I've played for around a hour and a half, here's my thoughts and finds.
The fact that the layout of the mansion chnages (and with it, the locations of the keys too) every time you replay is something I find both good and bad. On one hand it keeps the game fresh, but on the other it undervalues previous runs since you can't rely on the knowledge you've gained from them.
This makes the game heavily RNG dependant, which isn't something bad, but I think making some things permanent would make it more interesting.
The ghost waifu tends to get stuck on some doors, but aside from that, she works fine for the game she's in.
The map is a useful tool, but having to constantly open and close it gets tiring really fast. Having it open at all times would help the player to better navigate their way around the mansion, which would probably counterbalance the constant changing of the mansion's layout.
So imo a good balance would be to either have a constant layout and the current map, or the current, changing layout and an always opened map.
The scanner is way too "weak" imo. It might be a skill issue on my side, but memorizing the locations of multiple points of interest in a matter of seconds, while I'm being chased in a mansion that has 3 floors is hardly a "benefit". I'd change it to either last longer or to give a rough indication of a single key on the map.
The shop seems way too grindy. 2500 points for a single outfit means that, if you're lucky and skilled enough to get all the 5 keys, but die before escaping, you have to pull this exact same thing off 10 times just to buy it. Definitely not fun.
-Shop power ups
The proximity key detector is close to useless. It displays "cold" 90% of the times, which is useless as a hint. Add to this the fact that it displays "medium" only when you are VERY close to a key, which again, is useless.
Decreasing the "cold" radius and incresing the "medium" one would make it a better tool.
The key shine is a much better detector than the detector itself. It makes the keys shine (which isn't that big of a help since the keys are easily recogniseable even without it) but, more importantly, it gives them an SFX when you'reclose to them, which is the actual, useful upgrade.
If you jump while sprinting you don't use your stamina. The dev probably coded the sprint to decrease only when you're touching the ground.
If you use your stamina while using the map (which stops time), you can replenish your stamina bar in stopped time.
Some doors get spawned inside a wall, which makes it extremely hard to open them. If you manage to open one you get rewarded for your efforts with... a wall.
On one run the waifu stopped dealing damage (with no apparent reason), which allowed me to better explore the mansion and beat the game.
Not really a bug but the detection for item picking is too small imo. I had a hard time picking objects up, especially whe nI was being followed.
I know it probably looks like I hated the game, but I actually had a good time with it. The graphics, the jiggle, the animations, the SFXs the camera and controls are very good, especially compared to most other games on F95. Good work dev!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll get the full save to actually enjoy the "rousal" part of this "scarousal" experience.