The fact is that regardless of how you intend to write her, you can't control how people view a character. First impressions matter, and the fact is that the first impression I got from her was awful. You can claim that the multiple people in this thread are wrong as much as you want, but the fact is that you made a judgemental, preachy, seemingly expensive college-attending podcaster with assumptions about her show's popularity and who simply calls herself a journalist, seems more gung-ho about corporations in general than just slavery, and who's first reaction when an elf just does something nice is to casually fucking tip her. I understand that you didn't intend her to be viewed like this, I really do, but so far her character has done nothing to show me otherwise. If you want people to see her differently, then put her in a situation that shows that isn't all that she is instead of just telling everyone they're reading her wrong.