I discovered this game after playing VNAdults's first game through the suggestion someone made me. I liked the writing enough to get past over my distaste for Age play. The characters where believable as majors, and where intelligent and consequent with their activity and their choices in life making their story flow in an interesting way. The sex is part of the story rather than a side note happening beside it making it more involved in the development. Something that I appreciated a lot. Also everything happened because both parties, or more, involved wanted to despite the usual connotation of some of the tags. I usualy avoid those tags because of the noncon aspect associated with them. So I was happy to read an adventure that is somewhat different from my usual forays and I liked it a lot. ( I should write that in a review) So I happily jumped in this new adventure.
Loren is an interesting character. Delving in her desires for the first time since her husband is not only a traditionalist in the bedroom but also ignorant about how pleasure works. One thing I like is that Loren give of the feeling that she would have eventually explored that aspect of herself regardless of if the events of the game had happened or not. Right now after three days she feels like she is aggressively exploring her new self. Trying different things that she did not dare try before. Is she bi, straight or will she eventually find that she prefer women and does not miss the men in her bedroom? (Obliviously she is not currently near that third option. Might never be depending on the ressources available to the dev.) Is she into sharing or does she want to keep it all for herself. Is she more a dom, sub or switch. What about exhibitionism, BDSM or more hmmm... exotic sexual practices. Multiple partners at once being already hinted at. She brings along the player in her exploration. Right now she is at the start of that journey and jumping in with both feet. It feels like she will at some point literally or figuratively hurt herself I am looking forward at how she will deal with it.
There are two other things I am looking forward to. The first is more a silly little thing, but since Loren and Molly are both hair dresser I am looking forward to a scene where they do some hair dressing for themself or for the other characters. I wonder if the discovery of a new part of herself will make her try wilder things with the hairs of her clients. The second thing I am looking forward to might not even be in the scope of the game, but I will talk about it non the less. I am looking forward to what Loren does once she finished exploring her sexuality, finds it and is able to think about what she want to do with it going forward. By that I mean will she only keep it to her private life or will she take steps to reorient her professional life around it. Will she try to open her own business or work for someone else like Leo. One thing that is sure is that even after only three days of her new discoveries, there is no turning back.
Loren simply becoming a sex slave with drug addict behavior like it is sometime portrayed in other games would be boring to me. This portrayal of unhealthy relation with sex is not why I am here. Also this kind of relation with sex is not dependent on kinkiness. A shortcut to often taken by games. Corruption is a misnomer as a tag or stat in games IMO and comes from a conservative view of sex that can easily be disproven. An association that should be actively fought if we want Adult gaming and other adult activities to be more widely accepted and mainstream. (Rant over for now) All this to say that if Loren is to become some kind of sex slave, there are ways to show it in an healthy and nuanced way. VN as a medium is perfect for that and not showing it would be a wasted opportunity IMO.
Anyways I would prefer to see a more dominant Loren. At least one who is not shy about her wants, There are already to many female led games where the MC is kind of a doormat and the only option to see lewd scenes is to give in to the will of other characters without the option to initiate anything themselves. It is already not the case here and that is good. A more dominant Loren would eventually lead to interesting situations with her Hubby IMO. Maybe exploring kinky stuff to make him pay for his poor performance and conformism to boringness. Resolving at the same time her issues with fidelity even if her In-laws are already showing her that there is a way out. Also everyone sees something special in Loren but no one is saying what exactly. I guess it is the fact that everyone want to interact with her in some way. I just hope VNAdults will be able to commit to his vision for the character to go in and not make an half ass path because some anonymous dude or dudette asked for it on a forum.
Well that was kinda long.
Adding to that, did we get exposed to the story of Loren and her husband meeting and getting Married or did I forget it? Because right now they are not a good match.
Wow, thanks for taking the trouble to write something like that!
Regarding Loren's character, you get many things right, she is possessive, impulsive, and jealous.
During the following chapters, Loren's character will be defined more, I will answer some questions:
Loren is not going to become a drug addict whore, despite being a hot girl, she is not stupid, sometimes she is horny, or alcohol plays tricks on her or unnecessary risks, but at all times she does what she wishes.
Her relationship with Molly is very special, she is her boss, but also her best friend. Molly is a bisexual divorced woman who just wants to have fun, and Loren is a sweetheart for her, Loren has known it for a long time, but it's like she has never dared to accept it. Small spoiler, there will be a scene related to the hairdresser, and surely a change of look for someone important in the story.
In the game you will not have to make a decision whether or not to be a lesbian, the lesbian scenes will happen (or you will avoid), but it is not the center of the game, the debate of whether or not she is a lesbian, would rather be, in Loren's thoughts. , what you have mentioned, what to do once she knows what she is, what she likes and what she enjoys!
Loren is not ashamed of her desires, in fact, she shares them with her boss often, but she feels guilty, she is being unfaithful, she likes being unfaithful, she knows it is wrong, but she likes it.
Regarding working as a whore for Leo, ehemmm, well, on the morning of chapter four new characters enter the scene, but I better not give spoilers
Obviously everything has consequences, and Loren knows that one day she will have to face them, but for that there are still chapters left
There is nothing of Loren and her husband meeting, nor when they get married, that would be for another game XD Part of the basis of Loren's marriage, married to a good guy, a very traditional guy, but with a normal sex life, and in a specific moment in Loren's life, where the game begins, something jumps in her that makes her go further, confinement, her new neighbors, er bastard father-in-law, her desire for sex... Everything comes together so that Loren begins to know herself better!
It's a game and everything speeds up a bit, but I try to ensure that the characters have a story behind them, and have their own personality, focusing on Loren's, which is the main one.
Greetings, and thank you for your writing, I really liked it