While I appreciate the sentiment, it would be cruel to deprive her of the special brand of love she's never really experienced.
And this is where I don't actually understand people complaining about Nana. She's ALREADY experiencing that.
She's had sex. Multiple times. Maybe she hasn't had mind-blowing, magickly-enhanced, oversized-stretching sex. Maybe she never even had an orgasm before.
But MC is already giving her the love, caring, and attention she didn't get from her husband. She's had multiple orgasms (pretty good ones from all appearance), she's constantly in a state of euphoria in his presence, and from all appearances, she gets the most uncomfortable when they get too close to ACTUAL sex.
Do I care if they actually get there? Not really, although that's mostly a reaction to this forum than the game.
Do I think they're going to get there? Of course they will.
Do I think there's any need to rush things? Nope.
Do I think Nana is suffering in any way as the build up to the event grows? Not at all. If anyone is suffering, it's MC, and he's got MANY outlets at his beck and call (and makes use of them constantly).
The only cruelty being perpetrated is towards the players who come into this game with a mindset that a specific thing is supposed to happen because of the name of the game; and really, that's self induced.
Grandma's story has been about the tease and her reluctance breaking down at HER pace from the start. Not MC's pace. Not the player's pace. NANA's pace.
Grandma's HOUSE (the game) is about that and all the other sex kinks that the multitude of women in MCs life bring him and us.
Anyway, that's my rant for the week. Sorry I'm dropping all this on you Elumiknotty ... your comment was just that last piece of straw.