I like this game sofar but im curious a couple of times i have seen the MC's described as a Alpha Male he's the Dom.
and that worries me plus the Dev added something else that worries me.
Nah Sandra will be the only one with anything like that. Elaine might try, but she will fail. If anything, she's the one that's gonna be MC's toy.
The reason I say these worries me is because although I agree the MC acts Alpha but he is also at the same time carring atleast he is sofar.
But in many games were the terms like Alpha and Dom for the MC's are used the MC concerned very quickly turns into a Grade A DoucheBag if he's not one already.
And Sex allways ends up the same its suddenly all about the MC getting his rocks off being whats important.
and his partner is allways reduced to Cunt this Bitch that every dialog turns into your a Slut, your my cumdump your a fucking Whore and other such prepubesent crap that sprouted in the sex scene's.
and outside the Sex we get the MC constantly thinking stuff like "i'd like to stick my cock sofar up that ass" for any female he meets.
And of corse as far as the MC is concerned they are all just the MC's sextoys or soon will be.
Now It maybe just me that thinks this or has experianced this but the type of MC normally depicted as supposedly an Dom Alpha most of the time Is actually nothing more than Douchebag of the highest order.
Now i'm not saying that this game is like that or even would become like that but i hope you can understand why its still a worrying thought when these terms are used with reguards to a game still being made.
none the less sofar I like the game a hell of alot and look forward to more updates.
Just Sayin.