can we have an early release for the latest update?
First thing first, this is not me being mad or angry at this request. I get the impatience.
Second. Taking your question seriously, the only answer is: Should we? I know it's shitty to answer with a question, but it's the only way to take this seriously.
Now, MoonBox has a extremely short cycle of releases, updates are out every 15 days and made public 12 days after release. Go and compare that to any other one out there. It's not the shortest, but it's still one of the shorter ones. Considering that he now does this for a living, meaning he depends on this game has his wage, I repeat the question above: Should we?
There are Devs on this site that NEVER make their games Public and have not intentions of it, this guy, does and still 2 days after release there are people asking for a leaked copy, because they simply can't wait 10 more days. Should we really pirate our way into this? What would we gain? Is it worth it to piss off one of the best Devs on here?
Not going to say more. I promised I wouldn't get angry.