VN - Ren'Py - Harem Hotel [v0.17.2] [Runey]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a number of well-written reviews here, so I'm going to tackle this in a slightly different way:

    What it is:
    A fun, immersive virtual novel that is more like an interactive fantasy with sex than a typical "how do I get into her panties" game . And is has Elves!

    What it isn't:
    A grindy, soulless click-fest that makes you perform rote actions just to hit an arbitrary threshold like a lot of games.

    You'll like it if:
    - You're a Tolkien/fantasy nerd AND a porn fan
    - You like the idea have having a group of hot girls that you get to be with, after certain events occur, pretty much at-will
    - You like a wide variety of girls
    - You're looking for a game that evokes feels of real romance

    You might not like it if:
    - You want a lot of girl/girl or girl/girl at-will

    Favorite moment:
    - A scene that develops the relationship with the character "Kali" at a critical point, the dialog of which would shame most print novels.

    Good cadence and mucho content additions. There a several subplots that could, in my opinion, keep the game going for year or even turn into a franchise.

    I'm relatively new to these games but this is, out of about 30 that I've tried, my hands-down favorite and worth a try by damned-near everyone.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Well i came to this game because i noticed that you can have slave in it, so i could fulfill my deep dark fantasy of having a female slave and providing her with care and love so she can be happy and forget about horryfying things from the past. And of course wanted lewd stuff. At first i was thinking only about unlocking lewd scenes, but thank god if any exist i am a man who is following story in porn. And the story... I dont know many games that made me cry and wake so many emotions. I really felt bad for characters, was sad when i was hearing their stories and wanted to care about them. At some point when i started romances with multiple girls and one of them asked me if i will marry her in future, i really didn't knew how to respond, i felt that i will feel bad no matter what choice i will make and was thinking how to solve this whole situation.
    I recommend this to everyone. The story and plot are masterpiece, and joined with hot af and good quality lewd scenes makes this game one of best lewd games that exist.
    *sniff* Okay tear, today you can leave the eye. These will be manly tears.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing and following the development of this game from the very beginning. This is without a doubt my favorite game at the moment and I wanted to share why.

    For starters, Runey has a clear vision of his characters and cares deeply for each of them, which is evident in everything from their personalities, their backstories, and their appearances, right down to their eye colors and the significance of them. I know how much it agonized him to change Ashley’s outfit, which is a testament to how important his characters are to him.

    The storytelling is top-notch. The characters are fleshed out so well that even though they have some of the typical character arch-types, they are still nuanced and through getting to know the characters by learning their backstories you understand completely what makes them tick. You end up caring deeply for each one of them and wanting to love and protect them just as much as you want to have kinky sex with them.

    The lore of the world Runey has created isn’t fully known to the player unless they frequent the discussion thread (or maybe the Discord, but I am not on there) but everything that happens in the game is driven by it, which makes it a cohesive story. Everything that happens just seems to make sense based off of what is known of their world.

    The gameplay is straightforward, not overly grindy, and always interesting. The achievements are fun to accomplish and have real relevance to the characters and gameplay once achieved.

    The sex scenes (this is a porn game after all) are really well done. There is great variety in positions, places, and kinks. And somehow, the girls preferences seem to be on-character for them as well. It’s amazing.

    Honestly, this game has been wonderful to play, follow and watch the development of. Runey has been transparent and honest throughout his extensive involvement here. He doesn’t have to interact with and take the input of those who aren’t donors, but he does and he does it freely and with the patience of a damn saint.

    This is my first review, and I plan on contributing more to the conversation here going forward. Thanks Runey for a masterpiece of a game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games on this site.
    Great content and a good story .
    there is enough content here to keep you entertained for a few hours, longer if you replay. But it keeps you wanting more!.
    easily one of the best games on the f95 site, You should definitly check it out.
    Likes: Runey
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite enjoying this one. Has the usual tropes all covered, most with a good enough 'twist' on them to keep them interesting. Writing is to a high standard and the story has me impatiently waiting for more, and not "just" for the porn.

    On the art front this game does it's job well. There's the usual 'familiar quirks' from the rendering engine used, but this has clearly given Runey the freedom to create a great deal of art for the project. The characters are decently varied which should suit most tastes; the male characters as well.

    As for audio: I absolutely *love* some of the music in this game. Everything else does it's job well, so no complaints at all here.

    While the initial premise is relatively generic, each character's individual story-line manages to capture attention and the world itself has some interesting twists I'm hoping will be explored a lot more in the future.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game will most likely try to help the funding of the jewel but I want lewd boobs ! and something with the sound well I have no sound effects is it normal ? amazing any way ! I love the story and it would be nice to be able to have a female boss of the place it would remind me of the old bordellos !
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome Game
    about Story : very good story the important its an harem game .
    about animations : very good i love it
    about scenes : perfect.
    about Sound : i love the songs on the game .
    amount of content : need more content for very version.
    about dialogue : excellent dialogue its become more and more exciting .
    about the game :for me 10/10.
    about char. : they r all beautiful .
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is nice and smooth, yet there has to be a way to trim down loading lag for new areas. It's not exactly loading a fully interactive 3d environment. I am going to see what can be done. That would give this game the fluidity that it rightfully deserves.
    Likes: Runey
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, what an experience. For free, in early development, mind you. Fantastic. Eager to see, what the new update will get us. Also, should contain at least 1 character you like, very diverse cast. Graphics are also
    Likes: Runey
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! Lots of good scenes to see.

    Starts of slow making you feel like there's nothing to do, but then once 3 characters move into the hotel it picks up quite fast making you wish each day in game was a little longer. Can't wait to see what updates this game will bring.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    v 0.6.1
    Its a promising position with much to see or to do. With little grind and easy cheats for money like renpy save editior etc. You can play and enjoy this game. To see all content you need to rise stats before trying main story of characters.

    Before rising said stats, you as a player will miss some minor events. Ones which till now don't change anything significant.

    There are several things which I do not like in this game.

    Some characters look... meh, some of them have little to no expressions, animations are.. rough.

    Besides that its a nice fap material. At least two faps guaranteed.
    Likes: Runey
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The amount of content in this is amazing. The writing is superb, even noting previous actions the player has taken. (I was reminded of some advice one of the girls told me after making the incorrect decision). Worth at least $10 at the current development level. Looking forward to future updates!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I've played here, and it took me a while to actually do this review. I've been playing it off and on for a month. Honestly it just keeps getting better. I'm on day 270 and don't plan on stopping until the game is a completed work of art. I've been going through each character and getting every title for them. I can't wait for future updates, and being able to buy the other three elves to add to the mix of game play. You've done a great job putting this together. Thanks
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    love this game and especially love the depth of personality you uncover for each character. like when they open upto later in game and you can see and understand why each character acts in the way they do, can be quite moving.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first tried this game, way back when, it was maybe worth three stars. For technical competence, if nothing else. But it was woefully devoid of content, which is an unfortunate fact of games with free roaming (even if this one is only within one building) as they need inordinate amount of content to be worth a damn.

    This game is finally approaching the point where it's impossible to call it a bad game, especially within the genre and what it is trying to do.

    Bad points? The art is pretty bad, but on the good side the guy clearly knows how to design characters as everyone has a unique silhouette and they are instanly recognizable. Even with the handicap of anime which renders every face same, thus making every player essentially suffer from prosopagnosia.

    The good sides, is the frequency of content (finally) and the surprising depths of it at times. Especially Ashley's story actually got surprisingly serious there for a moment, and she actually got a little bit more depth than the crazy Yandere chick that she appears at first glance.

    On the other hand, Lin is absolutely adorable the longer the game goes so... yeah.

    Do you like basically pointless harem, and corrupting girls to do naughty things? Here you go. The amount of corrupting needed is variable, but tends to be somewhere around "not at all" or "not very high", with few exceptions added in for those who enjoy that sort of thing.

    Plus some minor BSDM stuff sprinkled in for taste.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very happy with what has been achieved thus far,I have had ideas here and there through out the play through that makes me think 'Oh, it would be neat if this happened, or you could do this.' That being said it does feel a bit grindy, HOWEVER, you are running a hotel with or without Ellen's assistance, shouldn't it be a little grindy? Yes, yes it should .
    Seriously though the dialogue is good, the stories behind each of the girls are being fleshed out quite nicely, and it's a very enjoyable game that isn't over in 5 minutes. Keep up the good work Runey.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of harem builder/corruption games on this site, but if you had to choose just one choose this one. Not only is there a nice variety of ladies, but each one has their own story and personality.

    The renders are Honey Select, but done with great care and love. There is not much grind until the late game, although a handful of scenes are locked behind leveling up certain aspects of a character. For the most part the storylines advance by knocking on the girl's door and talking with them. There is a tremendous amount of content as of 0.6, and a lot more is added with each patch.

    There isn't a ton of gameplay. No pixel hunt minigames or quicktime events or anything like that. No expenses that you have to pay or lose. You can't anger any of the girls enough that they stab you through the heart with their stabbing knife.

    What you have here is the best combination of harem management and visual novel you will find on this site.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I cannot believe I hadn't yet written down a review for this amazing game.

    I first approached the game because of the title, then I looked at the preview images and decided to give it a try for some casual Honey Select porn, but Harem Hotel surprised me. I got way more than I expected.
    The game has a lot of content to play through, with multiple girls that cover a variety of tastes and personalities. And it's the latter, their personalities, that truly shine in this masterpiece. The author not only has done a good job porn wise, but has also nailed the story aspect of the experience.

    This game is not only exciting for the eyes, but is also capable of touching your heart and conveying feelings.
    I didn't expect it and I ended up wanting to give one of the girls a hug rather than a dicking.

    The game is excellent and the developer too. I joined his discord and he is very active and friendly there, engaging in friendly banter, memeing and listening to feedback and suggestions. His discord community his also very amicable. Aside from the French guy, but he is French after all, duh (you know who you are and you know I'm joking <3).
    The author works a lot on the game and cares about the players to the point that he himself has provided in this very thread links to a beta build after a leaked buggy beta build that wasn't supposed to be public had gotten some users into troubles with the game. And he then has tried to solve the issues people had because they played an untrusted buggy version.
    Weren't he a porn game developer we could make a request to brand him a Saint probaly.

    I'd like to end this review with a few questions: why haven't you played this yet? Who is best girl and why is she Lin?
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    So first thing first, i am not the biggest fan of games that use Honey Select or other Illusion graphics.

    Why do i mention it then? Well just to make sure that everybody understands that this is a great Game and worth a shot even if your not the biggest Fan of the Graphic style!

    Yo have to build relationships with the residents of a Hotel that you inherited from your Grandfather. Many of them ssemed the same pretty boring Archetypes you see often in this kind of games. But if you look closer there is more to them that meet's the eye!

    So yes the writing is pretty good on this, there is some Grind in it but it is not that big and it is only for Money.
    With the money you can buy different outfits for the girls, toys, gifts and so on.

    If you like this kind of game just give it a shot, it is definetly worth your time!

    Onlything i would like to see is that there should be more Meaningful choices and a little more Managing stuff for the Hotel but who knows what Runey is up too!
    Likes: Runey
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    5 star rating from me, well written story. diverse characters (both in body types, personalities, and traits)

    the atmosphere within each story event makes it so believable. ive gotten lost in each story even due to the dialogue alone. this game is not just about the sex, its a masterpiece for its genre.
    Likes: Runey