Oh I agree entirely that it is very dark. My point was more that there is at least an element of darkness in all of those games, I think. However, the goal of the MC is not unethical - the means by which he accomplishes the goal is varying degrees of unethical, for sure, but that does not affect the ethics of the goal. Lots of people, even in modern times, have or at least believe they have noble goals but sacrifice ethics in their quest to accomplish that laudable end.Regarding "Harem" even the author agrees that the MC is still evil regardless of the path anyway, once he even put the game on hiatus cause a real life story about a wannabe slaver he saw in the news turned him off and made him doubt continuing the game for a while
I played that game a little a few years ago, I do not remember much, but I remember that the setting was actually very dark, and that anyway the goal of the MC was not exacly ethical LOL
What struck me as unique about "Harem" was that almost all of the women in the story are developed so effectively that not only should it be impossible to perceive them as mere "sex toys", but they become genuinely respectable or even lovable characters. That is rare in these games, and seems virtually impossible when starting from such a "dark" position for the narrative in the first place. Granted, that does not make the MC any more of a "good guy", in itself, but it does drastically alter the experience one gets from playing the game. However, over the course of the "good" path, the MC does begin to start understanding that these women who are helping him accomplish is goal are not just tools, and he begins to question if he can/should actually ignore their desires to accomplish that goal. This also does not make him "good guy", but it most certainly is showing growth in that direction. "Good guys" are rarely born that way. They must decide to be. So I would prefer to see a character grow toward becoming better, than just being "nice" while women throw themselves at his feet. The former is a much more interesting expression of real human experience, than the latter.
I actually recall going back and replaying a bit to explore the "darker" behavior. I was impressed by how radically different all the characters and the narrative became, but ultimately I decided I had no wish to continue, because I did not wish to see some of those characters which I had personal respect for be abused. That IS an accomplishment in these games, or at least it is not something the vast majority of writers attempt to manifest with any success.
The MC is Darth Vader, for sure. But the game exists on a narrative of "will you enslave the galaxy?" -or- "will you find your way back to the light (or at least a balance in the force)?".
At any rate, it was an interesting discussion. I hope you find games that you enjoy.
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