VN - Ren'Py - Guilty Pleasure [v0.41] [Quonix]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Fair warning, this review is going to be pretty spoiler heavy.

    As others have mentioned, this game has numerous flaws and one of its most frustrating is of course the sex scenes in which no one ever changes positions, the MC has never heard of foreplay (unless it's for his own pleasure), and somehow everyone has an orgasm within 30 seconds. But aside from that, its biggest flaw is that it absolutely squanders every potential for storytelling.

    It starts out with a decent enough premise with the MC and his sister sort of being thrust into a situation by their friends where they end up having sex. I assumed there would be some build up to it happening again, but instead the sister almost immediately admits that she liked it and wants to do it again. So, then they start having casual sex and I'm thinking, ok, fine, they'll think they can keep it casual and eventually realize they're starting to have feelings for one another. But nope. They just carry on their merry way with both seemingly never having a single introspective thought or feeling enter their brains.

    Then there's the other sister who catches them and is morally opposed to incest but is obviously attracted to her brother. So, I figured, here comes some actual drama. But it doesn't take much time to convince her to also fuck him. And once she gets a taste of the MC's near-instant orgasms, she's suddenly fine with everything.

    There's also the cute girl he's tutoring whose parents died when she's young, but I guess I should have taken the MC literally when he told his mom he'd avoid that topic because it never comes up again.

    But the aunt is the biggest headscratcher of them all and is actually the only reason I'm writing this because I didn't notice anyone else mention it in a review. She catches the siblings in the act on her yacht. She tells them they need to come clean to their mother or she'll eventually tell her. But evidently the trauma of her yacht breaking down is too much for everyone because they all have selective amnesia by the time they're all back home. Suddenly the siblings are making comments about how they think the aunt might suspect and the aunt is acting like she's suspicious of them.

    By this point in the game, the characters basically develop short term memory loss. The aunt gives the MC a blowjob and his mom almost catches them and when his mom mentions that the aunt disappeared during the night, the MC tells her that she must have slept in one of the girls' rooms. Then later the aunt asks the MC for help coming up with an alibi and for some reason he abandons that perfectly reasonable story and tells her that she should tell the mom that she left during the middle of the night to go to a bar and get wasted. Then the aunt catches the siblings in the act AGAIN and they all act like it's the first time???

    So, yeah, if you made it through my overly lengthy review and this still somehow sounds like a good time to you, knock yourself out! Otherwise, don't waste your time.

    TLDR: The MC is a two-pump chump but has a magical dick that always gives girls orgasms anyway and eventually all the characters get amnesia. The end.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Not much of a story and really no meaningful choices. There are a lot of girls and they are all good looking. The updates are pretty short but they do drop pretty regularly, all and all it pretty solid.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A classic "quest to bang everybody" game, and I cant complain. Every female in the game is a smoke show. The sex scenes are hot. The only things that would irk me is THAT sister's perversion tends to get outta hand, and lack of awareness when getting naughty really stretches the boundaries of plausibility (i.e. doing it in the living room with a huge window with all the lights on when using the bedroom and/or a light switch was totally a possibility); however, those more or less end up being comedic to me.

    TLDR; A standard wet humping simulator with hotties and humor. Not bad.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great incest game. I would like it if we had options for the story instead of just watching though a fixed (predetermined) one, but it's still one of the best. Models and animation are great. The story is spicy and I can't wait for more Updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic models (though the "aunt" model looks a bit too cartoonish for my taste) and pacing, and the personalities of the characters are distinct and well-done. The updates are frequent, but short. Looking forward to the continued progression.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    [v0.30] You and your sister get sexual while playing games at a party with friends. From then on, you both look at each other differently. You decide to enter a sexual relationship which soon grows to encompass your other sister, your mother, your Aunt, and other women in the neighborhood.

    The story is entertaining, if lacking drama. Characters are playful and nice, and the models are good looking.

    The problem with the game is that the sex scenes consist of only one animation each and are over within a few clicks. A game built around sex should feature more content during these scenes. Even just additional views of each animations would help immensely.

    A porn game with lackluster porn is simply not good enough.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Not much to tell about the story, its a standard incest game with 0 twist so it something you will have seen a million times over.

    Story is kinetic you will be forced to fuck all the familie members even those you dont want to fuck and this is what really kills the game, you should always be able to pick who you want to fuck, and when you cant story is just kinetic and points, and it turns into a boring fuckfest game, might as well hit a porn site insted of wasting time reading pointless text without romance or relationship build-ups.

    I had to stop playing after the Aunt was forced on me, i just hate old ugly LIs with huge saggy tits, its to much of a turn-off and ruined the game, it shouldent force that shit on you as the player, it should insted respect that people has diffrent tastes and might not want to see everything hence the need for choices...

    MC is a bit of a brainless idiot, telling one of hes friends the truth about him and hes sister is just to idiotic when they are trying to hide it, sure he saw it happen at the party but it could have easily been explained with being drunk and on drugs, so no idea why he told him everything.

    And as allways someone forgets to lock the door so MC and the sister get cought by the mother while fucking, its just so boring and so standard, but what makes it idiotic is when they keep fucking out in the open on a small boat, next to MCs other sister, in the open on the boat where its impossible not to get caught, its just not fun and its pointless they might as well just walk up and tell everyone that would proberly be 10 times more fun.

    Also its missing the Drugs tag, you fuck your sister the first time when shes on drugs.

    Apprently that sister was also a virgin but scene was shit and not like a virgin scene in any way what so ever, MC just fucks her like any other normal sex scene, no pain no nothing, sure you can blame it on the drugs but still a total waste of potential to make a decent virgin scene, also another tag missing i guess even though scene was awefull.

    The girls or should say familie is meh, Lilly look nice but thats about it, i found the other girls at the party better then any of the familie members, and since you see those LI fuck and suck other guys means they arent even LIs and if they are i wouldent thouch them after that.

    Animations are pretty good, short but still something you can enjoy.

    Music is ok about average so nothing special or mood setting just the normal background stuff.

    Choices are shit and there are very very few of them, 95% of the story or more is just text with no choices, you cant change anything in the main story and you cant deside who to fuck, its just forced on you by the kinetic storyline.

    Missing tags: Kinetic, Virgin, Drugs, Creampie just to name some.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    V0.30 or 0.3 to those who know math :p :LOL:

    entering year 4 of development and still not much going on.
    plot (haha) is the same ol' same ol' seen many times before and is not delivered very well. dialogue reads like many below par others here too.
    it has no hook. more exciting if i hide the dialogue altogether and just watch it as a slideshow.

    the art is it's only attempt to hook players and it does an average job of that. with no real story to express, the artist has done the best they can but it's nothing new. there's nowhere to go beyond rinse and repeat

    it's just bland and unexciting. going nowhere and taking it's damn fine time doing so. takes the yellow naturally produced liquid in catheter form calling this a Novel. even 50 shades and twilight were a more interesting read and i would not recommend either to anyone.........except maybe the french ;):LOL:
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great incest game and be warned this is a linear novel and nothing will change its path so you might as well let go of your inhibitions and jump headfirst with your arms wide open.

    If you have any sense of morality, you will shed every last bit of it when you meet your sister Lilly. This girl without a doubt is one of the hottest characters I've laid eyes upon in a visual novel. This blonde succubus will test you, time and time again, and every time you will dive deeper into the forbidden taboo of incest. Unfortunately, there is only one frontal screenshot of her and not the best one, so you'll have to play to know what I'm talking about.

    I think one of the greatest parts of this game is the friendly banter of Alex. There is great one liners, comebacks and teasing, which I admit made me not skip any dialog at which I am guilty of. There is a shit load of sex animations which I think is extreme but highly appropriate for this genre. I do like the renders and it's a nice touch seeing the slight changes in expressions or hand gestures during conversations.

    Overall, it is a very enjoyable forbidden game, and sinfully I can't wait to play more to see how far the rabbit hole goes.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Guilty Pleasure [v0.29]


    good render quality

    lame story
    poor writing
    boring/short sex scenes
    animations feel copy-pasted
    boring characters

    I really had to force myself to finish this game, because it started to bore me to death, really quickly.
    I don't want to be too harsh, but I haven't seen anything that was mildly interesting, and so much of this game just feels too half-assed.
    It started decently with the premise of the MC and his sister being drunk and having sex with each other, and turns in to a sexual relationship.
    Then it fell of the cliff quite drastically when you saw how bad, lazy and short the sex scenes were and how badly the story continued.
    One of many issues is, that there's barely any story, but just a lot of shitty porn plots and clichés, that are put together, and make zero sense.
    I gave up reading the dialogues, because they were just so incredibly boring to read.
    The "sex scenes" are pretty much all copy and paste, and are just another thing that feels lazy and half-assed.
    There are choices, but mostly after a couple of minutes and basically nothing after that, which makes this more a kinetic novel.
    The character models look alright, but they are some of the most basic models you would see in any other game.
    It is to me just another game that focuses on render quality, and other than that, I see not a lot of effort that was put in to it.
    I really appreciate Devs who don't take the easy way, and just put out some nice looking renders, just to get some 5* ratings from people who only look at the visuals (which wouldn't even make sense for this game), and rather focus on the story,characters or sex scenes.
    Even if this would've been a mindless fuck-fest, and there was some effort done to make the sex entertaining, it would've been rated far better.
    I reluctantly give this game 2*. It should probably just be 1* because i've seen so many games like this one, that feel boring and lazy.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    365 others

    I have to say that this VN has surprised me very pleasantly.
    While I have to agree with many reviews regarding it being around the typical wincest story (father not being present/dead, mom, 1 responsible sister, 1 bratty sister), I loved the fact that the story is not forced:

    MC does not have a horse-sized or magical penis, he's not a ripped athlete nor it's a super-wealthy dude that gains girls by throwing money away.

    It's a very regular - even nerdish - guy who has not much idea of how to approach girls, and he unexpectedly gains experience through the story events.

    So it takes out easily 80% of the incest stories on this site.

    Instead, the whole affair is caused by circumstances, and they actually try (unsuccessfully) to avoid it, until they finally give in and the whole incest story starts to develop.

    While the characters do have a kind of a traditional incest VN schema temper, the way they gravitate until they get completely involved in the affair makes it different.

    It is a really fun story to read, not too deep, not too shallow. With a lot of good jokes and hilarious situations, mixed with a good amount of lewd content.

    There are just a couple of things that make me rate it at 4 stars instead of 5:

    - Lewd scenes are indeed very short and have very few animations.
    - While at the beginning it seemed options would have an impact, in reality, they don't, and that becomes evident as the story progresses. I would prefer it to just be a VN in this case, instead of asking for player options when in reality it won't matter in the big picture of the story.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Night Hacker

    Great visual novel. About the only criticism I have is that it's more of a story without many choices. I love how this doesn't devolve into what I call thought bombs where you read endless lines of thought text. This also has a lot of funny moments where I burst out laughing. All in all, a great story.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best incest Ren'py games that I played!

    I hope that we can receive new updates.
    The story pace is good, credible enough, I real like the characters, the mother, two sisters, the “girlfriend” Maya. Maybe the weakest is the aunt.
    The new girl, Maya’s history tutor, also seems interesting and can be a future path.

    I would like to see again some of the girls that were in the tent party.
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    AVNs like "Guilty Pleasure" are frustrating, as there are elements that make them really excellent, but contain too many faults to achieve a score beyond 3 or 3.5 stars. While this game retraces the very familiar family-sex path we've seen in countless other games, "Guilty Pleasure" does take a novel approach, in that the MC does not begin the game wanting to nail his sisters and mother. Instead, circumstances and their natural beauty conspire, in increasingly fantastical ways, to throw them into the sack together.

    The first scenario in the game to throw the MC and younger sister together was quite plausible, which I prefer. Unfortunately, the quality of the writing falls short. The game also fails the show-don't-tell test, especially in the early game. On the plus side, the character models are gorgeous and the art is decent. And while the games fails to realize the full potential of many of the scenarios presented, there is enough eroticism to keep my interest sustained. YMMV.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The beginning of the game had so much potential; It has some great models, especially the older sister, but the sex scenes are way too short and the dev has been using the same 4-5 default Daz animations over and over that I've seen a thousand times already. I forgive devs for using them in the early stages of their game, but after 3 years, I'm going to be more critical: You aren't improving or changing anything, and that strikes me as odd because it tells me you are completely fine with your work and have zero desire to improve. This has got to be the first game on f95zone that I've ever played where the dev didn't make even a single improvement or experiment with anything over the course of the game.

    You should either put more effort into the sex scenes text-wise or be more creative while making animations. There is barely any story here and it has gone absolutely nowhere in three years of development, so I can't see this as anything other than a porn game and it fails in that department. Really good-looking character models are the norm at this point so I don't give it any extra points for that. All I see when I play this is bare-minimum effort.

    The dev also having zero idea what an "act" is really grinds my gears. The word you're looking for is "scene".
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    The game open with a normal story with the MC being closer to one sister than the other. Been a while since I played the early game, but the choices were present, then later became a kinetic novel around the time when the MC got closer to the younger sister.

    One of the choices I remember making were choosing 1 of 3 girls of your type that I thought would have an impact to the story, but nah. The story became more stale during the auntie's yacht as it was predictable and generic from then on. The schoolmates that were introduced in the early game were all forgotten and MC focused on increasing his incest harem.

    The dialogue was comprehensible, but became unbearable and cringe as they're trying to become smooth flirting back and forth each other and be clever with comebacks like a "that's what she said" joke after every sentence. You then realize that everyone has the same personality because of the sentence structure.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    It'a kinetic novel. Would have been nice to know that before going in.
    The game is just an incest fuck fest. And you don't have a choice of whether you want to fuck them.
    You get a few, meaningless, choices in the beginning and that's it.
    I like the renders, they are beautiful.
    If you are into blowjobs and have an incest fetish then I would recommend this game.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Five Pump Chump SImulator (with awesome graphics)

    This review is of Guilty Pleasure V0.25 - andI really, genuinely hope it will not remain reflective of the game in future versions.

    There's a lot to like about this Kinetic Novel, although obviously 'gameplay' isn't one of them, and that needs to be understood immediately. This is largely a kinetic novel, with a very few decision points that may or may not lead to significantly branching scenes or plotlines (leaning towards the unlikely to make much plot difference).

    The plot isn't bad, what there is of it. It isn't wall-to-wall tropes of "Oh my sister saw my dick and now can only think of having sex", and indeed the mother fully resists a couple of exposures without an instant crisis over all her life choices. That's always a good sign.

    However, there also isn't any real underlying narrative or plot direction to this story other than that we know it is building toward a harem that the MC doesn't actually start off wanting or considering. It feels a little directionless, and lacking any underlying story arc or hero's journey.

    The models for all of the significant characters are fairly attractive, and certainly all the major female characters are attractive and well-chosen. There's a pretty good diversity of body types, which is always very welcome in a genre where certain boys who were never breastfed and never got past the trauma tend to insert unfeasibly (often impossibly) large breasts into every game and every character.

    It is also nice to see that tokenism hasn't (yet) crept into the game, where it feels like every dev is checking off boxes for 'goth girl with tats and piercings' whether or not there's actually a backstory for such character choices. However, there's a definite lack of racial diversity - which is quite realistic for any small-town settings, but still maybe should be corrected - though obviously without the 'token chinese/korean girl' and the 'token black family', etc. The backdrop we see from the home windows shows a pretty significant looking city in the background after all.

    The renders certainly have some flaws, for one example there's a scene where the MC's shoe has sunk through the decking in the back yard very noticeably, but they are certainly serviceable and good enough.

    There's a lot of animation, and several of the animation loops are truly great, meaning that this could have had some of the best sex scenes... However this is where the games biggest annoyance comes in. The sex scenes are absolutely terrible. This is a five-pump-chump simulator, and that's being generous. In several scenes the girl no sooner gets her mouth on the MC's member than he's already cum and done.

    This guy is so extremely premature that I think his ejaculations may be from the next day's scene. Most scenes are a few seconds in a single pose, and the use of animation in such a case only serves to magnify how this makes him seem like the world's absolute worst lay, ever.

    Don't expect the MC to give a girl an orgasm with his fingers or mouth before giving her another couple in coitus before letting rip himself. No, this MC rarely bothers with foreplay at all, and doesn't have time for more than one position in most cases before, in literally about 5 total pumps, shooting his load. Sometimes he'll have 2 positions, and manage 4 strokes in each, but never once does he manage to let a girl have multiple orgasms, or even any realistic time to reach even one.

    In a sexual game/novel, especially one where getting laid appears to be the ONLY plot or story, being absolutely terrible at sex, and every scene being a huge anti-climactic disappointment, is kind of a deal breaker. No matter how good the animation loop or the models, etc.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    great renders and decent story the renders are top notch the only thing that is holding this game back is each update is super super short like 4 or 5 acts and they are super short other than that good story and decent renders
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    - v0.23
    - Visuals are stunning!
    - Apart from the visuals, this game has not much to offer

    First of all, the visuals are awesome! The characters are beautiful. The settings look lived-in and realistic. Even the lighting is spot on, so someone put in some real effort. The Animations are some of the most fluid I've ever seen in a RenPy game. But, even then, everything still feels... unsatisfying. Because, apart from the visuals, there isn't anything else in this game.

    There is no story. The entire game is just a series of strung-together porn plots and clichés:
    • You end up with your younger sister in a tent, and, when everyone around you starts fucking, you join in.
    • You tutor a girl, and then she insists on thanking you with sexual favors.
    • You go on vacation, and you end up with your older sister in your lap as you pass through a bumpy road
    • Your family is confined on a yacht in the middle of the ocean, so things happen
    By now, I'm even convinced that the whole boat plotline was only created because the author wanted to somehow, in some way, isolate the family to allow the younger sister to work on the rest of the family. The aunt selling her home, her HOUSE, just to buy a yacht, even though she had no idea how to drive one, is just too ridiculous and forced to be an actual story idea.

    Same for the dialogue. Until you end up on the yacht, the dialogue in between the sex scenes is about the most mundane and boring shit imaginable. You can just hold down the Skip-Key, and you'll miss absolutely nothing of the non-existent story. When you reach the yacht part, it's only about the younger sister trying to get you with the rest of the family. That's it. You can just as well go into the game folder and create a playlist from the videos. You'll get almost the very same experience watching that, as you get playing this game.

    Even the sex is unfulfilling. With the first time with Rachel being the sole exception, every sex scene feels like a Quicky! Like your Character lasts all of twenty seconds before he blows his load and is spend for the rest of the day. Stick it in without preparation, thrust ten times, Done! They never change positions during sex, it doesn't last long enough to warrant a change in camera angle, there isn't any foreplay, and there is barely any dirty talk (unless it's relevant to the plot). There aren't even any money shots. When the animation ends, you just get a still image showing them AFTER they came, or sometimes even after they got redressed. And despite everyone constantly telling you how this MC is a hormonal teenager, he can't get it up for hours after he got so much as a handjob.

    And it doesn't help that this is one of those games that got around applying the "kinetic novel"-Tag on a technicality. There are, like, a dozen choices you get to make during the start of the game. After that, it's just one string of events, because, as I already mentioned, there is no story that could unfold, even if there WERE any choices. But maybe that's just how the dev chose to go about creating this game. Get the rendering out of the way, and THEN start implementing branches. Who knows.