They don't need to figure out how to "decompile" anything to extract the images already. The people saying that's a motivation again don't have a clue what they're talking about. Godot just puts everything into a single file. A built-in option in Godot is to encrypt the PCK/project files and they haven't even done that. You just need tools for working with Godot projects, all easily available from GitHub with a Google search. I've already got the full project open in the Godot editor and I had to put zero work into deobfuscation.
You sure about that? cause these "images" aren't readable. quite a lot of effort required to simply get an image. more than renpy. (the superior engine for VNs XD )
Unless maybe, you don't want people to easily access it, like renpy, or find the cheat code easily, also like renpy.
Now, there's gonna be a modder that does. But why should the player be punished for it, with an inferior product? that is twice the download size? (there isn't twice the amount of content :| )
Just shows, imo, the dev cares more about their money, than respecting their supporters time (and money). (and I know time isn't respected because you have to restart the game XD )
Not something I have to care about though, that's on the supporters.