3.90 star(s) 11 Votes


Oct 26, 2017
Theres a bug in this game. I restarted the game since its been awhile since I played. I usually wait for a couple of updates. They updated the combat system. Now I have this irritating problem where when I battle Samantha doesn't gain any TP. So I can't use her restore energy skill or any skill other than singing since she can't gain TP.
That's not a bug. This is part of the combat system passes made over the past few versions. When they make the combat changes to any individual character, the TP modes are reset to Stoic. Also, Warrior TP mode states on it flat out that you start the battle without any TP, now. Change their TP mode to Comrade, so you get TP when anyone gets hit and keep it between fights, or just deal with not having any TP to begin with as Warrior; Stoic only grants it when you get hit. Not recommended.

Anybody figured out how to extinguish all the fires and beat the crazy reptile shaman boss?
Assuming you are talking about the Fire Spirit Core, that is the "challenge boss":
You basically NEED Fire Pendants for this fight. Attempting it without them is tantamount to suicide. Even with Naitay unloading Spear Dances every turn into a double defense down'd Fire Spirit Core while wielding the Void Spear and Kathleen smashing him with constant focus fire Ice elemental damage, you will not be able to kill it before it wipes your party with the constant double-casting of flame on your entire party that hits twice. Either don't bring a healer at all, and try and bum-rush it down (the little fires barely do any damage but you need to drop them so they don't buff the boss) before the damage ramps up to more than you can deal with, or bring one and hope the healing is enough to let you survive an extra round or two to finish him off.

Either way, you need to use the advice that you were told about the spirits in the previous temple about ghosts and at the start of the path to the Fire Temple and bring elementally-enchanted weapons even if they aren't as strong, for your physical damage dealers. Otherwise, they won't do crap. Memory Of A King is still going to be your MC's best weapon, because it lets him double debuff in one turn, or smack the mini mob to kill it off and keep what little pressure up on the boss you can; he's just not built to deal with this fight very effectively, because Super Guard only affects physical damage taken. Non-Fire magic still hits him hard, but Naitay with Void Spear and Comrade can easily be outputting 5K damage every turn.

I haven't tried using Adeline's poisons on him, but if it can work, that's a flat 25% off his max HP and a constant damage effect, which might be worth using. Beating him gets you a shield-slot item called the Bracer Of The Betrayer, that Noemi talks about wanting but seems more like it'd be better on someone who can draw attention to themselves with Provoke or similar, since it says that it has a high chance of allowing you to counter attack. EDIT: The tanks aren't able to equip it. Only people that can are Noemi, Jessica, Angelica, Samantha, Anaisha, Terra, and Chinua. So realistically, only Noemi, Chinua, or Samantha would find use for it, since Angelica wants her Empowered Herb Bag, Jessica wants her bow instead of a dagger, and Anaisha and Terra are mages who use 2H weapons. Samantha probably would prefer a bow over a dagger but can use either, and Chinua is a mage so doesn't have the strongest defenses out there. It's probably best to leave it with Noemi.

Edit 2: Oh, it's for the Lizardman Shaman in the Mines! My apologies. I'll leave the above information up because it's still useful for fighting the Fire Spirit Core, but here's what I figured out for the Shaman fight.

Once you bring down all his minions, he starts using powerful dark-type magic to drop your entire party; this can't be reduced by Caulor's Bane from Anaisha, since it's not technically an "elemental" causing the damage, but it can be resisted with the Elemental Shield (since it IS an element), and it CAN be guarded against. The basic Guard command halves the damage dealt by it, making it very much survivable. If you use Comrade TP Mode, it auto-fills your TP to 100 for everyone it's set for. Use mass heal spells (always have at least one AoE healer, either Donna or Anaisha; Angelica can as well, but her healing being gated by TP, and a high volume of it, makes main healing with her a risky proposition normally; her regen healing is useful, however) to heal up the damage. I brought Vanessa along with me to use her Rallying Cry, which gives everyone all-stats-up, including MHP, so everyone was able to survive it with well over 1K HP remaining. Anaisha healed for me, Rhea did AoE damage against the minions with Naitay in Rabbit Stance to help, shifting to Cougar Stance once the minions dropped; Rhea's usefulness was less than stellar against the shaman once he was alone, because she never could get all three rotations off, but she still more than pulled her weight in the entire fight. So, that's the party composition I'd recommend for an easy fight. You could bring Donna instead of Vanessa equipped with the Betan Codex (since Empower Faith gives +MHP as well as AoE heals) to have even more healing, but I really didn't feel like I needed it, and the damage buffs being maintained on my party (and the small party heal from her Bolster skill) made her very much a useful addition to the party, and between Donna and Anaisha, the latter is faster (better guarentee to heal before damage kills someone on a new turn) and deals far more damage. Her heals also benefit from the magic defense of her targets, so Vanessa's Rallying Cry buffed her heals, as well.
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Apr 23, 2018
@Amariithynar Thanks for answering my question. I was looking up the changes but I haven't found an in depth changelog. I noticed how they took away Terra's spark spell, which was one of her most powerful spells, and gave her flame barrier. I just reached chapters 3-4 and I remember there were a few places with enemies that took extra damage from lightning, like the earthen boars, earth elementals and the moving armors. What do I need to do to get a lightning spell to take advantage of those weaknesses?
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Oct 26, 2017
@Amariithynar Thanks for answering my question. I was looking up the changes but I haven't found an in depth changelog. I noticed how they took away Terra's spark spell, which was one of her most powerful spells, and gave her flame barrier. I just reached chapters 3-4 and I remember there were a few places with enemies that took extra damage from lightning, like the earthen boars, earth elementals and the moving armors. What do I need to do to get a lightning spell to take advantage of those weaknesses?
There was an event to have her learn it in Chapter 4, according to the wiki;
This actually REALLY pisses me off if it can still be learnt instead of was removed entirely, because if so then the combat changes stripped things like that away (I had earned it on my longest-running save file) and I can no longer get it again, without starting all over.
Apr 23, 2018
Yeah I just did the quest that is supposed to give you spark. I was doing the good path and your supposed to get it after you defeat Isabella. I did that now instead of getting spark when I talk to her I get flame barrier instead. Also like you said when I loaded one of my saves where Terra already had spark it was removed and replaced with flame barrier.
I'm with you man I'm very mad because I really liked that spell, not only because it was the best spell to use against groups there were alot of enemies weak against the lighting in chapters 3 to 4. So far I haven't found anyway to relearn the spell.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2018
No idea of how to beat the mob in the bonus hard mine. Every time I put insane damage on the boss it isn't enough.

What is his HP anyway? Does anyone have a party that works well that I can copy?


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
No idea of how to beat the mob in the bonus hard mine. Every time I put insane damage on the boss it isn't enough.

What is his HP anyway? Does anyone have a party that works well that I can copy?
using Jessica shows their healths


Sep 27, 2018
does anyone know how to do Cecilia's submission quest?
it said that you need to take her back to Corsix to tell the truth to the assessor
where is this guy?


New Member
Sep 3, 2017
Lizard boss. The one with the mob and timer.
MC: provoke, super guard, crushing blow(on boss)
Naitay: My main aoe dps(starts in hare stance). Switches to cougar once all adds are dead.
Rhea: My main ST attacker. Focused attack->Unrelenting Attacks combo. Only targets boss.
Anaisha: Will be normal attacking most of the time. Toss heals as and when needed.
Sarah: Leap->AoE/normal attacks. Once 2 adds are dead, switch to using her single target 50 TP skill on boss.

You'll need to experiment with which TP mode suits you. Because I left adds alive most of the time, Comrade worked out very well for me.


Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
i try to take Cecilia to the accessor's office , but it keeps saying crap about Fiona ,, WTF ??
3.90 star(s) 11 Votes