I mean, I'm not sure if it couldn't be Priya's husband too? Or, at least, that she doesn't particularly want a child by that man?
That said, I believe what's been said above.
She actually wanted kids, but as
ChaosStar0 said, she's barren. I couldn't think of the word yesterday evenin.
I think you missed this one word in my post, and the final sentence. I was responding to previous comments to the effect that Priya was indeed barren.
MoonBox has created a two-part process by which women who are barren can be impregnated. Part two is the super-sperm. However, as much as we joke around, I don't believe it was intended to magically make women who, for example, don't have eggs to impregnate get pregnant.
Priya's infertility treatment is the fix for that part of the problem (as far as I can tell).
Given that treatment has been given a test by Paveena, what would have been stopping her from trying it herself, and trying to have a child with her husband? One possibility is that he's infertile, too. Another is that it's the combination of her treatment and the MC's sperm that did the trick for Paveena. Finally (and I assume this one is true regardless of the other possibilities), her husband, as a Gilford male, is in some way unfit to father her children, at the least since the MC's arrival on the scene.
From the comments, I'm assuming that in the most recent update, she's made up her mind about the MC, and her willingness to become his sexual partner. Hence,
HornyyPussy 's comment, that she wouldn't be barren for too much longer. The main question is whether she'll be a good scientist and wait to see how things go with Paveena's pregnancy, or if she will give in her need to get going.