
Jul 30, 2022
I think with Shizuka we have already seen what type of situation Shizuka is gonna be in with Thomas. She is gonna be his pet and she will be "rewarded" when she is good.
We have seen the groundwork for this laid with her demanding to call him "Master" as well as how she wanted head pats just like Molly then later on the belly rubs.
Let us not forget how she was with Liz as well.

I'm personally not opposed to this if this is the plan. But if it's a darker BDSM situation like Karen I can't see or want to see.
It is also being driven from Shizuka's point rather than Thomas' which makes a big difference to me, I just hope she stays more like the little sister type until the more intimate moments. I love how adorable she is learning all these new things and hope her submissive desires does not become her full time thing. Would not be opposed if it gets used as a means for Thomas to teach her to be more assertive himself.
Such as he pushes her to ask/demand things but given how she grew up it does not sit right with her so she can't play with "Master" and instead Thomas uses the dildo's to still make her feel good instead, trying to reinforce it's good for her to push things about herself.

It could be Moonbox is utilising how she has had no freedom till now to make her enjoy being the "pet" type with Thomas, It would be a sort of comfort to her as it feels familiar yet she is just pleasing her "Master" by doing things he encourages her to do.

But hell I maybe reading way to much into it as well.


Nov 29, 2018
If someday this game is completed with the currently quality it will be the best vanilla harem game of this site

-The MC is not a pussy good boy or a creepy perv or an asshole (those three are the mcs in all ero games)
He is a Normal and charismatic guy :D

- Variety of characters all type of beautiful girls

- The inc*st is not forced like many games it is step by step and have logic cause the relationhips between cous*ns are the most common (in japan is legal) and the relationships with a*nts are the second most common
If the sist*r appears in the future the relationship will not be forced because the distance and time has broken the F*mily strings, the relationship with nana will be the most difficult but the author is aware of this and he goes slowly step by step, and little scenes building the relationship

- Very Good renders

- Beautiful Vanilla Story

- Constantly and regular big updates (1 year and the game had more content than some completed games)

(Animations are not needed because the sex scenes contains good renders and hot dialogues, id prefer the animations added after the game is completed only if the author want)

If you Have money Support the author, He deserves that and much more


Jul 2, 2022
wait wait we gonna have an option to chain our puppy/shizuka to a wall, why?
Because she was a bad puppy, or possibly a good one being rewarded. :devilish: Also, Moonbox said that 9 months ago before Shizuka was developed as a character, and it could have easily been just a throwaway example for the way things could happen based on choices.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2019
Because she was a bad puppy, or possibly a good one being rewarded. :devilish: Also, Moonbox said that 9 months ago before Shizuka was developed as a character, and it could have easily been just a throwaway example for the way things could happen based on choices.
oooh.....bah i'd leash her and walk her than chain to wall


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2022
about the name shizuka - I remembered Queen's song - "teo torriate"
and there was one word shizukana (shizukana yoi ni = In the quiet of the night) - remove one syllable "na" and you get shizuka. I wonder what this word means?
shizuka = quiet?
i think ni = night, right?
'na'(jp) ="на"("NA", rus)="on"(eng) ???


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2019
about the name shizuka - I remembered Queen's song - "teo torriate"
and there was one word shizukana (shizukana yoi ni = In the quiet of the night) - remove one syllable "na" and you get shizuka. I wonder what this word means?
shizuka = quiet?
i think ni = night, right?
'na'(jp) ="на"("NA", rus)="on"(eng) ???
Depending on the kanji used, Shizu translate to quiet while Ka can be Summer or Fragrance.


Jan 25, 2021
about the name shizuka - I remembered Queen's song - "teo torriate"
and there was one word shizukana (shizukana yoi ni = In the quiet of the night) - remove one syllable "na" and you get shizuka. I wonder what this word means?
shizuka = quiet?
i think ni = night, right?
'na'(jp) ="на"("NA", rus)="on"(eng) ???
Yoru = Night (generally)
Shizuka = quiet/calm/tranquility (depending on exact contexts)
The na and ni here would be your additional articles (in the) and (of the)

Queen obviously is an older band and uses a slightly older / more formal Japanese you'd likely hear in a more nonbusiness formal occasion like a wedding, a prayer at a shrine, or a funeral, but yes generally the right track!


Asses & Affection
Game Developer
Sep 11, 2021
Are you sure, Moonbox?
Did you try this?
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Appreciate the advice.

Though to be honest, that seems like a pain in the ass and something that I would often forget. I guess I can add an option later for her to go back to calling you Mister MC since they both start with M.

A hymen would break on the exit. You'd need three AI and then three caesarian-sections. Lotta hoops to keep the old gal fresh.
I don't mind jumping through a few hoops for a virgin GILF ;)

I'm honestly waiting on more content with aunt amy and I also like with how the story is progressing with the characters who we barely interacted with. Shizuka is getting more adorable by the updates, not gonna lie I kinda forgot who Isabella was at first :LOL:

but on a serious note, are we gonna see the karen again just to screw around with her more than before?
I have a couple of scenes in mind for Karen, whether I'll have to put them in or not is another story

This is the Italian translation of Grandma's House [v0.14] + Mod [KoGa3] & Taboo Patch


**This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan"**

Thanks Daniele, added to OP

Grandma (GILF), Jamila (MILF), Aunt Amy (MILF), Aunt Liz (MILF), Cousin Cat, Shizuka and Asami (MILF) are unavoidable, the rest are optional.
You finally managed to remember all seven :p

Since we have a 60 odd yr old Grandma they
could add in a 80yr old Great Grandma.

She could pop out her teeth and everything...

Grandnan Imogen will be coming to visit one day ;)

played it a couple months ago, seemed promising, so i waited until there was more content to play. specifically waited for pregnancys to be added^^
There's 2 potential pregnancies but they're a side girl and a one off so they don't have much content

It's alright. It's just curiousity as she is the only girl I know in the game so far.

As far as the mandatory LIs, the only one I'm not sure I'll have much interest in is Jamila. I like the others. So I guess I'll be able to discard all the LIs that don't interest me at all.
If you're going by looks, wait till you see her hair before judging her. A lot of people had a similar reaction.

just finished the latest update seemed a little bigger than the others really loved the burger place liz is really hot great humour as usual thank you for a really good game
Wanted to do something extra for the anniversary so this update was about 30% longer than usual. There's also that the last update had 2 major branching paths so that one seemed shorter than usual.

Gotta say I love the character models and diversity to them as well.
However I feel there are far too many characters introduced as possible interests, I mean MC is looking more like an ass seeing as how he has taken no action to help Natalia despite promising to help her a while ago (Month?). I'm not counting on asking Lily for a heads up as that just fell into his lap and took no effort on his part.
Then you also have Karen (Cafe Karen) who was hinted at would be a possible repeat yet OP has yet to go back and see her.
Mila I'm sure has been waiting on OP to "Surprise" her one night for over a week I think.
Everyone says Cat was gonna be glued to him yet is very seldom seen or spoken to.
Tanya even pregnant is barely a thought.
Oh and he took a job and has yet to work a day of it in a weeks time?
Lets not get started on Paveena, biggest dick move by OP to date.

I really do enjoy the stories that are being followed through but there are many that are left unfinished and flapping around and even worse mentioned about but don't get followed up.

I'm not one that is against throwaway characters such as Roxie on the plane, or even the odd re-encounter such as Betty or Sandra who OP is casually involved with as they are busy. But he has also not promised them things and not acted upon it. OP is suppose to be kind and thoughtful yet he says one thing to a love interest then does not follow through?

I did a count and there are a total of 39 potential interests you can take a interest in as of 0.14. Yvonne is a potential interest in the game but I wonder how many remember her? I just finished playing over 3 days and sure didn't until I went back an looked, she is the apparent Mayor only seen once in the early part of the game and on TV for that matter.

Slow burns are fine if done right such as Polly and Priya, maybe Maria as well but that one is kinda forgotten.

I've got mixed feeling on this game overall, leaning more positive overall but it feels kinda all over considering how many stories are going on. I wish Moonbox all the best and do look forward to more, but I do hope we get some of the current stuff tied off without more new interests coming in as even taking out the one offs / casuals your still pushing over 10 long term interests.

Sorry for the long rant.
I'm not a machine bro, I can only fit so much content in an update :ROFLMAO:

Everyone that's a main or side girl will be revisited again and again but it's gonna take time between each visit. That's just the nature of a game with so many LIs.

There's no more LIs being introduced, the last one was Jasmine. There's still gonna be some one night stands once in a while though.

Finished the current built. Ending was kinda abrupt.

Game is amazing though. Can't wait for more.
What do you mean abrupt? The updates always end with MC going to bed, if you got something else, it's a bug.

View attachment 2058931
I have a question (maybe even to the author) about this frame.
did the protagonist turn on Katerina's corruption mode in this frame? for it is better not to come up with a deception than to tell a half-truth.
the fact that being inside the comfort zone is necessary only for cases when someone wants something FROM YOU, but for cases when YOU need something, on the contrary, it is almost always necessary to leave the comfort zone.
and for some reason the protagonist kept silent about the second half of the truth. thus he created a gap in the girl's picture of the world.

I ask: is the incest engine already started?
Not sure what you're trying to say here. MC was saying that he's proud of her for not sleeping with a random dude just so she could tell her friends that she's not a virgin.

For the most part Thomas is already "there." Like, before the story starts.

His "tipping point" is different for each woman. He is already to the point with his cousin and aunt.

He is still struggling with his feelings for Nana.

So, its not a singular moment of truth/acceptance.

He also has his scumbag moments, like banging a bride right before her wedding or spanking random kids he has no connection to. so work that into his moral compass. (ready to get my head bit off by the, "hes so loving" crew around here. I love the kid too, but he's not all golden.)
He has no moral compass, he does what he has to to make his past, present or future girls happy. Sometimes that's a hug, sometimes it's a random spanking, sometimes it's tying them to a post and hooking up a car battery to their nipples.

Yeah, I got the feeling from the story that Thomas has always had some sexual thoughts about his family even before collage.
It is only now however he is starting to pick things up from his family members and struggles with each one not wanting to ruin their relationship if it is only him.
I think Nana is the only one he did not have a sexual attraction to before, but now is feeling that along side a romantic feeling which seems to be the driving point for that relationship.

The relationship with Amy is the one that is the most ill defined, yes she was the one which every one knew he had some sexual attraction to before, but due to how he was it was not something Amy was concerned about due to his looks (?) as well as not being around as much as the rest due to her job. Now however since he get himself together it is no longer the same situation and has got Amy thrown off more so since Thomas no longer is the same shy guy when he was younger but has found himself and has strong self value.

My issue with Paveena and Thomas is not that he slept and potentially impregnated her right before the wedding as she did not want to be wed. My issue stems with him telling her she is his and only his then no contact after, once again the office visit I don't count as he stumbled into that one and not an active action on his part, not a single moment of contact between them prior and she is still stuck on him just does not sit well. If they had maintained contact it would be one thing but it feels like another one of Thomas' Hit it and Forget it, which is fine if that's what he says (Roxie, Lina, Lily) but when he claims them is where it's scummy and goes against his "character" described by others.
So you're fine with banging and impregnating a woman on her wedding night but not calling her afterwards is where you draw the line? :ROFLMAO:

He was attracted to Nana when he was younger, the game kind of hints as that on day 2 when he tells the story of how he saw her tits. He grew out of that though until recently. He never really saw Liz as a "woman", she was always more like a friend than an aunt. That's part of the reason it was so easy to progress the relationship with her. Amy he's always had a bit of a crush on but he also kind of grew out of that. Cat is a bit of an exeption, she's always been like that childhood friend you played doctor with when you were 10. Cat and MC had most of their "firsts" together.

Maybe an update where Moon adds a phone menu or something similar that retroactively adds text messages and phone calls he has had with all the women would be cool
I'll never add a phone mechanic but I do like the idea of little conversations by phone or text.

Would be nice to get some nice downtime (off beat) in phases where they given character isn't in the story spotlight. Texts and Face time Calls can do wonders for this aspect of the story and give us some lovely character building romantic moments. And some optional lewds ;)

Would be nice for when MC has rest/downtime/driving moments to slide in some optional LI texts/calls that can help setup for future happenings.

In fairness with Paveena and the no contact I assume there was a honeymoon after and other busy work before the chance meet at the office. Hopefully that can resolve itself with a few extra lines of dialogue in the future to clear that up even if it comes and goes through Pyria for a time.

If the issue is "there's a lot of fun, not a lot of upkeep/setup that makes it worth" is something that can be fixed. Sure it wouldn't be a glamourous and wonderful update but it would sure things up storywise to have more romantic and less fucking actions with some of these optional LIs.

Obviously for now top concern is main LI/harem lines. These recurring optional LIs do deserve some love as well and maybe that comes later. Something to consider for additional updates and for polishing at the end of the line IMHO.

Generally speaking... And maybe I'm being a bit crazy and speaking out of turn. But seems like we have all the major character options in play. Maybe max 1 or 2 late arrivals more.
If I was working this story. I would want to focus on the main core harem story first then find a way to weave in and out these optional LIs for the more romantic and story heavy elements.
MB got a lot in the air with this story, keeping things simple but impactful at the core. It would be interesting to see if say... Paveena and Elizabeth interacted off each other these interactions especially between optional LIs would need a lot of time and thought if they have anything interesting to offer the story
I do like the idea of texts and calls, more so when you consider all the alone tv watching he does. The text and calls don't even need to be fleshed out, do the same with the tv but instead of "Watching TV for the next couple hours" instead of "Called/Texted XXXX then XXXX and seen how things were" let us see he actually takes interest in them if they are not there spreading their legs.
Considering I only played full harem path please take this with a grain of salt, I would say there are a total of 4 categories the females fall into. These would be Main Harem, Side Girls, One Night Stands and Unsure (Not utilized yet)
Here is how I would rank them with some I'll put between as not sure how they will fall out in the story. No particular order within each ranking.

Main Harem:
Allison (Nana), Liz, Cat, Amy, Fiona, Rhiona, Ellie, Ella, Jamila, Aliyha, Jada, Sophia, Tanya, Priya and Shizuka.

Unsure if Main or Side:
Natalia, Isobella, Mila, Polly, Paveena.

Side Girls:
Betty, Aiko, Mabel, Sandra, Zelda and Josianne

Unsure if Side or ONS:
Jasmin, Minnie, Karen, Svetlana, Sister Maria, Elaine, Ophilia and Annabelle.

One Night Stands:
Rocie, Lily, Lina and Brandi.


Excluding the bottom Unsure the amount on the list should be flipped as the higher up the more story is needed to satisfy that addition while the lower can be carpet swept and people would be more willing to accept.
One change I would suggest to make immediately is remove Yvonne as there is nothing developed so one less interest to consider. The girls I've got between categories should be focused on to tie their stories up IMO and preferably mostly the the category below if it makes sense just so main characters get more focus.

By no means do I think this list is concrete but rather how I view each character falls into MB's plan.
I'm wondering if any one thinks my placement is wrong?

Edited: Mistyped name, thanks ramvivat.
I like the texting idea. Think I'm gonna throw that into the TV watching.
The problem is when I plan a 100 line scene, it ends up being 500 lines so short visits aren't an option. The texts/calls seem like a good solution to that.

Priya have interesting name.
in Russian there is a word pleasant(ПРИЯтный). where is the root priya(ПРИЯ). thanks for the new word.
most likely this name came from Sanskrit, which has a lot in common with the Russian language.

the word paVEENA contains the word VEENA (Вина, VINA, guilt)
I wonder if the author chose Indian names with a secret intention or did he take them by chance?
pleasantness and guilt - as if they go hand in hand with each other like sisters - a transparent allusion to incest as a guilty pleasure.

thanks author. it is a pity that this moment is understandable only to those who know the Russian language (and, moreover, knows about the direct connection between Russian and Sanskrit) - it is incomprehensible to the English speakers because a direct connection is not visible.

I wonder if the author is Russian speaking?
if not, then I can congratulate you on the "Freudian slip"
it is possible that all people who speak different languages think in images in the same language. Otherwise, I cannot explain why a person who does not speak Russian and does not know about the connection between Russian and Sanskrit gave such a skillfully veiled hint that I thought he was a Russian speaker.
I don't know about Russian but Paveena means purity in Tamil, which is one of the languages spoken in India.
According to google at least. I might be way off on this :ROFLMAO:

at an Indian wedding, a mischievous woman (Elena is a waifu i first met in DMD, but she is only darker and more plump and shorter, but I recognize her face from a thousand) - she should be dominated in the toilet, as with another mischievous woman in a cafe. I hope there will be another opportunity like this.

although on the other hand, I don’t understand why the author didn’t like Elena so much, that he made her dark-skinned and fat and gave her a harmful character and made her play such a bad role - I’m sure there are plenty of other uglier waifu that could be put on such a disgusting role.

but on the other hand nothing better than negative roles has been invented to reveal the dramatic talent of an actor. I must admit, Elena was convincing in her antagonistic role.
I'm guessing you're talking about the chick that was giving Priya shit. That's just a modified version of the default daz model.
That being said, I can't stand Elena :mad:
To be fair I hate pretty much everything about that game these days :ROFLMAO:

I'm still interested in this aspect - what type of harem is in this VN?
Type 1 is when women all live apart but know about each other and who has their "husband" today
2 types - virtual, that is, the protagonist just has a lot of women scattered throughout the city and no one knows about each other (mass cheating)
3 types - women's dorm, as in "almost dead", with a dorm superintendent or a harem queen.

if the protagonist does not have that kind of money, that he says to himself that perhaps it is time to look for a job, because in 9 months he will become a father, then option 3 probably disappears. it remains either 1 or 2, moreover, I tend more towards option 2, which is more like a massive cheating.
But - another thing is that these are just my guesses.
I don’t ask for spoilers (although I’m not afraid of spoilers), it’s just that maybe I didn’t pay attention to some points, and if they point them out to me, it will be very good.
It's probably 1 right now but it's gonna shift more towards 3 later

Oh wow...

That's actually kinda sad to hear... Do we HAVE to do that? If we want to progress with her? :cry:
I'd actually rather make passionate love to her instead of sticking dildos up her holes.
I wish the BDSM content was for LIs like the cop or the martial arts trainer and not her.
Nah it's optional. And it's not cruel or abusive or anything like that, she loves it.

Shizuka's route is basically the sweet and loving route, which is forced plus optional petplay and BDSM routes. No matter which routes you take though, she's gonna be your little snuggle bug, that won't change.

it's somehow not gentlemanly - to let out of your paws such a submissive whore like Lily. well, if only she was as fat as her sister Petunia - but no, she's very pretty.
author, correct this defect. put Lily in at least an additional permanent harem roster. I will miss her. =)

she so dutifully calls the MC Mr. Miller that I even wanted to give her a candy and give her a ticket to the carousel.

author, please, please PLEASE =)))
I will be very jealous if she calls another, for example, Mr. Smith - it will be like a knife in my heart.
She won't be calling Mr. Smith. You know what they say. Once you go mc lastName, you never go back.

I think with Shizuka we have already seen what type of situation Shizuka is gonna be in with Thomas. She is gonna be his pet and she will be "rewarded" when she is good.
We have seen the groundwork for this laid with her demanding to call him "Master" as well as how she wanted head pats just like Molly then later on the belly rubs.
Let us not forget how she was with Liz as well.

I'm personally not opposed to this if this is the plan. But if it's a darker BDSM situation like Karen I can't see or want to see.
It is also being driven from Shizuka's point rather than Thomas' which makes a big difference to me, I just hope she stays more like the little sister type until the more intimate moments. I love how adorable she is learning all these new things and hope her submissive desires does not become her full time thing. Would not be opposed if it gets used as a means for Thomas to teach her to be more assertive himself.
Such as he pushes her to ask/demand things but given how she grew up it does not sit right with her so she can't play with "Master" and instead Thomas uses the dildo's to still make her feel good instead, trying to reinforce it's good for her to push things about herself.

It could be Moonbox is utilising how she has had no freedom till now to make her enjoy being the "pet" type with Thomas, It would be a sort of comfort to her as it feels familiar yet she is just pleasing her "Master" by doing things he encourages her to do.

But hell I maybe reading way to much into it as well.
You're killing me bro, throw in a TLDR from time to time :ROFLMAO:

Don't really see what was dark about Karen's scene. If it wasn't consentual I could get it but she was more into it than MC was.
If you take the BDSM path, it won't change Shizuka's personallity, it's just gonna be them having some fun together. MC+Shizuka will be similar to Sandra+MC, it's more like roleplay than actual roles.

Because she was a bad puppy, or possibly a good one being rewarded. Also, Moonbox said that 9 months ago before Shizuka was developed as a character, and it could have easily been just a throwaway example for the way things could happen based on choices.
Nah that's still accurate. Shizuka is one of the few where I know where I'm going with it.
That's partly because when I was thinking up a game to make, one of them was "Maid to order" which is basically the Shizuka route but much more fleshed out.

Nah.. the only one chained to a wall should be Anabelle... cause she's a rude bitch.
I'd support BDSM for her.


Omar.... I bet that landwhale can chain him up.... maybe roast him over a fire.... :KEK:
Oh Annabelle is gonna get hers, she's the oulet for my dark side :devilish:

about the name shizuka - I remembered Queen's song - "teo torriate"
and there was one word shizukana (shizukana yoi ni = In the quiet of the night) - remove one syllable "na" and you get shizuka. I wonder what this word means?
shizuka = quiet?
i think ni = night, right?
'na'(jp) ="на"("NA", rus)="on"(eng) ???
I try to give some thought to the foreign names. I did a bit of googling before naming people and this is what I went with:
Shizuka = Silent flower
Asami = Morning beauty
Priya = Beloved
Paveena = Purity
Jamila Hafeez = Beautiful Protector
Jasmine = Gift from god
Annabelle = A very common name for cows :ROFLMAO:
Last edited:


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
What do you mean abrupt? The updates always end with MC going to bed, if you got something else, it's a bug.
It ended here for me and I didn't expect it. That's what meant with abrupt.
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Nah it's optional. And it's not cruel or abusive or anything like that, she loves it.

Shizuka's route is basically the sweet and loving route, which is forced plus optional petplay and BDSM routes. No matter which routes you take though, she's gonna be your little snuggle bug, that won't change.
So we'll be able to have sweet loving sex with her without the pet-play or the BDSM stuff?
That would be nice. It doesn't feel right to me to do that with her. I also wish we could convince her to not call MC master.

Oh Annabelle is gonna get hers, she's the oulet for my dark side :devilish:

When I burn them for their lies - GIF on Imgur
  • Haha
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Asses & Affection
Game Developer
Sep 11, 2021
It ended here for me and I didn't expect it. That's what meant with abrupt.
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So we'll be able to have sweet loving sex with her without the pet-play or the BDSM stuff?
That would be nice. It doesn't feel right to me to do that with her. I also wish we could convince her to not call MC master.


When I burn them for their lies - GIF on Imgur
That's where it was supposed to end, I don't see what's abrupt about finishing an update when you go to bed :ROFLMAO:

Yeah the BDSM and petplay is completely optional and it won't affect her loving route. You'll get the sweet and loving scenes whether you're on her other routes or not. Though some of the petplay stuff will leak into her normal route, like the belly rubs and some of the stuff you've seen already. I might add the option for her to call him "Mister MC" again later but that's not a sure thing.


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
Yeah the BDSM and petplay is completely optional and it won't affect her loving route. You'll get the sweet and loving scenes whether you're on her other routes or not. Though some of the petplay stuff will leak into her normal route, like the belly rubs and some of the stuff you've seen already.
The stuff so far was great with her no worries. :D

I might add the option for her to call him "Mister MC" again later but that's not a sure thing.
I wish we could choose what she calls us though. We are her "master" after all.
I'd just like to have an option to let her call MC by his first name. Especially if the BDSM and pet-play content is optional this would be a nice option to have.
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