I am writing posting this in the knowledge the developer hasn't been seen in a long time on these forums. There are so many issues with the game, that if I had developed this game, I'd be thoroughly embarrassed concerning the manchild main character. This is NOT an attack on the developer or anyone else, it's just it was something I have wanted to write for some time, but never really know how to write it. This is just a logical view of how the game is. I had been wanting to play chapter 10, but I had bought a new computer, and wiped my other ssd's so I lost pretty much everything. This then meant I had to replay the game from the beginning again, it isn't so much the story that is the problem, but it just seems quite bizarre in the way he has developed the game.
ALL if the side girls should have also been main girls to the MC, it would have made a whole lot more sense. I understand he didn't want to go down the harem route, but he should have, because it would have been a whole lot easier for him to develop the game and the episodes would probably have been much easier to turn out more frequently. Chapter 10 took more than a year, and it was speculated he had lost interest and he had abandoned the game, but it feels now after releasing chapter 10, it was more about milking his patrons more than being bored with making updates. I wouldn't be surprised if it is another year for another small update.
The MC seems to start off okay, but does develop strange behavior problems about early mid game.
It's as if someone took over the writing of the game and changed the MC to become a man-child idiot see the above paragraph.
For me there is a main side character and it isn't Samantha even though she is a side character.
That right there shows me that the dev got lost in his own game writing, because it does focus less on the main girl as time goes on (episodic time).
I have honestly tried to like this game, but it is so difficult. There needs to be some major changes, because what he has written so far is disjointed in my opinion. The MC needs a major overhaul so he is a likeable character and not a 10 year old mind inside an adult body. Then we have how long he takes to get an update out. This latest update has taken more than a year, and there is very little to show for it. If the dev want's to abandon this work, he should just tell us. I think he knows he has made a faux pas with this game.
So here is what I would do, if your going to rewrite the story.
1. Make the MC a normal likeable guy, not some manchild with a brain the size of a walnut, I am serious. If he is badly written it doesn't matter how good the rest of the game / story is, he is the focal point, everything happens around him, you take the role of the MC from his perspective.
2. Drop the side girls and make them all main girls along with Emily. Remove the points, but if you keep them they need to be universal across all main girls, which also means you have to write a back story for each of them, they would be wooden otherwise and no way to relate to them.
3. Make the story flow more, it feels completely disjointed.
You have it in you to change this game into something a lot better, something that makes sense, and a mc who is nothing short of a joke that is not funny (The MC needs some TLC to his character, the way he speaks and behaves and reacts and is really likeable. Try to add some realism into him without making him so childish.