bad paths are to get is understandable, then I can't say this game is worth your time. Based purely on how much time I've spent with this game, I'd rate this game around 8/10, but objectively it's more like a 6 or 7. Meh, I'll still give it four stars.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    S*x with father, your bf's dad,your bf's dad f*ck her own daughter,you cheat your bf with his own father,
    you get pregnant from your own father.

    Sadly parth of this game when you look around can find people alreay live this before...

    I don't like incest and definitely denied that parts.
    But this game definitely have different vibe.Because i said before we have people in our life.They already lived similar and different things.

    No animation, only 2d draw this ones are not even so good(Arthur and father or any old age character look like a dog for real,mostly s*x scenes are looks like so funny when u look them faces you can understand me) . Story and dramatic parts make this game successful.

    Good Girl Gone Bad: I did'nt even get enjoyed i feel like sorry for Chrachters and some sciations make ruin their life

    This game is not a s*x game to me.

    Some parts in world people are live this.
    That's a drama game...

    My Points for game 10/6.5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    What a well written and amazing game. Replayed it multiple times for the different endings, so worth it. Simple but beautiful art, too. Thanks!

    In my opinion, it's the best adult game made so far. How I wish more creators were making content like this.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Perhaps one of the most iconic erotic games out of here. GGGB lets you plenty of life-like fantasies following the adventures of Ashley. You should definitely try this game, you can go vanilla or go full bad girl, with plenty of intermediate states, fetishes and relationships to choose from. But be careful: your decisions can have a profound impact in game, and sometimes they are more important than simply collecting Good or Bad points!

    EvaKiss is a genius!

    Small negative note: I would have liked the end being a bit more paced. Last update was not as carefully designed as the full game and this can be a bit of a downgrade.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    * One of the best adult games - for a reason
    * Interesting story with branching progress into different endings
    * Content gets a bit repetitive towards the end, with very similar H-scenes, but overall there is a good variety
    * The art style is not everyone's cup of tea, but I like it
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I was pretty hyped about this game, seeing all the reviews and comments, but it didn't do it for me.

    The overall story is okay-ish but branches out a lot leaving a lot of characters underdeveloped IMO. I tried the bad route and it feels kinda forced and fast paced at times.

    It has a great amount of content in term of CGs and most of them are okay but I feel like it's traced over a pic, which I don't mind honestly, but makes it look kinda stiff

    Overall I think it's meant for someone who likes the reading part of a VN rather than the visual part

    Should you give it a try? For me it's worth only one playthrough at most, even if I didn't unlock everything, but different people have different taste and it seems a lot of people enjoyed this kind of game
  11. B
    5.00 star(s)


    How does a game with no animation in its sex scenes get to being in the top 10 of the weighted ranking on this site? With great, great story. This game probably has the best story of all the games I've played here. It really focuses on relationships and sex, not on stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with what makes us play lewd games (i.e. lewd scenes). There is real sexual tension in a couple of scenes and the writing really helps.

    I really hated that it has a rape scene, however. But that one scene doesn't make the rest of the game less excellent, so I'm keeping my 5 stars. Sure, you might think this is just another fantasy, but that and -18 stuff are the very lines that you should not cross, ever, by no reason at all. Shame on the dev to feed it and shame on every single fuck out there who gets off on it.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    For this review, I create a rule: Everything that I won't talk about, I don't dislike. So, as an example, I won't say anything about all the body-mod options because I like them.

    "And. Here. We. Go."

    Some of the biggest strengths of GGGB are also its biggest flaws.
    - You could cut 1/3 of named NPCs without harming the story. In my opinion it would even improve the story and the resources could be used on other, underdeveloped, characters.
    - While the amount of options within the story is mindblowing, it also creates the problem that, if you start to "game" it, you can easily create logic-errors both in back to back scenes that contradict each other and also causing the script to get hick-ups (basicly you see scenes you shouldn't see because you're on a different path).
    - Between different scenes for the same character I got more than once the impression that the text (in form, style and variety of words) was written by 2-3 different persons. There are also still many noticable typos.
    - The developer trys, and mostly fails, to please to many different kinks. This ain't pokemon, you don't have to catch them all...
    - Haven't played the devs 2nd game yet but from what I've seen and read thus far, someone has a clear bias toward POC. Not that it's bad, it's just not my taste.
    - But what bothers me the most is that, no matter what you do, you're forced to at least "explore" the first few scenes of each path. As an example (Spoilers: DUH!) I tryed a fully "good girl" run, avoiding every "trap" to get Eva into bed but all of a sudden on Jessicas Party she turned into a cockslut out of nowhere... And with her now getting gang banged by gang bangers that run was over...

    So yeah...only "average" at best.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very top of the pyramid of porn games, the amount of quality content is insane, from the porn to the writing to the tons of choice and branching path it's a true masterpiece.

    Absolutely would recommand to anyone into porn games, a must play !
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    As others have said, GGGB is the gold standard adult VNs:
    • Actually complete and not rushed
    • Great art with a focus on realistic proportions
    • Memorable characters with many different sides to them
    • Some light character customization that still fits the linear nature of the VN
    • Your choices actually matter, game has endless branching story paths
    • A developer that provided sizeable updates regularly, and was completely transparent with supporters the entire development
    I could go on and on, but my most concise way to praise the game is saying that someone can complete this game 5 times and still have missed PLENTY of unique content. Not just sex scenes, but entire character arcs (and also sex scenes). Highly recommend for anyone, and you might wanna keep an eye on the dev's next project, Our Red String.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    so many content, so many routes, so many endings : done like 25 times still discovering new things.
    no grinding, no rushing the story. the game is completed, with lots of ending, making sense with how you play.
    if you have to play only one eroge, its this one.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For quite a while I put this game on hold as I was not sure if it was worth it or not.

    Well, it is worthy. Very much so

    - the game is quite complex and has a lot of option that change what happend next. The developer had quite a bit to make sure that everything is kept in a logical order.
    - the galery option was usefull for me. After playing the game a few times (ok, maybe a bit more then a few times) I was wondering if I still missed something. So this proved to be really useful.
    - there is place for customisation (with/without implants, piercing, tatoos)

    - there is actually a character development
    + Ashley can become good, bad or anything in between
    + Eva also have quite an interesting evolution based on your evolution and advice

    - the storyline is quite complex and there are various path that you can choose
    - your choises really metter and if you play it a few times you can see that what you say to other characters really make a difference in their path.
    - also, having the story told from a girl perspective is refreshing for me.
    - the story is long and it takes you some time. I appreciated it so much given that out there are so many games that are short or start well but end too soon
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1671018

    Hm, no clue why this game is rated so well to be honest. It has several issues, as far as I can see it. It starts with small ones like typos and grammar mistakes, then goes over to disjointed sections. For instance, I never met that Doug guy but apparently he somehow told me stuff about Iris. Same with that rap person. Met him once, was generally not interested but apparently I texted him a few times which is never shown and there was no indication of it at all, until they established that as a fact for some reason. I refused Jack, so apparently he was super pissed off but later he interacts with me with like nothing happened (but at least me refusing him was referred to).
    And then there are things the game forces you to do or into all the time. Wasn't interested in meeting Jessica or buying clothing but for some reason, it happened all the time. In general, the game pushes really hard into making the main character more slutty. No, I don't want to buy more "sexy" clothing. Get a tattoo (which is permanent) because life is changing and you want to signify it that way? What the fuck is that kind of reasoning? No, I don't want to get a damn tattoo, however many times the game wants to force it onto me. At least with a piercing they only tried it once. *sigh*
    Also, what was with the main character being a huge bitch when her contract as a part-time worker at the marketing firm ends? She immediately accuses the boss of not extending because she didn't sleep with him. The boss even explains that they have tons of work and need full-time employees which she couldn't be anyway due to college. No, she makes a huge scene and then wants to get paid off, so that she leaves quietly. Bah. There are also some things she says which make her seem like a 15- or 16-year-old. Like apparently, if you are confident about your body, you have to show it off to the world. Lol. Hey, news flash, if you are confident about your body, you don't have to do that. She also says some mean things about her father which is apparently standard. I certainly never selected any of those and the only negative thing I did in that regard was moving out because I wanted to be independent.
    There were also the sex scenes...which I generally preferred skipping though.
    It's an ok game in the end. It has its share of problems, from small ones to larger, more general ones. It does offer some variety and length though.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is great if a little bit sparse. The writing and choices are truly superlative and where the game really shines! There's a lot more depth than I expected too. Definitely recommend giving it a try.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really one my favorite game it really has a lot of path. You can play though the game at least 5 or 6 times with a very different approach . Your main character Ashley can really become more than just good or bad there is a lot of interaction with every other character.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Lot of endings,
    lot of paths which are really different from each other,
    customizable character through the story,
    achieving what you want is pretty easy (Avalaible choices consequences are almost always easy to understand)
    really good drawings.

    I can't find anything bad about this game.