
Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
is it me or is Part 2 Chapters getting shorter and shorter?
The development cycle went from monthly to about every 2 weeks. Updates are shorter but we're getting more content overall. If you look at the changelogs it went from usually 2500 lines of code, sometimes up to 3000 but not usually to about 1600-1700 every 2 weeks.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 21, 2018
Well, I suppose this might not be well received, but I think it needs to be said.
I have been playing this game for a while now, although I can't say from what update it was, but suffice to say, almost from the beginning. And back then, we used to get 3 in-game days with each update. Then later on, it was cut down to 2. And in this update, we only get one in-game day, and only one scene with a character (Minnie) we actually care about?

Because I couldn't care less about this Karen woman on the plane, and clicked through it as fast as it was technically possible, because it really felt just like filler content, and was expecting to play one more in-game day, after the stuff with Minnie was done, and you hit the hay together with your Auntie.

Don't get me wrong, I really like the game, otherwise I wouldn't still be playing it. And I had in fact read the changelog, and something seemed amiss, but I held on to my hope until the 'Save Now' screen appeared, confirming my initial concern. So I'm wondering, will it go back to 2 in-game days again in the next update, or maybe even 3, like it was in the beginning, or is this how it's gonna be from now on?

Because while I didn't pay for the game, I still feel a little bit like we're getting short-changed, and that's quite a feat by the dev, since most of us here (if not all of us) got the game for free? And also, in the beginning, most of the content was focused on the main characters, and (main) side characters, and never felt like filler, but actually helping in driving the story forward. But now, I can't help but feel like that has changed, not to mention the reduction in actual content.

I don't even know who this Karen character is, and I'm happy for the scene with Minnie, otherwise this update would feel very empty, and I have no problem with the content with the MC's aunt either, as it's part of the main story, albeit the content was mostly dialogue. And I still think it's quite a good game, but I hope Moonbox will get back on track, both in terms of the story, but also in regards to the amount of actual content in each update.

That's my two cents anyway, for what it's worth. Feel free to reply, but if you completely disagree, and reply in a rude way, I will not reply, and/or block you, if that's a feature on the site, but we'll see how it goes. It's just how I feel, and like I said, I felt like I needed to share this, because frankly, I was a bit disappointed with this particular update. That's all I had to say, and thanks for taking the time to read this.
I havent tried but I think that karen will appear only if you fucked her in the bathroom otherwise I dont see the point of her being in the plane. As for the game getting shorter updates I rather have quality over quantity and for the filler as you said at the begining the game was focused on the "main" characters but if you go full harem you need to give the other girls content too, if you dont want filler with other girls I think the best you could do is to avoid their routes so you only see the family content. But this is just me I dont have any complains of this game edit: I do have one complain and its the anal sex without giving me the choice I hate anal sex and I had to fuck karen in the ass against my will thats the only complain I have and about the 3 days updates most of those days where waiting around so Im glad moon cut that out
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Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
Well, I suppose this might not be well received, but I think it needs to be said.
I have been playing this game for a while now, although I can't say from what update it was, but suffice to say, almost from the beginning. And back then, we used to get 3 in-game days with each update. Then later on, it was cut down to 2. And in this update, we only get one in-game day, and only one scene with a character (Minnie) we actually care about?

Because I couldn't care less about this Karen woman on the plane, and clicked through it as fast as it was technically possible, because it really felt just like filler content, and was expecting to play one more in-game day, after the stuff with Minnie was done, and you hit the hay together with your Auntie.

Don't get me wrong, I really like the game, otherwise I wouldn't still be playing it. And I had in fact read the changelog, and something seemed amiss, but I held on to my hope until the 'Save Now' screen appeared, confirming my initial concern. So I'm wondering, will it go back to 2 in-game days again in the next update, or maybe even 3, like it was in the beginning, or is this how it's gonna be from now on?

Because while I didn't pay for the game, I still feel a little bit like we're getting short-changed, and that's quite a feat by the dev, since most of us here (if not all of us) got the game for free? And also, in the beginning, most of the content was focused on the main characters, and (main) side characters, and never felt like filler, but actually helping in driving the story forward. But now, I can't help but feel like that has changed, not to mention the reduction in actual content.

I don't even know who this Karen character is, and I'm happy for the scene with Minnie, otherwise this update would feel very empty, and I have no problem with the content with the MC's aunt either, as it's part of the main story, albeit the content was mostly dialogue. And I still think it's quite a good game, but I hope Moonbox will get back on track, both in terms of the story, but also in regards to the amount of actual content in each update.

That's my two cents anyway, for what it's worth. Feel free to reply, but if you completely disagree, and reply in a rude way, I will not reply, and/or block you, if that's a feature on the site, but we'll see how it goes. It's just how I feel, and like I said, I felt like I needed to share this, because frankly, I was a bit disappointed with this particular update. That's all I had to say, and thanks for taking the time to read this.
The in game time is completely irrelevant to how big an update is, how is that relevant in any way? Total lines and renders are as usual. It hardly matters if the update takes place over one or 3 days. As Mommy said, you speed click past a scene cause you don't care about the LI in it and then complains that there is to little sex? Did you think he would do an update with just LI's that YOU like? The fact that you don't know who Karen is irrelevant, hardly the dev s fault you don't remember the characters. MB has no reason to "get back on track" since he never left it.


Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
I just wanna say that I also prefer quality over quantity, that was the whole point of my post. It's not a problem if something is short, as long as it's good. But going from 3 in-game days to 1 now, is a significant change, ignoring the quality of the content, and focusing strictly on content amount. And to be crystal clear, I don't mind side characters at all, but they also have to be done well, and feel integral to the story. With that being said, I think it's safe to say that people didn't get what I was trying to convey, and one of them even adding attributes/jumping to (ridiculous) conclusions about me or the post, so I'll just leave it at that, and move on. Because I guess I was just talking to myself there, and I'm used to that being the case. Now carry on, sorry for disturbing you.
So the part regarding it just being shorter ingame time and not actual content wise just went right over your head? Thinking a side character is good or not is as I'm sure you know 100% arbitrary so saying the dev is declining in his development because one of the 2 sexscenes in an update isn't to your liking is just asinine.

And yes, I'm the one jumping to conclusion here.......:FacePalm:
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Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
I never said there was too little sex at all, and it proves my point, that people completely missed what I was actually saying, and concluded I said something I didn't say at all. I guess people are really losing the ability to read, or at least understand what's actually being said. Go figure...
No, I wasn't referring to you about jumping to conclusions at all, this is getting ridiculous now, but hey, at least it's good for a laugh. "You probably think this song is about you, don't you?" LOL
Yessss, I'm the one misunderstanding things here, if people are not understanding what you are saying, why don't you try to make things clearer?

Anywho, of to ignore you go


Jan 9, 2018
No, I wasn't referring to you about jumping to conclusions at all, this is getting ridiculous now, but hey, at least it's good for a laugh. "You probably think this song is about you, don't you?" LOL

Well... if his hat was strategically dipped below one eye... there's a good chance, but ya never know.
Sorry just had to with a reference that old :)


Apr 18, 2020
No sex with NANA yet? ... we might get our leg over in the old folks home at the rate this one is going.


Jul 27, 2020
Well, I suppose this might not be well received, but I think it needs to be said.
I have been playing this game for a while now, although I can't say from what update it was, but suffice to say, almost from the beginning. And back then, we used to get 3 in-game days with each update. Then later on, it was cut down to 2. And in this update, we only get one in-game day, and only one scene with a character (Minnie) we actually care about?

Because I couldn't care less about this Karen woman on the plane, and clicked through it as fast as it was technically possible, because it really felt just like filler content, and was expecting to play one more in-game day, after the stuff with Minnie was done, and you hit the hay together with your Auntie.

Don't get me wrong, I really like the game, otherwise I wouldn't still be playing it. And I had in fact read the changelog, and something seemed amiss, but I held on to my hope until the 'Save Now' screen appeared, confirming my initial concern. So I'm wondering, will it go back to 2 in-game days again in the next update, or maybe even 3, like it was in the beginning, or is this how it's gonna be from now on?

Because while I didn't pay for the game, I still feel a little bit like we're getting short-changed, and that's quite a feat by the dev, since most of us here (if not all of us) got the game for free? And also, in the beginning, most of the content was focused on the main characters, and (main) side characters, and never felt like filler, but actually helping in driving the story forward. But now, I can't help but feel like that has changed, not to mention the reduction in actual content.

I don't even know who this Karen character is, and I'm happy for the scene with Minnie, otherwise this update would feel very empty, and I have no problem with the content with the MC's aunt either, as it's part of the main story, albeit the content was mostly dialogue. And I still think it's quite a good game, but I hope Moonbox will get back on track, both in terms of the story, but also in regards to the amount of actual content in each update.

That's my two cents anyway, for what it's worth. Feel free to reply, but if you completely disagree, and reply in a rude way, I will not reply, and/or block you, if that's a feature on the site, but we'll see how it goes. It's just how I feel, and like I said, I felt like I needed to share this, because frankly, I was a bit disappointed with this particular update. That's all I had to say, and thanks for taking the time to read this.
I just wanna say that I also prefer quality over quantity, that was the whole point of my post. It's not a problem if something is short, as long as it's good. But going from 3 in-game days to 1 now, is a significant change, ignoring the quality of the content, and focusing strictly on content amount.
In the second quote, you contradict yourself : preferring quality over quantity but not liking going from 3 in-game days to 1, not helping getting your point understandable for others. As it was stated to you before me, update pace changed from monthly to twice a month and I assume MoonBox took the opportunity to change the pace of the game also (I feel the days more stacked than before, less MC waiting/sleeping doing nothing more resulting in the fun meme in the thread ).

More content is made (so no reduction in actual content) but it may be spread differently than before and not to your liking apparently : that's understandable but going to the point saying dev should go a certain way may be a bit too much here. May be a bit naive of me to think so but I'd rather just say in a constructive way what I think is going wrong and hope the dev will answer it (positively or not), especially with a dev that communicate as much as MoonBox in this thread.

Tried to be as careful as possible in my statement, I tried to understand your point of view as much as I could, even if I disagree with it and tried to explain why. Have a good day/night. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
No sex with NANA yet? ... we might get our leg over in the old folks home at the rate this one is going.
there is enough sex with old decrepit whores in this game already. If we never get sex with nana I'm just going to be happy. So many good characters around his own age and he fucks everything that moves, or rather he can.
This game would be so short if I was playing just the LI's I was interested in
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