Hell yeah, a TLS fan. Good taste.
Dungeon Days - This is a game I like to give a shoutout to every chance I get. It's relatively new in terms of content and is a kinetic novel, but this is probably the only game out the hundreds I've played that reminded me of TLS in terms of harem dynamics. There's real care going into the girls relationships not only with the MC, but with each other as well. The Harem itself hasn't really started yet but still a very good game so far.
Noblesse Oblige - This game is actually inspired by TLS (confirmed by the dev if I remember right) and plays very similarly as a grand RPGM game with a lot of story, combat, major decisions, etc etc. You'll notice pretty quick. I'm going to be real and say the lewd content is by far the weakest part of the game, and the "harem" is really only a throuple relationship. Last time I played there was only one scene outside of that relationship and it's tied to a major decision that you'll probably not choose. Not a ton of sex scenes in the first place either. But because of its similarity to TLS I figured I'd mention it.
My Time With You - Pure harem and the story revolves around it. Very well written. Cute and Cozy. There's some drama and twists but nothing too heavy. Girls interact with each other a lot, but there hasn't been threesomes or anything like TLS. Not sure if there are plans for them tbh.
Desert Stalker - I think this fits more on the well written side. You have a harem, but not all the girls are connected into one big one. I feel like it's more just one aspect of the game rather than it being a major key element if that makes sense. But regardless a solid game and very high quality.
A House in the Rift - One of the reasons I like this is because of how much the love interests interact with each other. It's not the most riveting game in terms of story, but it's chill and fun. I think by now some aspects feel a bit dated as well but it has a ton of content.
If you sort harem games by weighted rating there's some solid titles in there as well. TLS is the cream of the crop imo but there's a lot of harem games around. This post could turn into an essay really.