Seeking Good RPG mechanics porn game

Apr 10, 2022
So as strange as this may sound, i HATE every single rpg porn game ive played. Primarily because i love RPGs. Every game ive played thus far has put porn first RPG second. I wouldnt mind a really good RPGM game, but nearly as i can tell its just about impossible to make a really good RPG on that software(it is too limited). So while i wouldnt mind an "old school" rpg well made, im really looking for more of an ARPG(proper use of action, aka diablo 2 style), side scroller RPG(with meaningful items/combat). Id also like if possible to avoid the whole "you took damage so clothes disappear/mid battle you get fucked" type mechanics as i find at least every time ive seen that, that it detracts from the RPG elements.

As far as tags i might be interested in, i mean beggars cant be choosers. i just want a really good RPG experience, with some porn thrown in at some point. Not even focused on good story(though that would be a BIG plus).

Oh to be clear: im not saying no lewdness in combat. i dont care if one of the skills is super titty smash or naked goblin wants to get goblin slayered. I just dont want combat to be "interrupted" with tentacle rape or whatever.
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4 Anon

Jan 13, 2020
Love of Magic while it isn't really what you asked for (arpg or side scroller) the story is great, combat minigame is fun and has stat and item (gem) progression. (I've only played book 1 so I cant comment on the 2nd book)
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Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
It's almost impossible to find smut that has half-decent gameplay, let alone a proper RPG. I have 3 suggestions though, and they're all RPGM but very different.

SKA - the combat system itself is pretty standard RPGM, however the systems around it like the way you gain power and the lack of grind make it stand out as something different. I've played a bunch of RPGM smut, and this has the most solid gameplay overall, dev knows what they're doing.

Karryn's Prison - the sex is integrated fully into the combat system. The sex doesn't interrupt the combat - it's one way to knock enemies out of the fight. I have a bunch of gripes with the game mechanics personally, but I say give it a shot. AFAIK it's the most popular western RPGM porn game.

Olecta - this stands out as something more "RPG" in the sense that there are different approaches to situations, and it has character creation. It's also a dungeon-crawler, with exploration and management of limited resources. Pretty well-made as I recall, definitely better than the average JRPG dreck on RPGM.
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Apr 10, 2022
Thanks for the replies, ill be sure to check some of these out(some i have tried already)
It's almost impossible to find smut that has half-decent gameplay, let alone a proper RPG. I have 3 suggestions though, and they're all RPGM but very different.
Yeah i kinda figured, ive tried a ton(30+) of RPG/rpgm games and just not found anything that is like "ok this is a great RPG" idk i guess i find badish dialog more palatable in VN's primarily because its so much easier to skip. Instead in an RPG i have to run all over talk to this person then that person then that person, the entire time with bad dialog that is way less skippable. Which means im interacting/doing combat a lot to get to the next scene so it better be done WELL or it makes me aggravated enough that im just gonna quit. That or you get those "RPGs" that are a VN just made in RPGM for some reason. Like if you have literally 0 combat, use of items, etc WHY is this an "RPG"! So i figured id ask my fellow degenerates here if they had any ideas, as shooting in the dark is not working for me.


Dec 12, 2021
Karryns Prison :
prison wardon gets corrupted baddass OR turned to a Prison whore. U choose .

Kingdom of deception :
Uptight Nobel women ends up in a orc camp to controll them, become a DOM of orcs or Sub whore for orcs, U choose.

Renryuu Ascension:
Overpowered protagonist becomes king only birth right. Solve the countries problems by exploring and expanding your herem
Oct 31, 2017
So Games (with porn) that have good RPG mechanics?

Rance Series - While I must shamefully admit I haven't finished all the games yet, you can not go wrong with either Kichikuou Rance or Sengoku Rance as though they're more in the strategy game genre, their mechanics are fucking solid. By that I mean I've seen it argued that you could remove all the porn from Sengoku and it would still be a game worth playing, and I can't disagree with that. Another good strategy game from Alicesoft would be Daibanchou - Big Bang Age, but if you want more of a more traditional party based jRPG maybe look up Evenicle. It starts off a bit silly and can be grindy, but combat is pretty solid in that one (have yet to touch the sequel as of yet.)

Kamidori Alchemy Meister - While I would like to just recommend Eushully's games as a whole, my backlog isn't shrinking quite quickly enough for me get to their more recently translated games. But I will second the recommendation of this one, as an sRPG where you run a store selling items you've crafted from monsters you've killed is pretty fun, if at times grindy. One of the few sRPGs I've played to 100% completion, and I can't say the same of Tactics Ogre or Final Fantasy Tactics.

Bunny Black - Wizardry-style dungeon crawler where you lead a party of monsters protecting the dungeons from those pesky, loot-hunting adventures. Wide choice of monsters to pick for your party, and a good amount of skill/stat choice for the MC, downside being that aside from MC the party is controlled by AI which, uhhh, ain't exactly Harvard material (sequel has full party control, iirc).

Off the top of my head that's what I've got for the more standard RPG fare. While I do know of other eroges with RPG elements, sadly I'm not gaining enough ground in my backlog to properly say anything about them.

But in a more oddball take on RPG mechanics I gotta mention The Dungeon of Lulu Farea (which for some reason I recall using the Wolf RPG engine.) While it does have RPG stats & combat, dungeon levels are set up more as puzzles where you're trying to find the optimal route to get through them rather than just killing everything for xp. Add a limited money pool & some resource management to the mix, and you're in for an interesting time. Hell, I even forgot this game had porn in it at times because I was so focused on the progression. Again, not exactly in the realm of what you were asking for, but I found it to be well designed enough to be worth a look.
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