VN - Ren'Py - Guilty Pleasure [v0.37] [Quonix]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    You are a young man that gets frisky with your sister because of the alcohol and a stupid camping game you and your buddy created, from there your sex life starts to change for better or worse *wink*.

    Extraordinary aspects of the game:

    What is good:
    Beautiful models, believable story, and fine animations.

    What is bad:
    The story is rushed really rushed, at one time you are in bed at another you already sleeping with your sister their little character development, or time to start to know the characters.

    The short sex scenes, with one or two animations at the same speed, are quite disappointing there are some games where have great sex scenes formula but I can’t place their names here as it’s against the review rules, you can check them at my list in the High-Quality section.

    What can be made better:
    Usually, it is supposed to be the opposite but this game needs filler, to know the character better before just throwing the player into a taboo relationship.

    The animation needs a fix as right now they are quite empty and almost soulless.

    My opinion:
    In general, the game is good, but because of all the missing parts I think this game isn’t the best, it got potential but the holes needed to be fixed and mended or it will just stay a game with potential alone.

    And for version 0.8 there is quite a little content with disappointing I would call this game more a 0.3 version or something like that, if it’s 0.8 of a chapter I can understand.

    In the end, I choose to place this game into the alright category mostly because it has good models and potential, but it still has too many problems with I hope will be fixed in future versions.

    If you want more reviews/recommendation check out my list [Link]
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    (Review of 0.9 Version)

    A VN that actually understands the taboo that incest is ment to have and centres around that. Unlike most games where it's portrayed that incest isn't to be hidden. Decent renders, the MC isn't a default npc model for once which is good to see.

    Would be one of the better VNs out there for me but updates are very small. 0.8>0.9 is literally 1 scene where 0.8 ended and 2 minutes of reading RP.

    Best way to enjoy is to wait several updates at a time unfortunately.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This is so bad, I don`t know where to start.
    Just one big warning, this is not a game, this is a story where you need to click your mouse a million times to progress... No choices whatsoever.
    Renders are so generic, non of the characters are sexy... Story is not even worth mentioning... Its a terrible "game". Sorry dev, you probably have your fan base that my review won`t spoil...
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is good, but i have to say, there is nothing new to it... average incest-story. Actually you can find about 1000 games with exactly the same setting on the site here.

    No surprises, everything is predictable.

    Quality is above average though, cause the Renders are good and the animations are above average. But everything else is just a bit bland, seen those storys just a little bit too often. At least some surprises would be fine.

    So thing is very dissapointing. The choices... here and there you can pick something. But it just doesnt matter at all. The "S_____" ask you if you wanna fuck her, you can choose Yes or No, and the outcome is always the same, you gonna fuck her anyway, so why the choices If there is just NO difference? Its a kinetc novel, you got no influence on the story at all, please stop with this fake-choices, its very annoying...
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    0..7 (feels like a 0.2)
    very stereotypical setup and story. writing ok. models and scenes decent. However very boring to read/play, because there is close to no interaction. No choices. Also weird that you have to manually go into settings and name roles of people (everyone is Named B____ M____ S____ etc some of those I didn't even know what the fuck it's supposed to be, it's probably just some incest workaround but done in a really weird, annoying way. Just a text input screen would have been fine.. Overall below average experience. And content feels severely lacking too.
  6. 4.00 star(s)



    There is a lot of things going for this game, but the main flaw is in the sex scenes. The animations are pretty great, especially for the handjobs. It's quite a bit longer than the usual and you see the girls shifting their head to give a sensual looks after 5 seconds or so. The problem is that there is barely any text to go along with this animation. If you just click through the text in a natural reading pace, you won't even see the full animation. Plus, it's basically one position and the entire thing ends too fast.

    I find everything else to be of very high quality. Mom's model is pretty standard one we've seen in multiple games, but the other women has a pretty unique look and are super hot. All the characters are pretty believable in their interactions as far as incest games are concerned. It's certainly far more grounded in reality than what we usually find. Dialogues flow rather naturally and the conversations do not feel like artificial dialogues.

    How the incest relationship develops with the blonde sis (the only family member to progress so far) is something I can see happening to real people under the same circumstances. I always give praise when devs don't artificially drag out the progress with the step by step bullshit for no good reason. Here we see a incest couple awakening their mutual desires and just going at it like rabbits. The other characters might be a more slow burn and that's fine too, as long as it doesn't feel forced just to drag it out. I think the writing is quite strong with this game, so no worries there.

    If the sex scenes were a bit longer, with varrying still pictures, different positions, some sex dialogues throughout the scene and a few more lines while the animation is playing, the game would definitely be 5 stars.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    ✔Amazing game the creator is to be congratulated it still has little content but the animations are excellent and the context in general is more than deserved five thanks for the well done game I'm really enjoying the story between the two MC's relationship ✔
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot of potential. It is true that for a version 0.6 it does not have much content but at least the story has coherence.

    It is one of the few incest games in which the "desire" is not started by the main character.

    The girls are pretty and she has many possible future avenues: the other remaining sister, the sister's friend, there is a possible aunt
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game would been really great if it had more choices and interesting story I started game and all i saw was text text and more text Then i finally get a choice and then more text These choices felt like they adding nothing to the story
    Sex scenes are good renders are good
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Scarlett's nightmare

    Review based on 0.5

    I really have to disagree with the negative reviews here. There is a lot that makes this game distinct in the vast ocean of mediocre incest games here.

    Few games bother trying to be "realistic" (as far as that can be said about any incest games) in their approach to the topic and Guilty Pleasure really excels in comparison.

    - The MP for once is not stalking his family like a psychotic serial rapist right from the start. What a novel concept!
    - The sexual relationships (so far) develop organically as part of the story
    - The family members have agency and aren't just a prop with a p*ssy.
    - Other people get to have sex! (No it is not NTR)

    These 4 things alone, make this game better than most games here. It evolves fairly naturally. Renders are great, animations are truly excellent, writing is well above average, even great at times.

    Give it a try. It is worth it.
  11. 2.00 star(s)



    • Models look decent


    • Story scenes jump around
    • Story is pretty bland
    • No choices


    A less than average VN with little in the way of story,suspense or logic.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game with KoGa3's mod is actually quite decent, it is very vanilla and there is not a lot of content yet, but there is definitely a lot of potential here.

    Could easily be a 5 out 5 in the future.
    Likes: kido
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty nice game, good quality all around (writing, story, art). Its very much in progress in terms of the story, but so far its built up an interesting scenario with a summer of possibility set up.

    The premise isn't really novel, but the characters have interactions that go beyond the caricatures or archetypes you see with a lot of these kinds of games. Helps that the renders are nice and overall the pacing is engaging for a VN. It's obvious that the game and story are well-thought out, so will be keeping an eye for updates.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This game hasa nice balance of renders, writing, character designs, and scripting. And at least for the first part, the interactions dont stick to the bullshit tier. On the other hand,the "pill" is used as a pretext for that to happen, so its a way of discarding that for the Lewd level progression, which unbalances the overall feeling. But later that is saved with the willingness from her part to do it without drugs involved, so once again, it gets balanced.

    Its obvious to me that Dev is doing a good job trying to keep things interesting, but not free for all. It means that, at least for now, dev really makes an effort of planning things well to make them appealing.

    I hope this 5 stars remain untouched cause, im tired of bad experiences that lead to giving low ratings.

    The game was in the after camp when I first reviewed it, adn looking only at that part the game was pretty good. Its been 10 months and the game added some sex scenes, but the way they are done is rushed and average. Its the typical thing when they get close to each other as an introduction (less or more detailed) and activate the animation straight away. Those animations you have seen many times.
    The story seemed to have something going one in the begining but it went down and kind of became a silly story. Since the sex scenes are boring with barely any buildup, I think the game became average. It helps the fact that hasnt advanced much really since the last time I reviewed it. Id added stuff, but the story hasn't moved much, and the game is pretty short.
    I expected someone with this dev "success" to do a more serious and professional work.
    I dont know what the hell happened casue the story sit isnt too badly written. The last update is anotehr prove at the cheap sillyness this game is going into: A girl sitting on someones lap, a dick coming out of his pants?
    And he says " I can not put it back inside cause its hard" H e dares to apply logic!! How the hell did it come out then? there was the same space available!!
    Anyway, who caresa bout actual character edvelopment, when you can magically release a dick and put it in some girls vagina to charm her forever...

    I didn't give it 2 stars cause the redhead is so hot with that grey outfit, a silly reason, but it's what is saving the game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Revisited at 0.11

    Same old, same old.
    My opinion hasn't gone up for two main reasons:
    1. It's still short as hell. It's fast paced to compensate, but I think the pacing is a little off (basically not enough normal interactions for a day-by-day sort of story)
    2. The coming vacation bothers me, especially since it seems it's gonna take more in-game time, then we have spent in the entire game till now.

    Also, the animations are completely all over the chart. Some are great, some are stiff as hell.

    Still, worth a play, but be prepared to be disappointed by the amount of content.

    As of 0.4

    Not bad. MC is funny and likable, the family dynamic seems believable.
    Biggest con is that there are close to no choices, but hey it's a build up phase, so I can survive that.
    The love story part is... well... forced, but it is the thing that's supposed to get the story going, so the judgement is out on that.
    Decent renders, nice animations.
    Sets itself up more about the fun, then the drama. Hope it keeps it that way.
    Also - very short. Would probably run into something like act 4951 till the end.
    Want a somewhat better take on the bog standard incest game? Try it, it's short enough.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very cute Lilly. Other models are good too. Great sex animations. Good renders. Good writing. The story isn't very special, but decent enough. My only complaint is that I want more content.

    [Version 0.4]
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I really wish this games characters were used in a better game. There isn't anything specifically wrong with the game, it's just not much different from the taboo games that litter this site.

    The story is... well I don't actually know. So far this game is just Alex (you can't rename him) going through the daily life of a postgraduate teen. He lives at home with his mom and sisters, but instead of calling them the usual "landlady and roommates" they are just sensored to m_m and si_s_r or something to that effect. If the dev is going to go that route, just go all the way, I know patreon has rules about that stuff but censoring the names is just weird. There also isn't much to go on here (0.4) storywise. The brother ends us slipping his sister the P because that's the type of game this is. Im sure the mom and other sister will be bedded too in future updates because blah. There actually was a character introduced in 0.4 that I'm into but she's probably also related to the MC somehow.

    The renders are upper tier, not top tier, but they are up there. I actually really like the characters and their models, that's why I said I wish they were used in a better game. The MC is good looking with a reasonable personality outside of sharing his sausage with the family. I can't recall seeing the character model anywhere else so that's a plus for me. The girls are all attractive, but a couple of them seem familiar. The redhead introduced in 0.4 is my favorite and I can't wait for more content with her. The sisters are pretty, but if you're going to go all the way and call them actual family, they should share some attributes. They don't. The locations have been used to death in other games. They are probably cheap on the asset store. There are also looped animations. They are short but done well enough to make them watchable.

    Overall, there is so little here for it being a 0.4 release. There are some games that release a little content way too often, others that release a decent amount for every release, and then there are games that go 4-6 weeks between updates and release 20 minutes of content. This game is the latter. Whenever I feel like I'm getting into the swing of things, the game ends. Take more time between releases and give the players more to do. This game is just average to me. It's not really that bad. But its not good or unique either. I want to like the game because of the visuals, I just wish they were used in a better game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really good if you like the "cliché" and incest, this is one of those games that you play for fun, the renders are great, the animations are good and has a really fast pass. This is not a game where the story is going to make you think and cry because of the splendid that is.
    So if you like games of incest, cute renders, fast "story progression" and cliché, then this is your game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    V0.4 reviewed walkthrough mod enabled

    A solid start with a preliminary rating of about 4.5 rounded up to compensate for undeserved low ratings from the usual suspects. Definitely an incest game in conception and execution, so if you can’t abide this kink you might want to look elsewhere. It’s very early in the game and we are still introducing potential LI’s (a hot milf and lovely redhead daughter to tutor in this update) so the future looks bright.

    Format: VN with choices that probably matter (locking out routes, missing available affection points).

    The Good:
    Smoking hot character models with realistic bodies
    Native English speaking creator with proofread and polished text
    Bug free on my playthroughs
    An early sex route with one character
    A non-douche MC who thus far doesn’t have a magic dick, the One Ring, or a succubus wingman
    Smoking hot character models (worth mentioning twice—they’re that tasty)
    Quality animation in the sex scenes
    Female characters have some agency and backstory and aren’t pushovers or doormats. We’re seeing some character development here.

    The Bad:
    Nothing worth mentioning at this point

    The Debatable:
    Some folks feel that the relationship with younger sister builds too fast, I think they miss the point. It is the one night of drunken sex that is the actuator for the plot (“Guilty” Pleasures, natch?). Once that apple is bitten into, you can’t go back to innocent again. And for those of us who’ve been around a while, we can probably all remember some drunken time when we might have been “inappropriate”, in this case it involves your sister rather than your roommate’s girlfriend or your married co-worker. Shit happens, and then you move on with it…
    There’s always a balance between the slow burn that enables character development and the need to provide some juicy renders upfront to quiet the horny masses. This seems to be striking that balance thus far.
    There is not a cellphone stats tracker in the base game so you may well want to download a mod to get some guidance for efficient game play.

    Still Wondering?
    Is this really a one or a two, or is it a four or a five? Is it worth playing?
    I don’t review games based on kinks that I don’t share. This could easily end up in the top 10% of IH+ games in my estimation. If you’re into that, I’d urge you to give it a try while it’s still early on and make up your own mind.

    tl;dr: a solid start to an incest harem plus game. Well worth playing and supporting.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    A good start to the story as it feels relatable to parties back in high school. The relationship is taking off a lot faster than most VN I have played but with the story but we will see the pacing in further updates. I will say I think you have good renders and really good animation this last update. Keep up the good work and good luck with this VN.