
Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
Will download when completed. Not interested at the moment.
I've been thinking about this... (I can't help it, ok?)

Does this user also goes to a Shopping mall, enters all stores, going to one of the employees and saying:
"Will buy something when you Liquidate. Not interested at the moment."
And leaves, going to the next store...

:: Scratches Head :: How does any of this make ANY fucking sense at all? BTW, to whom does this person thinks he's speaking to? If it's a Generic comment, what do they hope to achieve? If it's directed to someone, what is the goal?

No matter how I look at this, there's really no possible reason to make such a comment. It's not that we're interested in what they play or don't play. MB also gains NOTHING from knowing that they play or not, or why. Or when.

I could chalk this up to insanity, because there's no obvious reasoning to post this. Do they think that showing up in the Latest Updates means that they are being... I dunno... invited? to play? But, it's quite more probable that I could resume this to... Do they think?

Quite the enigma, mates. I needed to get this out of my mind... Posts like these are truly a "Glitch in the Matrix", a mental itch that I can't stop scratching.

What a fucking dumbass... :(

Peace :(


Feb 22, 2020
I really have to give it to Moonbox for his work on Grandma's House. Every two weeks we get an update like clockwork and it's always chock full of hot scenes. Every single character design is hot, even the ones that have no business being so. While its technically vanilla because of all the wholesome harem vibes, it makes up for that by being super kinky and even wildly inventive in the scenarios and sex that we are offered.

I hope the lack of animations isn't keeping people from playing it. I would argue that the amount of renders you get during the scenes almost mimics what animation does. It's much better than poorly animated scenes.

For my money it has to be one of the most reliable updates in terms of satisfying you every time. It doesn't tease you with a current update only being setup for good stuff that (maybe) happens in a later update. Every update is paying off NOW.
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Jan 18, 2021
I apologize for the length of this message... I took advantage of the holiday season to replay the whole game from the beginning and do some proofreading, with and without the mod/iPatch. Playing without the mod allowed me to enjoy things such as Liz saying "Too bad he's my landlady's friend's grandson..." (yeah, that sounds very spontaneous) but the real reason was that I wanted to be sure that any typos that I would find were part of the original game.

I think that some of these typos have already been reported earlier and it may be too late to fix the old versions of the game, but I guess that they could be fixed in the walkthrough mod, for example?

Anyway, here are the typos and the other small issues (geography, culture) that I found in the five parts of the game released so far. For each of them, I am mentioning the corresponding scene / background image as found in script.rpy. Some of them are in scenes.rpy, mentioned in parenthesis. Some background images appear multiple times in the story, but it should be easy to find the right occurrence for each of the typos reported below.

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Board Buff
Apr 26, 2020
I apologize for the length of this message... I took advantage of the holiday season to replay the whole game from the beginning and do some proofreading, with and without the mod/iPatch. Playing without the mod allowed me to enjoy things such as Liz saying "Too bad he's my landlady's friend's grandson..." (yeah, that sounds very spontaneous) but the real reason was that I wanted to be sure that any typos that I would find were part of the original game.

I think that some of these typos have already been reported earlier and it may be too late to fix the old versions of the game, but I guess that they could be fixed in the walkthrough mod, for example?

Anyway, here are the typos and the other small issues (geography, culture) that I found in the five parts of the game released so far. For each of them, I am mentioning the corresponding scene / background image as found in script.rpy. Some of them are in scenes.rpy, mentioned in parenthesis. Some background images appear multiple times in the story, but it should be easy to find the right occurrence for each of the typos reported below.

Part 1 (version 0.16)
  • scene intro family
    Unpatched version: "(My landlords bodies were identified but not my roommates, but she ..." -> "(My landlords' bodies were identified but not my roommate's, but she ..."
    With the mod: "(My parents bodies were identified but not my Sisters, but she ..." -> "(My parents' bodies were identified but not my sister's, but she ..." ->
  • scene intro house dinner*
    This is not really a bug, but during the dinner scene the MC talks about Omar without ever mentioning Jamila. This does not fit with what the MC, Jamila, Allison and others say in the later parts of the story about how close they were with each other before he left. Suggestion: in the dinner scene, Allison says: "Oh why didn't you say something? I could have phoned his mother." and the MC replies "I didn't think of that, it doesn't matter now, I'll see him tomorrow." The MC could also say: "And this may also give me a chance to greet his mother." (or "greet Mrs. Hafeez" or something similar). Considering their common past as revealed in the later parts of the story, it would make sense for the MC to mention Jamila at this point, or for Allison to make a comment about Jamila just after saying that she could have called her. It would help the new players to have the right expectations about Jamila, instead of assuming that they are complete strangers.
  • scene day2 spa8
    Shizuka says: "Some one will be with you shortly." I think that "Someone" would be more appropriate here. This sentence appears twice, depending on whether the player has selected "She's cute" or "Make fun of her stutter".
  • scene day2 shower3
    Natalia ("Woman") says: "Dressed like a whore? I'm gardening in the backyard, whose going to see me?" -> "who's going to"
  • scene day2 shower3
    The MC thinks (if introOfferedWine==1): "(Better be quiet, she had a rough nights sleep.)" -> night's sleep.
  • scene day2 jam14
    If the MC compliments Jamila, he says: "Mrs. Hafeez... You still look as beautiful as the last time I saw you." Again, this does not fit their background. Sayin "Mrs. Hafeez" is fine when a few lines later the MC says "Thanks Mrs. Hafeez.", but it is weird to start a sentence in such a formal way if they were so close to each other. I would remove the "Mrs. Hafeez..." and keep only "You still look as beautiful as the last time I saw you." Even if the too formal greeting is kept in the main version of the game ("landlady"), it should at least be removed from the mod version in which the mommy aspect is emphasized.
  • scene day2 supper14
    Liz says: "*Laughs* I'm just teasing baby. You were cute but now your handsome, tall and fit." -> now you're handsome
  • scene day2 supper23
    The narration says: "You hope that she won't feel it but how could she not with that meat rocket your packing." -> you're packing.
  • scene day25 night24
    Allison says: "You're words mean the world to me." -> Your words
  • scene day31 night30
    Amelia says: "*Laughs* Right? It's too bad too even get into the \"So bad it's good\" territory." -> to even get
  • scene day39 jos13
    Josianne says: "C'est rien. ({i}It's nothing.{/i}) Do not worry." -> Ce n'est rien. Even when speaking informally, it does not seem to fit Josianne's character to skip the "n'". She may shorten the "Ce" and sound like "C'n'est rien" but it would be weird to skip the negation completely.
  • scene day41 morn20
    The MC says: "*Laughs* You're reactions are adorable Shizuka." -> Your reactions
  • scene day44 isa210
    Isabella says: "If you're bed is big enough we could both sleep there..." -> Your bed
Part 2 (version 0.37)
  • scene day52 morn19
    The MC says: "Walking down the Champs-D'Elysee." -> the Champs-Élysées (or Champs-Elysees if you drop the two accents)
  • scene day54 amy63
    The narration says: "You get changed, call up a cab and head down to the beach." This is very unrealistic.
    It is too late to change the story and I think that this has already been mentioned a year ago, but a round-trip to the beach from Paris takes 5 to 6 hours depending on whether you go North or West of Rouen. That round-trip with a cab will probably cost aound $500. This makes as much sense as if someone in Las Vegas would decide to call a cab and go to the sea (not to a lake). Yes it is doable, but this is not very efficient. If the MC and Amy start their trip in the afternoon and want to return for dinner with Allison, then they could only spend a few minutes at the beach. To enjoy their time at the beach, they would have had to start in the early morning, or rent a fast helicopter. ;)
    And let's not mention "scene day54 amy83" that shows some palm trees in the background. There aren't so many of those around the English Channel, with winter temperatures that are just a few degrees above freezing. Of course this would be different if they went to the beach in the South of France around the Mediterranean coast, but then they would take a plane or a high-speed train, not a cab that would take 8 to 9 hours to reach the beach. You don't just "call up a cab" in Paris in the afternoon and "head down to the beach" in Marseille or Nice. ;)
    Two days later (day 56), the MC meets a woman in the elevator (in a hotel in Paris) and she went to the same beach hundreds of kilometers from there. What are the odds? Hmm... :unsure:
  • scene day55 morn48
    Another minor detail: I doubt that any hotel in Paris offers a crepe with "Strawberry double-chocolate hazelnut with extra whipped creme and some bacon on the side." The chef would probably spit in the crepe and mumble something about those savages adding bacon to a sweet crepe.
  • scene day57 morn71
    The MC says: "Whoa, now isn't this a site for sore eyes." -> a sight for
  • scene day58 doc51
    The narration says: "She responds with enthusiasm, her hand finding it's way to the back of your neck and pulling you in." -> finding its way
  • scene day78 night15
    The narration says: "Her lips part and her tongue finds it's way into your mouth." -> finds its way
  • scene day87 morn244
    The MC says: "You could just not tell her if your not comfortable with it." -> if you're not
Part 3 (version 0.53)
  • scene day88 asa183
    The MC says: "Good, now move your hands like your opening some curtains." -> like you're opening
  • scene day90 jam235
    The screen is black for the three sentences using the background image "game/images/v39/day90 jam235.webp"
  • scene day94 morn93 / morn94
    I was a bit confused by the following sequence: Fiona and Cat say goodbye to each other, then Fiona tells Cat: "You should join us when we reverse gangbang [mc] one of these days.", then Cat says "*Giggles* I'm there!" and finally the MC says: "*Laughs* I'm definitely not missing that." It would make more sense if the MC would say "I'm here" and Cat would say that she will not miss that. Or if Cat would say "I will be there" and the MC would say something else (how could he miss his own reverse gangbang?). But as it is written, this sequence is confusing.
  • scene day96 morn373 (scenes.rpy)
    The narration says: "You back off, giving her a chance to breath." -> to breathe.
  • scene day96 jos82 (scenes.rpy)
    Josianne shouts: "NON! ARRETE! ({i}NO! STOP!{/i}!)" -> NON! ARRETEZ! (or better: ARRÊTEZ with the accent). So far Josianne has always used the polite form when addressing the MC. She always calls him "Monsieur". In that context, she should say "arrêtez" instead of "arrête".
  • scene day96 jos101 (scenes.rpy)
    Josianne says: "*Heavy Breathing* Hah... I supposed I should be pleased..." -> I suppose I should
  • scene day96 jos138 (scenes.rpy)
    When the coffee table collapses, Josianne shouts: "VOUS ETEZ MALADE! ({i}YOU'RE CRAZY!{/i})" -> VOUS ETES MALADE! (or better: VOUS ÊTES MALADE! with the accent)
  • scene day102 night134
    The MC tells Amy: "You're beautiful, my heart melts whenever I look into your deep brown eyes. You're gorgeous smile always brightens my day." -> Your gorgeous smile
  • scene day104 morn108
    Josianne says: "Felicitations... ({i}Congratulations...{/i})" This is correct, but it would be better with the accent Félicitations if the font supports it.
  • scene day105 jam30
    Jamila says: "*Laughs* This robe is a few size too large." -> a few sizes
  • scene day105 jam32
    Not a bug and also too late to change, but we know that Jamila does not want to show too much skin to strangers. We also know that they live in a small town with barely a car repair shop. Then why does Jamila leave the curtains wide open when she undresses, and why does the background of a supposedly small town show some skyscrapers seen from a hotel that seems to be even taller?
  • scene day106 morn123
    Asami says: "We do not have many appointment today, [asaMcNick]." -> many appointments
  • scene day106 morn277 (scenes.rpy)
    The narration says: "Her pussy starts to gush as she struggles to breath." -> to breathe.
Part 4 (version 0.68)
  • scene day108 morn706
    The narration says: "You text her and she let's you know that they decided to go out for a drink and they'll be home late." -> she lets you know
  • scene day111 morn497
    Natalia says: "*Heavy Breathing* Multo bene... ({i}Very good...{/i})" -> Molto bene
  • scene day112 morn468 (scenes.rpy)
    The MC tells Megan: "You're [mtr] and I have some unfinished business." -> Your [mtr] and I
  • scene day117 morn273
    Another minor detail: the yellow and black road signs indicating a sharp turn in "game/images/v62/day117 morn273.webp" do not exist in Belgium (except in some construction areas). In most of Europe, these signs would be white and red.
  • scene day117 morn324
    Another case of confused geography: the image "game/images/v62/day117 morn324.webp" shows a typical village from the South of France, with clay roof tiles and yellow stone walls that can be found in the South of France or in Spain or Italy but not anywhere near Belgium. The street sign confirms that, as Marcel Pagnol is an author usually associated with the Provence region. So when the story says: "You take the elevator downstairs and take a walk around the city" and the MC comments "Didn't realize how big the city was on my way in.", then that city would have to be around 1000 kilometers long. That may be a bit much for a walk. :geek:
  • scene day118 morn159
    An even more minor detail... I was surprised when Allison said: "The weather is nice here in Belgium." Has she ever set a foot outside? I just looked up the statistics and there were more than 200 rainy days this year in Brussels. The summer has only 3 sunny days per month on average (days with less than 20% cloud cover). Reading that comment about the Belgian weather reminded me of those who praise Ireland as being the green country. Well, there is a reason for that. Don't forget your rain jacket when you visit the Emerald Isle. :geek:
  • scene day118 morn262
    Minor rendering issue: Allison has a subdermal necklace in "game/images/v64/day118 morn262.webp"
  • scene day118 morn342
    Imogene orders a surf and turf. I cannot believe that from someone who is supposed to live in Belgium most of the time. Ordering a surf and turf in Belgium (or in any civilized country) is like ordering a pizza with pineapple (or kiwi) in Italy. Sure, you may be able to find a few restaurants that have that on their menu (there is even a restaurant in Bruges that is called Surf & Turf) but those restaurants are for uneducated tourists who have more money than brains or taste buds. Savages! I thought that Imogene was supposed to be rich and educated. Ordering a surf and turf shows that she is rich and... American. :sneaky:
  • scene day119 morn178 (scenes.rpy)
    "Your cock stretches her nearly virgin lips." Not bad for a lady who had three kids.
  • scene day119 morn627 (scenes.rpy)
    "You stretch your [gmr]'s nearly virgin slit." Yeah, nearly virgin.
  • scene day119b morn79
    Geography strikes again... I cannot help it... The image "game/images/v66/day119b morn79.webp" shows some sharp mountain peaks covered in snow. You could get that nice view from a ski resort in the Alps, but that's at least some 8 hours drive from where the MC is supposed to be.
    Later during that day, the MC and Allison "head up the mountain through the winding roads" and visit the springs owned by Imogene. The closest area looking like that would be the Vosges in France and Germany. That's still a 4 hours drive. I doubt that Helga would start from Imogene's housein the evening and reach these springs quickly enough to say on the way back: "it is not even eight yet."
  • scene day120 morn375 (scenes.rpy)
    The MC tells Allison: "Just the two of us..." I assume that Annabelle doesn't count?
  • scene day120 morn516
    "Helga walks around setting down plates of Belgian waffles." -> plates of German waffles. (or just "plates of waffles" but certainly not Belgian)
    The heart shaped waffles are typically German. That would match Helga's origins. But they are not Belgian waffles. Belgian waffles have much larger squares than American or German waffles. There are two main kinds of waffles in Belgium: the Brussels waffles are larger, lighter and have a rectangular shape, and the Liège waffles have an oval shape, contain pearl sugar, and are heavier because they are made from a raised dough. They are very different from the heart shaped waffles shown in the image.
  • scene day121 morn276 (scenes.rpy)
    The MC says: "*Laughs* [aui!c] adorable." I expected a verb there, to have "Auntie is adorable" or "Auntie's adorable"
Part 5 (version 0.70)
  • Bug: Amy is not pregnant yet. :sneaky:
Please put this post in a spoiler so it isn't so long.


Dec 8, 2024
No matter how I look at this, there's really no possible reason to make such a comment. It's not that we're interested in what they play or don't play. MB also gains NOTHING from knowing that they play or not, or why. Or when.
Just look at it as someone who has got nothing of value to say & yet are saying it all too loudly.

They think they are so fucking important that of course you all need to hear about what they're not going to do.
Attention seeking & a massively over-inflated sense of self importance, is what I'd call it.
Either that, or they're completely delusional.
Take your pick as to which is worse.

As per The Krays, above, "You've got nothing to say, so bollocks" is the only appropriate response. :ROFLMAO:
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Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
Just look at it as someone who has got nothing of value to say & yet are saying it all too loudly.

They think they are so fucking important that of course you all need to hear about what they're not going to do.
Attention seeking & a massively over-inflated sense of self importance, is what I'd call it.
Either that, or they're completely delusional.
Take your pick as to which is worse.

As per The Krays, above, "You've got nothing to say, so bollocks" is the only appropriate response. :ROFLMAO:
You, sir, couldn't have said it more clearly. I 100% agree he did it for attention, which is why I gave him the "Troll Alert" treatment.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 20, 2022
I've been thinking about this... (I can't help it, ok?)

Does this user also goes to a Shopping mall, enters all stores, going to one of the employees and saying:
"Will buy something when you Liquidate. Not interested at the moment."
And leaves, going to the next store...

:: Scratches Head :: How does any of this make ANY fucking sense at all? BTW, to whom does this person thinks he's speaking to? If it's a Generic comment, what do they hope to achieve? If it's directed to someone, what is the goal?

No matter how I look at this, there's really no possible reason to make such a comment. It's not that we're interested in what they play or don't play. MB also gains NOTHING from knowing that they play or not, or why. Or when.

I could chalk this up to insanity, because there's no obvious reasoning to post this. Do they think that showing up in the Latest Updates means that they are being... I dunno... invited? to play? But, it's quite more probable that I could resume this to... Do they think?

Quite the enigma, mates. I needed to get this out of my mind... Posts like these are truly a "Glitch in the Matrix", a mental itch that I can't stop scratching.

What a fucking dumbass... :(

Peace :(
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 20, 2022
I apologize for the length of this message... I took advantage of the holiday season to replay the whole game from the beginning and do some proofreading, with and without the mod/iPatch. Playing without the mod allowed me to enjoy things such as Liz saying "Too bad he's my landlady's friend's grandson..." (yeah, that sounds very spontaneous) but the real reason was that I wanted to be sure that any typos that I would find were part of the original game.

I think that some of these typos have already been reported earlier and it may be too late to fix the old versions of the game, but I guess that they could be fixed in the walkthrough mod, for example?

Anyway, here are the typos and the other small issues (geography, culture) that I found in the five parts of the game released so far. For each of them, I am mentioning the corresponding scene / background image as found in script.rpy. Some of them are in scenes.rpy, mentioned in parenthesis. Some background images appear multiple times in the story, but it should be easy to find the right occurrence for each of the typos reported below.

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Solid work. Makes me wonder if that's your job.
Jan 18, 2021
Solid work. Makes me wonder if that's your job.
Ha ha! Thanks but no, this is my hobby, not my job.

My real job is a very different kind of fun in a large company. But as a hobby, I have been contributing to free and open source software projects for many years (I am old enough to have installed SLS Linux from a dozen floppy disks) under my real name or various pseudonyms. I have also created my own projects, so as an author I know how important it is to be supported by a community. Whenever I use some software that I like, be it games or utilities, I try to give something back. Sometimes I contribute code, sometimes I contribute financially (e.g., Patreon), sometimes I contribute by doing some proofreading as I did here.

When I provide some feedback for a game, I try to structure it in a way that makes it easy for the author to locate the corresponding code and update it. That's what I tried to do here. I love Grandma's House, so it was time for me to give something back. ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2021
At the point where I am only Aaliyah and Tanyah are officially girlfriends although he has explained the situation to a couple other people but not everyone. Dude has a pregnant girlfriend and basically carts her to another house and leaves her there instead of including her more in the family activities. And yes it was her idea to not live in the same house but I don't thing she expected to have no contact for a week at least.

Still like the game but some of the priorities are annoying.
I agree but I just chalk this up to usual VN shenanigans. Its also part of all the, "I am ok with you seeing other people" stuff. Don't focus too much on realism.

We havnet seen or heard from Aaliyah and her mom in a while. Hell, Thomas left the country without telling them. who the fuck would leave the country without telling their "girlfriend?"

Its part of the silliness that makes this genre more porn than drama.

Also, Gravity2


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
I can not open part 5 .Yes i have saved at the end of part 4 .
Help please
Explain your problem... Can't open is NOT enough.

- What did you download?
- Where did you extract it?
- What are you trying to run?
- Mod? No Mod?
- Patch? No Patch?
- The save was on the correct place?

Peace :)
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