VN - Ren'Py - Grandma's House [Part 4 v0.65] [Moonbox]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game! Holy mother of tits and bacon! THIS GAME!!!

    Thank you @MoonBox for this game, and I hope we have a lot (and I mean a WHOLE LOT) of content coming up because this game is just awesome. I played it 3 times already, because it's just so funny, it's has wholesome moments, stupid moments, what the hell moments, hot moments, etc.

    It's a feel good game and even if I can get that some people don't like the game for X or Y reasons, I still don't get how people take it too seriously when it's intended to be a funny game with a lot of humour and random funny moments.

    Seriously, one of the top games and every update makes me smile or laugh.

    Keep the good work!

    P.S.: No there's not sex with Nana yet!!!:ROFLMAO:
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a harem game with a somewhat interesting lineup of characters, but the writing is generally of such low quality it borders on the unintentionally hilarious. It's also only decent visually with okay renders, but no animations, unimaginative posing and generally uninspired visuals.

    The MC has zero personality or charm and yet dozens of women from all walks of life fall madly in love with him instantly (yeah, that happens a lot in harem games, but even so, this is a bad case).
    All the women, despite their seemingly different characters, end up being either "reluctant and submissive" or "hyper-horny and submissive". A few start out being somewhat dominant, but our hero's nonexistent charms soon turn them completely submissive like the rest.
    The dialogue is long-winded and exceptionally bland. The dev also has a habit of simply narrating what's being shown in the renders, so you end up clicking through dozens of slides of text that add nothing at all.
    The most romantic thing going on 80% of the time is a girl falling asleep leaning on, lying on or lying next to the MC. Constant napping and going to bed together to sleep. It's cute, but when sleeping feels like a majority of the events happening, it gets really stale. Writing that shows two characters having any actual chemistry is not present here, imo.
    The sex scenes are sometimes hot, mostly fairly dull and so few and far between that I can't say they're worth it at all in the latest updates.
    There's an explosive growth in the number of characters in the first part of the game, most of which are then completely sidelined in the last 25 or so updates, so much of the apparent variety is not really there.

    It's just very, very bland. There are plenty of updates, but they're getting much worse. It had potential and was pretty hot to begin with, but at this point it feels more like reading a boring erotic novel than playing an AVN.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is the Seinfeld of F95, a game about nothing.

    The biggest positive here, is that the game gets regular updates like clockwork every 2 weeks. The dev is a goddamn professional. The consistency alone is deserving of support.

    Unfortunately, the game is 90% filler scenes. Nothing happens most of the time. It's like a sitcom that exists in its own sitcom unreality.

    The worst offenders are any scene with the Grandma and the hijabi step-mom. Every scene is a "will they, won't they" trope. This shit has been going on for 3 years, even primetime TV soaps wouldn't dare. The sexual tension peaked 2 years ago and now I truly don't give a flying fuck if they bang.

    There are like 30 girls in this game, and 2 or 3 get their spotlight every 2 weeks. The last time you probably saw them was 6 updates ago. I legit cannot even remember 80% of them.

    The game has no real story, which is fine... if some fun shit happened. Occasionally the dev decides to stop being a mope and write something fun. The last one I remember being memorable is the MC going on vacation, gets cock worshipped by the cleaning lady, and ends up as the god of a local cock-worship cult, all while he's mostly asleep. That shit is undeniably funny.

    The problem is, there are only a handful of scenes like these ... and they are sandwiched between mediocre scenes of shit banter and shit sex where the women invariably cum, shit + piss because dick big.

    There is no challenge, struggle or growth for the MC. Everything that happens feels pointless as a result. Nothing is earned here. Even the scene where the MC becomes a father, you feel so emotionally disconnected from this sitcom hell that it barely registers.

    P.S. This game is probably breaking some record for the most amount of hugs in an AVN.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Listen. This is that game you keep in a back drawer for when you want a quick wank. It has an insane amount of content when compared to other VNs, even if the quality is not necessarily the greatest.

    Story: Not that important. It's mainly there simply to justify all the sex scenes.

    Graphics: Decent. No animations, but no weird positioning and terrible lighting either. It's a solid 3/5 in that department.

    Play this when you're bored of your other VNs, or waiting on another VN to update and just feel like rubbing one out. Don't expect super high quality writing out of it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of Grandma's House V0.49 using incest patch.

    Important Note: Reviews can sometimes be helpful when deciding on which games to try out, always remember though to look at the game tags and additional information in the OP. This not only helps in making the choice but also clears up misunderstandings you might find in reviews, such as complaints about no animations when no animation tag is shown.

    Also remember if during your play through you find tags missing or tags not in game, you can report the OP and requests the tags be added or removed.

    Overview - This overview contain mild spoilers
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    Graphics 8/10
    *Important Note*
    This game has never claimed to have animations and will not have animations in the future.

    The graphics are good, the posing and scenes are well made and the dev takes care to try and hide the face of the MC in most of the sex scenes.
    There are one or two scenes with small mistakes but the majority of them are well made.

    Sex Scenes 9/10

    Scene are really good, with a variety of positions and are posed well so you can see the action and not stare at the MC's butt through half the scene.
    There are a number of different locations and the ability to include or exclude different kinks.

    Audio 0/10

    Game Size 10/10
    The game has been divided into parts to lower it's size and make it more manageable.

    Grind 10/10

    No grind.

    Story 5/10

    The game has a basic story, nothing deep or filled with drama. It does have some very humorous parts but the main storyline just introduces characters and takes you from day to day.

    Game Time

    5-20 hours


    I have personally not found any bugs in my play throughs so far.

    Overall rating
    9/10 or 4.5/5


    I found Grandma's House to be a lighthearted, sex filled game that does not try to take itself seriously or to break new ground, instead I think it improves on the existing genre and gives players a much needed break from the heavier, darker and more serious games out there.
    It is a must try for anyone who is a fan of the genre and is looking for a fun and sex filled game to enjoy.

    My PC Specs
    AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G with Radeon Graphics 3.70 GHz
    Windows 11 Pro 64-bit
    RAM 32.0 GB (31.8 GB usable)
    Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    At first I really liked the game. It wasn't Shakespeare, but it was entertaining nonetheless. Over time, the conversations became more and more superficial and now it's just a lot of fucking around with no joke, no meaning, no sense and it just drags on.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game fails to deliver in what's proposed to be, it's basically straight out a porn game so don't expect a cohesive developing story plot because there's none, it consists of the MC walking around everyday from one sexual encounter to the other with no effort whatsoever from the MC, he makes every woman in a 2 miles radius cream themselves just by proximity, I wish I was joking.
    The synopsis of the story is the MC reuniting with the family after been away for a long time, in this case the MC is an adult jobless that lives off his grandma, he does odd jobs like pool cleaning and running errands for other people basically the life of a high school kid on summer vacation and for some reason every female fall head over heels for him just by him giving them a compliment which they act so surprised because they never heard a compliment before. Then every day goes by him fucking one woman after the other and so on...
    The reason I think this game fails to deliver is that if all you have as hook to keep your audience interested in keeping playing this is the porn then that part should have been done well, it makes no sense for this game not to have animation since 90% of the interactions is the MC going from one sexual encounter to the other, it's a huge fail. I'm not even going to criticize the fact that there are too many Li's to keep up with and their personalities or lack thereof is another joke the worst of all are the mentally challenged ones, yes more than one, and the slow burning with the grandma is another nonsense about this game... So the last scene is the MC finally fucking the grandma and then it's over?
    To finalize this review I don't recommend this game, it does starts ok but you'll get bored as it goes on there's nothing there to keep the player interested in the long run.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I really don't get the hype around this VN. I mean, there are certainly worse VNs to read/play but I definitely don't think it's a great game either. Basically, this is a straight up porn viewer. Lots of sex and little real substance. You almost literally go from one romp to the next, which is easy to do and takes zero effort since every woman in the game, except Grandma of course, throws themselves at the MC almost as soon as they lay eyes on him. And there are a LOT of them. So basically the MC is devolved into what is essentially a fuckdoll for the women to pass around, while having a very unlikable personality. And yes, I'll join the crowd in saying the grandma buildup is clearly the dev's way of continuously dangling the carrot on the stick, always out of reach for the player base, to continue supporting this endless romp.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love everything that the game does for the most part
    Great loveable characters and moments
    Great renders but no animations sucks but is understandable with how much work that takes to get right
    Great story with great humor even if minimal to some about true unconditional love, family, trust, care, and fighting for the ones that are important
    Yes i wish that there is more character development for all the characters not just the main cast, but that will probably most definitely get addressed as the VN is still being developed by an amazing Dev
    There are timely and consistent updates and feed back is taken well
    Seeing Nana, Mama Jamila, and Amy watch as the love of the MC brings happiness to every one around him and that he loves, they see that he will do everything in his power to make them happy and loved and are slowly indeed, but inevitably they will to return the love, care and happiness they receive to the MC too
    All In All Great Game i mean Gilfs, Milfs, and baby mamas what's not to like
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Tried this out again. But it has the same (and probably even more) issues that it did the last time I played. Or perhaps a better description would be those issues have snowballed to the point where this game is just being dragged on perpetually.


    -Lots of content
    -Regular updates
    - Dev is a nice guy
    - Solid (if not very stock/basic) art.


    Like basically every harem game, there are way too many characters. But that itself isn't the issue.

    The issue is a lot of these characters share the same purpose.

    And It's not just to provide filler sex scenes or the typical harem power fantasies.

    Their main purpose at this point is to delay sex with the Grandma.

    The main LI and namesake of the game who despite the amount of content this game has, and despite the typical one sex scene to the next storyline, she has up to this review no sex scenes with MC.

    Now normally, the main LI not having sex scenes isn't an issue. Even late into the game.

    I prefer those games much more than bang em' all games. Even though they can be fun too, sometimes.

    But they just don't mesh together. The games logic makes no sense.

    One one hand, it's basically an orgy with everything that moves. Random side characters. A ton of other LI's. Even other relatives of MC. Literally more people than I can keep track of. New characters are introduced all the time. And MC bangs most of them within a few seconds.

    And on the other, you have the Grandma who is one of the slowest of burns ever for no apparent reason. I mean, it made sense early on, but now? A few years, tens of thousands of words and several thousand sex filled renders later? Nope. Especially considering the overall logic of the game, in which tens of LI's throw themselves to MC with little if any buildup.

    The Grandma/MC dynamic is just the complete opposite of everything else in the game. To the point this game is attempting to do two totally different things at once. A super slow burn with the Grandma. And a crazy sex romp with everyone else.

    I don't want to accuse the dev of anything bad, but I think it's fair to question if delaying the Grandma scenes are on purpose. To keep people interested on the "prize" at the end of the very long and very sex filled tunnel. Honestly, nothing else makes much sense. This game can keep the same holding pattern of loads of sex scenes with everyone but Grandma basically forever otherwise.

    So, overall, I can't give this more than 2 stars. The character/story logic are dynamically opposed to the point that it cheapens both sides of it.

    The Grandma gets kicked down the road. And everyone else is reduced to being repetitive filler content.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 69420

    I don't really like reviewing games but I considering the length of time I've played this game and the widening gap of people who like and dislike this game, I figured it deserved an honest review:

    Grandma's House is an ambitious game based on a young man's path to eventually seducing his grandmother, and frankly every girl that looks at him for longer than two seconds. I bring this up because I'm a person where I look at the negatives first: the bloated cast.

    The cast is large, pretty much too large for the story, and I'd argue too large even for a sandbox game. Though most of the characters are faintly interesting (their personality is nothing special but can be differentiated), what seems to be the biggest problem is they more or less all represent a kink. I appreciate Moonbox doing this in such a way so when you see a girl you know more or less what kind of sex and dirty talk you're going to get, it's just too much.

    Despite the game having regular updates and I believe has always had at least one lewd scene with every update, this making a character representative of every kink just means that whenever Moonbox wants to show a specific kind of scene, he needs to bring in the character, and give them stage time, or vice versa. It's just too many characters, they don't have enough time to be developed, and it kind of just waters down everything.

    My suggestion is just cut down half the cast. Keep everyone in the house, the "Mommy", the girlfriend and the redhead family. Take the rest of the cast and just let them go, and move their kinks onto other characters. What I'm suggesting is still a huge cast, but with that at least we'll see more of them. I mean, do we really need a character we leash up and treat like a pig and make her oink, along with her mother which is a grandmother kink (which we already have?) and a convoluted already existing daughter, where the mom is still considered a virgin? Just collar the cousin, we already piss in her mouth. Take one of the maids and go more extreme. Grab the cuck fiancé and go all the way with degradation. Or just move the lesser characters to another game, so if they have fans, they aren't left out, they just know they are on a different development cycle now.

    I just bitched a lot, but that's because I like this game; I'm giving it four stars. You can tell the story has been outlined and prepared in advance, there are regular updates, the renders are good and what development we do see is solid. I was excited about the transformation for each aunt, the maids and slowly giving themselves to the MC, the grandma slowly starting to become more physical, and even the girlfriend's pregnancy arc (I'm bad with names, it's not that I don't care about them but I'm not gonna remember every name offhand). It's just... I don't think we see enough of them, and the slow burn characters feel empty because it feels weird that every other character falls on our dick but then there are romance plots jammed in that feel out of place.

    TL;DR cut half the cast, and give the kinks they represent to the remaining characters. It will give those characters depth and more screentime. Everything else keep doing what you're doing.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Simply not enjoyable, there are too many characters, every character has the same personality or lack thereof with a couple of differentiating kinks sprinkled on top. Every character has this weird fawning over trait towards the MC, that whilst not unusual for a haram game is so overblown that it is unbelievable - especially given how much of a pleb the MC is. The MC's entire existence revolves around the need to be mothered by all the other female characters and at the same time all of the characters exist to be submissive to the MC - it feels weird and off.

    As for the story, what story? It's all a haze of inconsequential nonsense that seeps from scene to scene to make it seem like the same scene isn't being repeated over and over again - which it is, same positions, dull un-lifelike posing etc...

    Other than that, the developer is clearly milking the namesake of the game i.e. the ability to sleep with her, it's clear this will not happen until the very end.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Renders looks decent.
    + We have a lot of girls, so love interest variety is good.

    Bad Points
    - The story is too basic, almost non-existent, and makes no sense. And that makes playing the game quite boring.
    - Despite having good variety for love interests looks, they don't offer well-written character developments, so variety is not good aside from their look.
    - The whole concept seems like going around Nana, yet there is no sex scene with her at all, another flaw comes from having too many love interests I guess...
    - MC is not a likable guy.
    - We don't have any music/song.
    - Sex scenes are not good at all. First of all, they lack animations, that's the biggest flaw for any game in 2024, we are not in 2010, secondly even without animations at least they could add a good variety of renders and positions with different angles to sex scenes, but those are not exist either, so basically sex part, which is supposed to be the best part since the story is not existent! Not good at all.

    For The End
    So the only thing the game would be good, looking like is a fap game, yet since animations are non-existed and sex scenes lack well-made pictures, and not good at all it's not even good for that purpose... It almost feels like having this many love interests is the reason why the game is so poor, the game would be far better if they cut love interests number half and spend the time left with sex scenes, stories, and animations, that would make this game at least decent.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the greatest harem games out there. Renders are decent, no animations, no music, story is basic.
    But you get plenty of different LI's - lolis, gilfs, milfs, frequent updates and lots of content.
    I like that we have so many optional kinks - urination, lactation, cum swap, anal, pregnancy, netori (cuckolding other men) etc.
    The biggest flaw is forced relationship with grandma, i love gilfs but i hate Nana looks :/

    Overall 5/5 for gilfs, milfs, tones of content and frequent updates.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    MC is super weird looking...Every girl instantly falls in love with him despite looking the way he does...there is pretty much no story its just the MC running around banging every girl in town...And the game is just a sex fest and yet no animations....I would say hey its just a game you can fap too but with the sex scenes being so poor its not even that.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is a bloated mess. Little to no plot and poor character development.
    Could easily cut half of the cast and be better for it. The game is visually pleasing, there's plenty of kinks available, and the cast is diverse, it's just a damn shame that there's so much fluff and no narrative hooks.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    While one can appreciate all the work that went into this. The same amount of work with a bit more realism would have paid off big. As is, the human interactions are beyond anything believable.
    The rating reflects all the work put into this effort, not the quality of the story.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    How would i describe this game?
    slice of life without any sort of overarching plot, a safe space to almost any level of insecurity (the telephone pole between the mc legs might make some feel inadequate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), the mc is the center of the universe and there's no sense of tension anywhere, which is not a bad thing per se.

    - dev is very consistent with updates.
    - there is a plethora of optional kinks.
    - graphics and models look fine, development speed and quality images > animation.

    - my biggest gripe with this is the writing, things get monotonous after a while, way too much cuddle time and characters gushing over each other and nothing noteworthy happening.
    - WAY too many girls, time with each of them get's very fragmented, and that detracts from any sense of progression with each.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The dev is great, frequent updates, very upfront, just generally a great guy but the concept of the game is very flawed.

    As others have stated, this game is basically just a string of rendered sex scenes connected with some text. Not really a plot, not really romance or a story, not really a game.

    At some point you just lose any immersion and just watch these renders barely registering what they're about.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Edited: Played until part 3 and dropped.
    Too repetitive. Maybe when it’s finished, I’ll try to play it till the end.

    Story: 1 out of 5

    Harem fuck fest, that’s it.

    Characters: 4 out of 5

    One of the good things in this game is that there’s a girl for every taste, and that’s certainly the most positive aspect. The only downside FOR ME is, of course, the unavoidable LIs.

    Art: 3 out of 5

    The renders are good. If the developer didn’t release two updates a month, they could be better.

    The only bad thing is that it doesn’t have animations. In my opinion, it has too much lewd content not to have any animations it becomes quite repetitive.