I got past it in Chapter Select. I can't remember what I did specifically, but I didn't get right away. I think I just kept going around entering and exiting places and it eventually worked.Meet up with Sayuri at night in front of the love hotel - It's not possible to pass ATM, several people in the thread had the same problem - it's softlocked ATM. Wait for the fix.
It's a known bug, fix is to be expected in early January. From their Discord:Yasuka's corruption route still locked out after love hotel sex, anyone able to bypass this ?
Just read the two message above yours.I'm hanging here, I can't do anything, neither train, work nor take a nap
Forward time is also not available ...
Ouch, anyone who can read has a clear advantage, or in german "wer lesen kann ist klar im vorteil", thxJust read the two message above yours.
From 0.10 changelogThe pubes option is useless atm right?
I have yet to see the benifits of the engine change, so far it's just bugs and crashes. I have no idea what thay were trying to do that they had to switch to godot played the updates fom here and doesn't look like any big changes other then the obvious crashing and burning . I held my support for the devs when they announced the forbidden engine change, i do hope thy fix everything cuz i like the game a lot.Its both the engine changes fault that it crashes and not the engines fault that it crashes.
Godot works fine in tons of games, the thing is porting a game after years of development to a new engine will always be a nightmare. That goes double if you have a small team. And again double if you are crowdfunded and expected to create a running build regularly. And it goes even more double if you port it from a highly specialized engine like renpy to a very broad engine like godot.
Before the dev had the functionality of renpy to work with, which doesn't allow a huge amount of creativity in how things work, but they did work. The functions were thoroughly tested and stable.
Now they need to implemented everything on their own in godot. What a small dev team makes on their own in a couple months is just not gonna be as stable as something that's been designed and tested over years by a dedicated team and there's gonna be a ton of bugs if you do it. Like we see here.
Let's hope they manage to fix most of these bugs and get more comfortable with the engine as time goes on.