The Qbi enemies have a ranged attack that deals more 7-9 damage on average per hit and seemingly never miss, can charm your allies, have no refractory time, don't get stunned by sex, and charm you if you have sex with them, leaving you vulnerable to getting repeatedly fucked into a gameover. Basically my fear of them being annoying af have been realized. On the bright side they're built like twigs and still require line of sight so you can hide behind a wall and lure them into stabbing range. They (along with every other enemy) also don't path around traps so you can lure them into fire traps and hear them burn. Neither scrolls nor books nor wooden rings burn from fire traps currently so abuse them while you can.
Like mentioned before the new saint statue boons are lackluster. The tentacles have the same issues as recruitable allies and are even squishier. Meanwhile the metabolism reduction is only noticable when you have 100+ cum. On previous versions getting 400+ max cum within 2-3 runs was trivial to achieve but unless you have an old save from v3ea3 this means you won't see decent reduction until much later.
• Wands can now only spawn once in the entire dungeon.
Bullshit. I still get multiple copies of different wands per run. The wand of empowerment getting nerfed in the hotfix is also pissed me off, but to be fair it made the minotaur and protien shakes useless when battieries were introduced.
I want to see this game succeed, but seeing the zany interactions that made games like Nethack so enjoyable constantly get removed gimps my expectations.