I don't usually post and am very surprised you are not getting more attention.
In fact, I am not sure how I ended up on this page, but this is quite nice so I thought I'd leave some feedback.
First of all, I really like the game design; it's similar to one of my favorite PS1 games: Azure dreams.
The UI, movement and action system are a bit rough around the edges, but functional.
Some things you could work on to improve user experience in my opinion. I know you're not a AAA company so take it with a grain of salt, not as criticism but ideas for you to ponder on; I think you've done really well so far. With a bit of work / polish, you could probably end up on a big platform and monetize big time:
Quality of life:
- Bind attack action to a mouse or keyboard button, rather than "moving forward" (to avoid destroying things)
- Inventory space is a bit limited; a few extra slots would be welcome (maybe intentional)
- Make scrolls disappear only if, and after they have been used (RN, they disappear from inventory if you click and cancel use)
- Allow players to "mix" clothing (Keep presets for sets, add single items from sets to clothing pool for more customization)
- Make multiple enemy scenes (3somes, etc) more accessible / easier to trigger
Animation / Polish
- Allow "free camera" to rotate 360 degrees. Sometimes, there are invisible hard walls preventing rotation.
- Add "Free camera" controls menu on screen during scenes (mention what w, s, e, q, r, f and mouse do)
- Inventory is quite basic; an RPG type menu (even a simple frame with icons) would make things so much "nicer"
- Make an animation for character walking between tiles (doesn't have to slow down progression too much)
- More outfits / character customization options like hairstyle, accessories, simple body type presets (thin/fat, boob size, etc)
- Adding "intros" or "transitions" to your H-scenes, like character getting grabbed and placed into position.
Combat-related, "could-do" things
- Turn "wands" into "elemental scrolls" (Fireball scroll, ice shards scroll, healing scroll, etc)
- Make wands equippable items like swords; give both different range (melee:1 tile, wands: 2-3 tiles, both single target)
- Give melee / ranged weapons different effects (melee: bleeding, life leech. Wands: DoT, freeze, etc)
- Add 2-handed melee/ranged weapons (2h-mace/sword, 2h staves). 2h can't use shields, maybe add AOE?
- Give different weapon types different elemental effects (remove elemental orbs; ice wand does cold damage, etc)
- Add more armor variety, with different elemental resistance (enemies do phys or elemental damage depending on level)
Lewd stuff suggestion
- Build "multiple stage" / "multiple choice" H-scenes rather than choosing individually from the mini map: For example, when you click the "fuck" option on a slime, you can choose "ride" or "anal". You could start with a grappling intro of some sort, and then being able to choose what happens next, adding immersion and connecting to your animations. For instance, you initiate sex scene with slime, a grabbing intro starts (falls from ceiling, hidden in ground or water, etc), then you can choose what happens: "ride" or "anal", select anal your scene proceeds, before the "cum" animation, you get another choice (inflation, cum through mouth, another tentacle comes out and DP, etc.
Adding more enemy types and animations is great; your animations are so good it's unreal at this stage of release; I'm really looking forward to your next release. My train of thought, as a player, is that proceeding with multiple stage choice animations addresses some things (two birds one stone kind of thing). You offer more immersion by adding an introduction and giving player a chance to choose what happens during H-scenes, rather than selecting a "video". You could also make multiple character scenes more accessible that way (DP, spitroast, etc. Some options only available when enough enemies in range for example). You could also do both rather than "either or"; ride > leads to dp, absorption, growth, body change, etc and anal > leads to cum through, inflation, egg laying, etc. Gives you more freedom to build on what you already have rather than just creating more enemies and more scenes.
Those are early first thoughts, but honestly this is really, really good so far. I wish you luck, hope you keep adding content and get rewarded for your work.