Runey I gotta say after just finishing your update my emotions are all over the place. I was crushed with finding out about Maria's lineage and how she got treated after, Android seems devastated by her issue to socialize to the point she seemed to shut down, saddened by how Ashley finally had her first good birthday after so many shitty years, pissed at Autumn's father for being so distant from his own flesh and blood, and torn up about Hana's similar situation to Maria's predicament. It was almost to difficult for me to watch all that. For all their sakes I beg for your next update to redeem each and every one of them even if it's just a little bit. I can't believe I'm saying this but my heart bleeds for them all and the people who fall in the majority of the percentage of racists need a serious wake up call. So I completely support Nia in her mission now to make the haters suffer.