Damn, hoped there will be a chance to skip grandma stuff. Also probably first game where I skipped half of girls) Other half pretty not bad. And "I love you" stuff too much for me, sometimes literally every second line.
I debated replying to this comment.
You see, there's absolutely NO WAY, that I will ever be able to agree with any of it. So, I thought that it would be best to stay away.
I can't.
So, here goes.
- Skip Grandma stuff - This not only doesn't work, it is so idiotic that not even a matter of "taste" can save it.
- Skip Half the girls - Yes, it must a terrible ordeal to come to a game that is nothing but porn and having to have sex with so many women. The terrible situation you are in, almost makes me cry. (NOT)
- "I Love You" stuff - I dunno... I dunno if you were raised by savages, if you were abused, if you have personality problems, I dunno... but you really need help you little sociopath you... Can't handle emotions uh? Too dead inside? Yeah, you need help. The sooner the better.
In short: You have terrible taste. You REALLY need help, start therapy today.