It's almost as if the others don't consider them equals or something, like they were somehow ...less than human! The nerve of some people! They should all be taken into the dungeon and flogged!Maybe it is just only my opinion, but I feel like Lin and Android aren't appreciated enough by the other characters.
They have to clean the hotel, cook for all the people in the hotel, wash all the loundry, clean all the dishes. They still manage to find time to "satisfy MC' and his certain needs", I think that you all know what I am talking about. They are working really hard and they are doing a good job. And before Android showe up, Lin was all alone on all that work and she was doing a good job. And she had only one day off. But she never looked tired or overworked. Fortunately, because overworking is dangerous to your physical and mental health. And it can lead to death. Hopefully, Android can't get tired or overworked. She can't right?
And they don't get paid for it, because elves and androids don't get paid, so all that we can give them as a reward for their hard work is small room in the hotel, headpats, sex, cute and sexy outfits and - only for Lin, because Android doesn't need it - food.
But that isn't enough, in my opinion. I think that they deserve something more, something that would really say "I am really grateful for your hard work, thank you for everything.".
And some of the other girls should show some appreciation for them, too. Because certain girls were really mean to them and they still didn't really apologized for it. Yes, Ashley, Felicity and Emma, I am looking at you.
But seriously, we need somebody to help Lin and Android with their work. And they need more days off and more time to rest. Perhaps a vacation in exotic place, like Hawaii, Fiji or in Madagascar? Or somewhere in Europe?
I think it would be fun if they came to us to ask permission to go on strike until they get Maid Appreciation day, where the other girls have to be maids, and treat them like queens!
But seriously, I have a questions for you, is a robot who fixes other robots a doctor or an engineer?