Lovely. So, if you have cause to believe that the dev is on the forum and would share such information here, how would you find this comment? Searches based on Nana or Grandma won't find it. Searches based on sex or intercourse won't find it. Looking for all Moonbox's comments returns 40 pages of results. Heck, knowing the text, I tried searching for: Allison halfway. Got no results.
I know Moon doesn't feel people notice the "No sex with Nana yet" note. I'm thinking that it's been sitting there unchanged long enough that people may think things could have changed, and the note could have been left on by mistake. A lot of games here have notes that may no longer be applicable, but have never been removed.
He's said he's thought about adding a FAQ, but that it doesn't seem to be worth it given the number of people who ignore the note. I think a FAQ could be worthwhile; there are people out there who would read it and learn from it. There are plenty who wouldn't, but those would be the hopeless cases regardless.
I would also suggest updating the note when the version changes: AS of version 0.35, There's no sex with Nana yet. Again, those who are determined to be assholes or are willfully blind/illiterate won't be helped by this, but those who might think the note was out of date would be.