Might also be partly due to the fact that I was already wanting to do almost anything to help the elves, even if it means running for office, taking over the government, and/or buying every elf myself.
Yes, that is an option now, as is Lin and Android, when they are both avbl.
(un)Fortunately Syl'anar is a democracy, and the populace is ~83% in favor of slavery. The Elvish Rights Act was debated upon only 30 years ago. That's why I say it's unfortunate, because even if you ran for an office the people would never like you enough. They like Cornwall, even if he was a bit radical to give elves rights.Yes, yes, and yes. The Elves must be saved from the horrible excuses for humans who own them, no matter the cost. Minus mindless death and destruction, of course. Nia has the right idea, but she's going about it in the wrong way and could actually end up making things worse.
Instead, the populace needs to be convinced and they need to stop believing in propaganda they see about elves.
When has bigotry ever been logical?There has to be some reason that not all people of Elven heritage are treated like that, it makes no sense to discriminate only partially against Elven heritage because, sooner or later, the people who aren't oppressed, the less than half Elves, are going to stand up for their half or more brethren and it isn't going to be pretty. I'm no oppressive wannabe dictator, but it isn't smart to leave someone with the oppressed traits free to start opposition movements against the people in charge no matter how weak the traits are in them. It might just be me thinking that Cornwall is hiding something, I just get this sneaking suspicion that not all is as it seems with him.
The people in power enforce a stereotype and release propaganda encouraging elvish slavery, which includes false stereotypes like "elves are mentally inferior" or that their blood is somehow tainted. Evolutionarily, elves and humans are so close to each other there is almost never an issue with crossbreeding. This isn't mentioned because it keeps cornwall in power and Mr. Trenero rich as fuck. If there were no slaves, there could be no minister of slavery.