I think Ms Ren will be shown again! The High Elf Queen will definitely be back as well.
Been kinda wondering, if we'd get her back at some point, due to how important she seems to be for Ashley. That, and it would probably be the type of elven content, I'd enjoy too... probably. Elven content feels bit more hit or miss, than other stuff in the game. And that's fine, I guess. As it seems to be the "serious", topic in this game afterall.
Tiny rant warning.
Still... as for the high elf queen and the high elves in general, are starting to seem less and less appealing as time goes by it seems. They don't exactly make that good case, on why you should be working with them. Given how they seem to be, they'd almost certainly do far more harm than good to common elves' cause. And their queen is obviously a major cunt, that would probably treat humanity even worse, if the situation was reversed. Working with them, is not really an option as long as she's sitting on their throne. The nutjob queen of the common elves had that part at least quite spot on, with her suggestion

Hmph... wonder if they even have good replacement among them, period. Thus far, their average does not exactly come across that endearing. How obnoxious they are, and with those egos and seemingly nothing significant to back them up with, they'd likely get invaded in couple years after being discovered. And lose... badly. Guns or not.
Should helping common elves, require helping high elves. If I was MC, I'd probably just try to get special rights for Lin and her children with MC or something at this point and cut my losses. You know... before I get more than just beaten, imprisoned or whatever by aloof/sadistic/moronic cunts, I'm trying to help. Well, that and I REALLY don't like it, when primitives still living in the dark ages think
they should rule the world. It's ridiculous and it has some real life parallers, that piss me off.
PS. Thanks for focusing on the slave path with Nia and Sylvia first, by the way. That was something, I definitely DID like. The scenes weren't excessively cruel or anything, and it was amusing to make both of them squirm a bit at least
