VN - Ren'Py - Harem Hotel [v0.17.2] [Runey]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has an absurd amount of content to it, which sucked for me because I was on a time crunch to finish it before I went back to college. The progression in this game is inversed for most VNs. You start out having a fuckton of sex, but then as the stories get more in depth, the sex becomes more or less relegated to your own sandbox scenes.

    Don't expect to finish this game a week, not even two weeks. This game takes months to finish. I played for about an hour every night and by the end I was skipping through everything to get the gist of the story. I skipped through for a full hour and I'm still not done.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Herbert the Pervert

    I started with 0.17.2
    Sandbox game with a story of harem building, yes, sounds familiar, but this one is different, with nice and interesting background stories for the girls, great artwork and good worldbuilding in general, it rivals some of the best games in this genre!
    The possibilities are very promising, hope that the developer keeps up the good work, too many have let us down too early...
    Edit 22.Jan 2024
    Aaaand the creator has depression and/or covid, I think it's either on hold or may take forever to be finished.
    Like I wrote , was very promising...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Tons of content, very well made. Constantly updated. The girls are all very well designed and have different styles and personalities. Very lovable characters. H scenes are top notch, too. There's a lot of dialogue for those who like visual novels but you can easily skip through most of it if it becomes too much. Even then, the game will take you quite some time because of the sheer amount of content.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Lots of content. Easy download. Enough said. But because of the character limit I will add some more stuff lmao. Support the creator. I've been watching this game develop for quite some time now.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply huge, in terms of its lifespan, the number of girls, and the parallel stories... It's a great job from the developers. The only minor complaint I have, but it's for personal taste, is that the game isn't a little more trashy (bondage, scat etc...). I eagerly await updates.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game for a long time, and until then everything was perfect for me, I started liking this game for having elves and for the amount of content, I've never seen a game here with as much content as this one, with each update I open the game to see the What's new, the characters are all perfect, beautiful, especially the elves... there isn't one that isn't good, I like the story, well detailed, it has politics, religion... it really has a story behind it... a wiki whole about the races and history of the game.. a good balance between sex and history.. although lately it's just been dramas and tragic things happening and few happy moments with the girls, which puts me off a little... another thing that I get discouraged... is that our protagonist, the manager... he is very observant, everything happens around him, he doesn't even comment on anything, even if something bad is happening, he is passive throughout the game and when he comments on something , his phrase is no more than 3 generic words, it's the girls themselves who deal with the problems, it's like he's there just to accompany them, not to mention he lacks boldness, lack of attitude, not just for sex, but just to say something well elaborated showing feelings for the girls, and what discourages me even more is kali calling the robot a threat, making her go into a crisis because of that, thinking she owns the robot and deciding everything on her own and the protagonist is only passive there.. as I've been following this game for a long time, I want to continue enjoying it, but it's difficult. the 3 stars are for the elves who are all perfect, too bad they only suffer.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Harem Hotel [v0.17.2]

    Great Animations
    Great Sex Scenes
    So many good-looking Character Models
    Character Customization
    Good Story
    Good pacing
    So much content
    Good Character development
    Every girl has their own personality
    Sandbox mechanics are surprisingly well implemented

    You have 4-5(?) background songs to choose from, but they get quite boring to listen to.
    No moaning sounds

    Outfits are not permanent when you go to public places, like the café, and switch back to their normal street outfits. Pls fix that.

    More ways to customize/upgrade your Hotel
    More Costumes and Toys
    Have the option to do Camshows and/or have live sex shows at the hotel with the girls. Hotel live sex shows gains customers.
    More exhibitionism options and locations
    More kinky scenes and options for each girl
    Have options to have sex at work and school
    If pregnancy gets added then please make it optional (not a fan of prego)
    More sidequests and bigger world building

    I really enjoyed my time with this game, and for me, it is one of the best games on this site.
    There is so much content to play through, so much variety and it doesn´t get boring.
    As far as harem's go, this is by far my favorite Harem game out there.
    I can full-heartedly recommend this game and wish the Dev good luck in his development of the game, and will follow it closely.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome work!

    I'm a speed runner of these games, cheat addicted to boot, and rarely find something above mild satisfaction but this is one of the few exceptions I've found here, where I can really enjoy my time and thank the dev for this great job of exciting/ perverted play.

    Personally, I wish Ellen will get many more scenes, and hope that breeding and pregnancy will be close to absent, as I find this kink off-putting (because I'm a dad? oh well to each its own)

    Anyway, thanks and congrats (and vice versa)!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of my favourite games I have played from here.
    The story is really good, the writing is fantastic too.
    As far as harem's go this is by far my favourite I have played and I have played a lot of them.
    There's good variation in character design and personality.
    I would 1000% recommend this game <3
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic game, you can be nice, you can be cruel (which makes me feel bad so even in vidya games I can't be cruel) lots of scenes, lots of story. Pretty well written characters, I don't typically read the story but from what I can surmise it's pretty interesting. One of the 5 games I keep coming back to check for updates on.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    The game is great, and probably a must play on this site. However later updates to the game have made me lose intereset in the game.

    The MC esentially becomes a yes man that follows along in whatever the other characters do. You are kind of thrown to the side in most story lines and exist simply as the connection between the girls.

    The story gets really convoluted in the later updates, not saying it's bad, but it's hard to follow and care for everything that goes on when the personal aspect of it is missing. The role of the MC in the story is basically non-existent, the ones connected to the story are the girls and you are sort of there because of them. There are many scenes where playing the MC felt more like playing a bodyguard accompanying the actual main characters than being a MC yourself.

    Aside from that, the early erotic aspect of it is great, although it is clearly no longer the focus of the game (or never was based on what some people say). I would still recommend it because the first part of the game when the story was more slice of life and centered in the girls, their feelings and your relationship with them is still great.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's insane how high this game sets the bar. It's straight-up disappointing playing 99% of other games after seeing the quality of the characters, models, animations, and most impressively the writing. I mean, seriously. The story is actually good, not just porn game good. The worst part about this game is I can't play the finished version right this very moment
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Best Game Ever! Try it, like it, review it, and share it. It has all, animations, scenes,story line and much more. Best part, multiple outfits, and different personalities. Did i tell you there is a freestyle option :eek:
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1417641

    Insane amount of high quality content. Pretty predictable premise like most harem games but its actually executed really well. The setting has an interesting twist with how elves are treated. The girls are unique and loveable. Maria best girl!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first VN game I played and how I found this site. Meaning I have quite a bias obscuring my view so I'll try and put some effort into qualifying my praise.

    Harem is in the name and yeah all the girls are great. Each one not only looks good but has a great and well-paced story to form them into rounded and complex characters. Having played other harem-type games I can say this is an area most fall flat on. Typically a harem girl's story starts strong, but once sex happens character development seems to just stop and they become little more than a trophy you can fuck. Doesn't happen here, sex is just the beginning. A lot of this is down to how the game isn't just about sex.

    Harem Hotel's story is really about slavery and elves living in a modern era. With androids. Most of the girl's stories begin far removed from this hopeless and dystopian premise but sooner or later everything begins to fall into place within it. Through the girls we learn about the world and how things came to this point. Instead of seeing things through your perspective, it's through the perspective of all your relationships with the LIs, with each one showing a different side. From the long and brutal life of your slave maid to the daughter of the world's richest businessman and just about everything in between and around. We explore every nook and cranny of this world, and no matter the perspective it's ugly and hopeless.

    All that juxtaposed with how pretty and infatuated your girls end up being with you (and each other) makes the entire game just so compelling to play though, and I've not even mentioned the renders and scenes. More of a subjective area so to keep it brief, they're really good.

    Could go on, so to wrap it up, If you want a good story, good sex, good visuals, and all that, this is the game to play. 5/5

    Updates take a while though, and while the content is always 5/5 there isn't all that much of it. If you're waiting for the game to finish before you try you'll be waiting years that's for sure.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Grand Duke

    One of the very best games on this site for a multitude of reasons. This game uses the sandbox it's set in in a very user-friendly way that allows the player to go at their own pace and go for the heroines they want one at a time. It isn't obstructive but instead naturally flows into the natural progress that the game is supposed to go in. This game also has a surprisingly decent story for what it is. It doesn't feel like it takes itself overly seriously or try to be something it's not, it's there to add onto the game play. Along with this it has a wide variety of characters who memorable personalities and a multitude of h-content both of vanilla nature and of bdsm s/m play. The pacing of the game and the character interactions development is fresh and always interesting. Old heroines aren't just abandoned and instead get fleshed out later on in the story. It doesn't feel like some characters get favored content wise and everyone gets enough content to satisfy you. Truly if you haven't played this game I couldn't recommend it more.

    If I had to give a compliant about this game it would be the renders which definitly do feel dated but it's not anything major. Overall this is one of the only games which I could confidently give a 10/10. It's also one of the only games that I'm eager to replay fully. It's truly that great
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    one of my favourite game
    Lot of Contents for every girls on the hotel,
    Love the clothing system and variations of sex with the clothes,
    has decent story for every girl in the game.
    Lot of types of girls to you enjoy.

    (sorry my english)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Heres some quality honey select VN with various LI with distinct personalities. Already has tons and tons of content over the years and the every scene does not disappoint.
    i give this one 10floors out of 10 in the harem hotel
    bonus is a consistently reliable dev!
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5552830

    The story is a drag, which is a shame because the game is high quality. The game is beautiful aesthetically and gameplaywise. However, I've tapped out with the story. It's too long. The characters are not interesting enough to waste so much time on, and Runey keeps making new storylines for the characters. There are a lot of adult games out there that take themselves too seriously. Being a DIK is another example. Sure, it makes things more disgestible, if you can somewhat identify with the character, but nobody should identify with a porn character. It's always a bit balancing issue. Either make the characters too personal or too impersonal. Things are too personal in this game. Runey milks every details out of the world. Everything has to be explained. There is no subtlety. This game is suppossed to be a perverted fantasy, but it seems like Runey tries to justify the world of Harem Hotel a bit too much. He milks every ounce of empathy from the consumer. If you wanna make something depraved, make it without shame, or don't make it at all. Don't regress and try to justify the characters. All of the characters in this game are assholes in some way. If not assholes, a bit whiny or ignorant. The flaws of the girl characters' are seen as quirky, whilst the flaws of the world are evil. If you wanna make a mature and interesting storyline, make the characters less one-sided. There are no stakes. The MC and the girls are the gods of this world. They are never going to fail. However, most adult games don't have very high stakes, but that is how you make an interesting storyline. Or developers could go back to a more simple story, where sex is more important than the drama. I'm done.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    In terms of sex, this game is as good as it comes; in terms of quantity of quality content, this game is definitely the best I've come across (ie there are a ton of great scenes).
    The game comes with an obligatory harem, but all the girls in it are pretty good - although not necessarily at the start; this game features character development. There are TONS of good scenes with many different girls. The girls are attractive, with real personalities, and most of the story is solid. Ultimately, you'll want to replay many of the sex scenes over and over, probably more than any other game, so I highly recommend it.

    I haven't had great success with the game's gallery, so I keep a save before each one-off sex scene (and all the shower scenes because you can only trigger one each day.) Fortunately/wisely, this game has much more room on each save page than others, so I have one for each main girl, and one for all the extra girls.

    The pace of updates is fairly slow, but that shouldn't be surprising given the amount of quality content they contain.