VN - Ren'Py - Guilty Pleasure [v0.37] [Quonix]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    Some games on this site transport you to another world. You get sucked into a wild and exciting story, with interesting characters who have compelling motivations. You laugh, you get sad, you feel a desire to keep playing to see what happens next.

    And then some games are limp and lifeless, going through the motions. Half the dialogue is characters saying what they're currently doing or about to do. Boring scenes like driving from A to B are never cut, because then there would be nothing left to show. Guilty Pleasures is one of these games.

    Also having no choices for the first few scenes for critical moments, but then having choices for how specifically you say "yes" to a question is just obnoxious. Have a full on VN, or let us make impactful choices. Doing the Fallout 4 "yes" or "yes (sarcastically)" makes no one happy.

    Tasha's hot and there's some interesting music later on. That's about it for the positives.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is for Guilty Pleasure v0.36 and I've been playing this game since v0.5 was released.

    Summary: Guilty Pleasure is a high-quality kinetic novel with a frequent update cadence that unfortunately still moves at a slow pace due to the very small amount of new content each update. The game is currently a solid 4/5 and it's definitely worth playing, but I would recommend playing only every 3rd or 4th update due to the small size of individual updates, assuming you can stay away that long, because the girls in this game are hot.

    Story: 4/5 - The plot is just a stereotypical and really shallow incest story with 2 sisters, mom, and aunt, plus a few other non-family love-interests for the MC. The story starts out with the MC and his sister being pushed into a situation where they have sex, then evolves into the MC and his sister scheming to get the MC to fuck the other family members. It's got a light-hearted vibe and doesn't try to be overly dramatic or fantastical to keep the player's interest. However, it works OK for a porn game.

    Writing: 5/5 - The English is very well-written. There's no barrage of distracting spelling and grammar errors so commonly found in adult VNs, plus there's some good banter and humor.

    Renders: 5/5 - Very high-quality renders. Some of the most beautiful female models I've seen in an adult game, yet also very natural-looking.

    Animations: 5/5 - Smooth high-framerate and high-resolution animations making some of the hottest (albeit vanilla) sex scenes you'll see in a visual/kinetic novel.

    Gameplay: 3/5 - There really isn't any. I counted and there are 13 choices in the entire game, all of them are in the first 25% of the game and don't appear to have any significant impact. Players just watch the story unfold and that's the way it was designed. If you're looking for a "gaming experience", this is not it. I would rate the gameplay aspect a 5/5 if all of the choices were removed, and the game was turned into a proper kinetic novel. It really seems like the developer originally intended to create a visual novel where player choices affect the story, but later just dropped the idea entirely, and never went back and removed the useless choices.

    Quality of Lewd Content: 4/5 - The lewd content is hot because of the beautiful models, high-quality renders, and great animations, but the sex itself is short, a little too vanilla, and mostly only focused on the MC's pleasure. The sex scenes have little to no foreplay, and the passion and intimacy of the sex is not improving as relationships evolve. The sex mostly seems really unsatisfying for the women in the scenes. Basically, the MC is a two-pump chump. I originally thought this was intentional to reflect the MC's lack of sexual experience, but the sex has now evolved to threesomes and the scenes are still super short and lack passion. I believe the developer is either cutting scenes short in order to meet development schedules or he lacks a good understanding of erotica. Either way, it's causing the game to become boring.

    Amount of Content: 4/5 - The game has a lot of content now, but individual updates are very small. Each update has only 5 to 10 minutes of play time. Updates are frequent and very consistent and they continue the storyline instead of creating tangents; however, the update size is much smaller than expected for the time between releases which is usually around 5 weeks. Quality over quantity seems to be the goal and the game mostly succeeds at it, but the content contained in each release also seems to be getting smaller with each subsequent release. Obviously, this won't be an issue after the game is complete, but players that are following the development should keep it in mind.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Updates may be short, but at least regular and fairly frequent. And this is already a huge plus, compared with other games! On top of that, the narration is quite smooth and not overloaded with words. It reads very easily. The scenes are also top notch. They are consistent, with no abrupt start or end, and with animation. Maybe there is not enough of some kind of kink, but otherwise, it is quite decent.
    In general, the author knows what he is doing.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    4.5 rounded up to 5

    Very underrated AVN. Yes the updates are short, but they are good updates and are consistent. Dirty talk could be a little better, but it's pretty good as is. If you care about realistic bouncing boobs and body movements IMO there is no one better on the animations.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is short and sweet. I finished it(as of 0.15) and I wanted more. The story and characters are far from anything I'd consider good, but they are good enough.
    Perhaps a metaphor: This game is like junk food but it's junk food when you're really hungry and the staff don't fuck up your order for once. You know that it is very far from the best out there, but it hits all the right notes and it hits them hard enough that the result is quite satisfying.

    The game uses nearly one different CG for every line of dialogue. This is very uneconomical as other reviews will point out, but I actually kinda like it. It feels like it highlights the visual aspect of a visual novel more strongly than otherwise. Things have more motion than most games, despite only having a few animations that are limited to sex scenes.

    There is music that is good enough that I didn't mute it, renders are good, animations(where present) are good, characters have little depth but it is just enough for the incest tag to feel more than a word slapped on the metaphorical box.
    While short it doesn't waste your time at all and there is no issue with obnoxious ESL spelling and grammar.

    Looking at the patch notes I'd say this game stands out as being very short for the time it's been in development for and when I tune in for future updates, I know I'll have to wait for at least four or five at the minimum for it to feel worth it. While a negative aspect of the game, I don't see it as an issue unless you're paying for the game and I'd wager most here are not.

    It is far from the games I'd consider my favorites but for 3 and a half to 4 hours of your time, I would consider it worth it. Just don't expect much beyond good porn.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is two years.
    The graphics are average.
    Animations are standard
    The plot is boring.
    The characters are empty.
    GG beta.
    Two years ago it looked interesting, today I do not know why praise this game (
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    As of .14, the progress of the story is still pretty shallow. What is there is incredibly hot, though. Superbly hot LIs and hot (if sometimes ridiculous) situations.

    Story-wise: while the initial "mistakes" made by characters which spur on some of the developments themselves stretch belief, it feels like there is the potential for there to be enough meat on the bone hidden under the surface for things to make sense. I'm looking forward to see how things develop, and if they end up fleshed out, I don't see why my 4 star couldn't become a 5.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game keeps getting better. Its starting to catch its rhythm and moving quiet nicely now. The developer just needs to keep the updates coming and it will catch on. Hopefully it keeps getting some more attention and people will start supporting it. I haven't yet, but another timely update and I will. Good Luck Dev.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has one glaring issue, being the length. Usually I don't care about how long it is, but I know WHY it's so short and that doesn't excuse it, in fact it makes it worse. Are you ready for the Criss Angel Mindfreak? EVERY SINGLE LINE OF DIALOG HAS A UNIQUE IMAGE RENDERED FOR IT. There is no reason for that. This isn't a movie, this is barely a game. The only choices in the game don't seem to matter, and were probably added to avoid the "Kinetic Novel" tag. All that being said it's not terrible, just reading it is kinda boring to be frank. I tried this out forever ago and to see this is how far it's come in a year is not that promising.

    The story is centered around MC, he has a graduation party and him and his friends invite girls over with every intention of getting laid. But his NOTSister is invited and neither one of them inteds on backing out because... Reasons? Can I just say, I have no idea how this would have sounded if it wasn't MC's ACTUAL family. They talk out loud about taboo and stuff, seriously can we as a society move past incest as a fetish? Jeez... But I digress. MC and Lily, the sister, go to the party and they all play a game to see who ends up sleeping next to who and MC and Lily sleep together and have sex. The rest of the story is Lily being horny and wanting it more, MC doesn't want people to find out, and his other sister finding out but secretly wanting it because they are just rich rednecks. I can't say anymore because that's all there is.

    The Characters are Lily, younger sister that didn't want to be a virgin going to college and now just wants sex. Rachel the responsible older sister that also just wants sex but represses it because she's just pent up. Tasha, the mom with no content and no personality, she just leaves to and from work. The last character is Maya a girl you tutor that just wants sex. A good portion of the content is about Maya but as soon as they almost hint at anything about Lily and Maya having conflict, it disappears.

    The banner image is a complete misrepresentation about what is in this game or what will even be in this before the end of the year. If you noticed something in the last paragraph, all the female characters just want sex none of it matters with who. There's no relationship building it's all just superficial and boring. Sure, the renders look nice, it's not the default RenPy UI, and it seems to be written by someone that actually speaks english. But boring writing is boring. It's not necessarily BAD, but none of it is good.

    My advice to the Dev, if he reads this far before getting mad at me for a bad rating, write out more of the damn story and reuse images. If two characters are talking, one or two images each is enough to put the illusion in our head that it's a back and forth. Especially if the scene in whichever room is only a short conversation. Or, if you're going to keep doing this one image per line, either use some of that patreon money for a render farm or more computers because this game is coming up on TWO YEARS with barely an hour long story and you even have a character that visits JUST TO RECAP WHAT LITTLE HAS HAPPENED. That is just plain filler. And I don't understand what these "Acts" are. If it's set for every label, we as the reader don't need to know that.

    Bottom line, looks pretty, but it's short and boring.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    My first sister incest game and the taboo feels different The way they cross the lines together and the dialogue during it is so well done, and the main characters relatives are actually very beautiful especially the mother and main character's student while tutoring. I really liked it and really want the next release, the ending on the yacht was an actual cliffhange mayne
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I will give 5 stars because I like almost everything about this game.
    The story is nice till now.
    The renders are excellent but I think mum needs a liitle more work... and more skimpy outfits.
    The frequency of updates are as it should. Better less content and less time between updates.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    May be late to the party but I really like this one. Sex scenes look amazing and I'm old enough that the term MILF means literally nothing but can still remember my younger days and the thought of living out my forbidden crushes from that time is intoxicating.

    Only thing that would make it better is seeing that lesbian tag applied. My favorite part of a harem story is when the girls start hooking up with each other. But I love the main sister and her attitude.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Damn... I really wanna like this game, but it keeps missing the mark.

    Good stuff.
    1) Women are hot af with somewhat distinct personalities. Lilly is top tier.
    2) Early and often sex scenes. None of that waiting for a thousand year slow burn shit.

    Meh stuff.
    1) MC is okay. Better than most other games but, a bit too wimpy and small for my tastes.
    2) Story? Basic porn stuff. You've probably read it before.

    Bad stuff.
    1) Game is short af. Expected more considering that amount of updates and dev time.
    2) Sex scenes are also short af. Good luck jerking off.

    This game has potential, but damn I felt disappointed when I finished it. I literally said, "that's it??" out loud when it ended.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this game. The animation were really hot i think....Just the way Miya looks at the MC during the animation was really hot. I like games like this one where you don't get caught in a lllooonnng dialogs. Good easy going story, just like a good popcorn movie! Thank you
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Perfect for falling asleep.
    There is lack of depth all around the game.
    Renders are OK..but then... it is not even an "all-sex" game, this game pretend to have a story is exciting like cleaning house on Saturday morning.

    Characters do not have any personality, story is not engaging. always same stereotypes and even badly represented!

    No worth the time.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    this game is extremely linear and there isn't much choice. the character's dialogue is witty and the story is almost plausible and not outlandish. that being said it is shallow. nothing wrong with being shallow except i think it pretends to be deeper than it is. the story could maybe be considered slice of life, but as it stands, there is no real plot, just excuses that serve to engineer scenarios for sex. the party sets up sex with lily in the tent, tutoring sets up sex with maya, and the trip looks like it will set up sex with rachael. i do think the character renders are good, including the main character, especially considering a lot of games have an off screen or deliberately bland lead, so you can pretend it is you rather than presenting you with a character. visually, the dev likes to play with focus, so almost invariably the backgrounds or whatever else you aren't meant to pay attention to is extraordinarily blurry. some might consider stylistic, but there are other games with razor sharp detailed renders, so i can see it being interpreted as a mark of lower quality. updates are adequate but quite short. i can't criticize this because any sort of project like this takes time and resources and is a lot of work. but i can criticize the lack of writing depth. it tricks you, it seems like it should be better than it is. the main character has a perfectly average life, and his family seems decent and they have a nice house. there are no obstacles or problems presented other than a teenager wanting to party and have sex. makes it not very compelling or sympathetic.

    ver 0.14 edit: i am slowly coming around on this. there is finally some acknowledgement by the story that previous events have occurred and have consequences which is progress. also the setting switched to a 70 or 80 foot yacht that would plausibly set you back a couple million. so we have crossed over into absurdity or surrealism.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Candy Suxx

    The biggest and probably the only problem with the game is its extremely big updates that we get. The updates in this game are way way more huge than the ones you get in UOP or BAD or SG. Other than this the renders are good , LI's are pretty , story is okay but good lord the updates are humongous:eek::rolleyes:.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Wtf was that, i mean these updates are criminally short. More so if you chose to not pursue certain girl. Even though i skipped few updates for more content, now this one is frankly pissing me off. Nevermind.
    Great renders though the characters were hit and miss, way too many loopholes, no idea how the plot is holding up if at all there's one. Sex scenes were good though. I'll see where and how this goes from here.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Renders : 5/5
    Story/plot : Nada
    Animations : 3/5
    Choices : 0/5
    Character development : 0/5
    Giving this two stars only because of the the quality of renders and some flash (speed) animations, other than that you'll not get anything here. If you are looking for quick fap by just skipping the whole textfest then this one is exactly for you. It's just kinetic novel in disguise with choices given can be counted on fingers and has literally no meaning or the consequences whatsoever. Story feels like you are jogging in the park and all of a sudden a dog starts to chase you, so you have no other option than to sprint for your life.
    Visual novels with incest theme, the biggest weapon of these taboo stories is not the incestuous sex but the emotional involvement b/w the said characters, their unspoken taboo feelings which makes your heart skip a beat just by reading it. Gets your GnRH/testosterone flowing with just a kiss. Getting all hot and bothered by their mere presence in a room just few centimeter afar looking at each other conveying many things without flapping a lip, literally feeling your blood rushed through your veins. Goosebumps.
    Nonetheless, good luck to the developer.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    Let me start of by saying that is is a solid game and well worth playing. I really enjoyed it, but I'd say there are a few things keeping it from being great. I appreciate that the sex scenes are animated, and the animations are good and the scenes fucking hot. Sadly though, the scenes are somewhat short and usually consist of just 1-2 animations. I really enjoy the dynamic between MC and his three family members so far and I love what the game is setting up, but as much as I love Lilly's content the pacing is a bit strange. There's very little buildup and it just feels a bit rushed. Finding a good way to get a brother and sister to fuck isn't exactly easy though, and after the somewhat rushed start I rather like their interactions. Those are my only major complaints. This is a solidly written game that looks great and has good animations, I recommend giving it a chance.