0.47 Update has arrived!
Something snuck past the town’s security. As someone get’s wounded you embark on an adventure to find a cure. How much fucked are you?
This update literally doubles the story of the game. Contains 25 new custom animations.
New bonus scenes were added and few limited spots to claim them!
New gallery scenes were added!
New interaction mode for scenes. Ability to click parts to interact with them and switch cameras.
New Time Clock feature supporting day and night cycle.
Time clock now is used in stories without cluttering UI by showing it only in specific spots and auto hiding it on completion.
Backgrounds changes:
Internal. Ability to self requeue backgrounds making the renders more alive than any other KK game. This is probably my favorite new feature actually. It creates simple animations just with two renders which adds quite a touch to the story.
Internal. Ability to create multi part backgrounds (which can be at the same time simple sprite or a video) that play them at the same time. I don’t think I’ve seen any visual novel to support this.
Ability to play sfx on shown. Therefore animations have even more life. Three queued backgrounds. When the third is played only then the sfx plays.
Shake background modifier. Injected also in previous parts of the story. Injecting the new modifier in several places in already existing story. I.e. during falling in Cylia’s meeting.
New sakura petals particle effect background. You will notice it during the new story.
Internal. In case of not existing background suppressing error.
Internal. Optimizing background, reducing transition state checking from every frame update to callbacks.
Also prewarming transition. Reducing time between presetting them ,syncing them between layers making transition appear at similar time.
Releasing asset handle on destruction of object, hugely reducing memory usage.
Meta profile Internal storage for over the game global storage.
Scene system changes:
Main scene is shown to player after it has been uncovered. This prevents a few frames of showing something changing on screen that doesn’t make sense to the player.
Internal. Scene gets covered. Unloads old. Loads new. Uncovers.
Preferences window The preferences window displays when there is new preference added. The preferences are stored in meta profile.
Button in menu used previously to open and close patrons is now in use for opening preferences.
Save system changes:
Right click quick access to manual saves.
MANUAL save types now hold position index (like renpy). Otherwise it gets sorted by date. This way both date organization and favorites overwrite is possible.
Overwriting save is now possible. Click and hold to overwrite save. Use this to assign save positions to specific spots in manual grouping. Thanks
Dreamfucker kingmich Nobles**
Removing slot type name on slot item ui and replacing it with color ribbon instead. To help with readability.
Travelling now also causes to create history save.
Internal. Left to right transition was added.
Saving last queued background instead of current if there is queued background present.
Clearing ambience and bgm on loading. Prevents carrying over of sound between loading scenes.
Caching ambience and bgm. Prevents restarting of sound during i.e. location transitions.
Internal. Ability to specify skipping sfx if it was played within last X seconds. In a situation where third queued background is playing sfx, yet the user is constantly clicking therefore skipping render animation. It doesn’t then play the sfx doubled.
Loading screen image changed from black.
Internal. Ping replaced since it didn’t work on android devices.
Internal. Caching continue scroll and limiting it to one scroll per 400 ms.
Hair clipping on several Mara renders has been fixed.
Clearing save thumbnails on every click. Prevents displaying previous thumbnails on different slot save data.
Checking for invariant culture on bg modifier application. In case of typo or in places where it’s omitted.
Internal. Added vn interactive game mode to support limitation for traveling during clickable hentai scenes.
Moving patreons and socials to exit screen.
0.46.3 Clicking on the screen and any other clickable object doesn’t cause double action performing at the same time. I.e. dialogue and undo.
0.46.2 Fixing background error which could cause lag during dialogue clicking. Thanks
0.46.2 Fixing android continue dialogue not working. Thanks
0.46.3 Changing to default value of fps for android to 30 while removing hard lock. Thanks