I have played and beaten all 3 hack & stalk games. They are fun short games. Personally, I like 2 best then 1, then 3. They are good games, and I am pleased that there is a creator out there completing games in a timely fashion. Props to the Architect, and thanks for the games.
I think Goons Raid Her has the potential to be better than all 3 of those games combined upon completion. The graphics have improved, and I like how you can walk around, and interact with stuff.
I look forward to how this thing is going to branch out.
Path 1: Slutty agreeable to let the goon fondle your tits (Slut route)
Path 2: Fighter, beat those goons ass don't take no shit! (Hopefully builds up like love/trust with MC and can have her to yourself)
Path 3: Slave / Rape Route, fight those goons, but lose. (Wind up in jail / raped)
Path 4: Sneaky route jumping past the wall (not sure, maybe a different keep her to yourself route like fighter route, this may be keep her a pure virgin route?)
I would just make 3 minor changes though.
1) Autorun, no need to hold down Z to run. Togglable, a minor annoyance to hold z always when moving because when you walk you walk as if you got a stick up your ass taking forever. I noticed some folks mention they don't even know they can run lol... Sad for them. I didn't figure it out til about 5 minutes in.
2) Fighting made easier... Lara got a glass jaw she can't even take 1 hit, and it takes MANY hits to drop the very first guy in a fight. I had to fight the guy like 6 times before I could win. Seeing as this is the FIRST fight I can only see them getting harder...
3) A story mode with all time sensitivity disabled. So you can stop to think on how you want to reply, and fights are super easy because you can just to dodge/attack or "what?" and lose without them popping up randomly. It would also include an "auto solve" for puzzles.