It seem I'm the only one that is not on a vengeance path.
I see the point in making that bitch suffering, can understand, but it doesn't serve us other than statisfiying our lust of vengeance. Taking it out on her children or family brings us to the same level she and the state is.
Additional in regard to the public opinion I tend to believe that it would help for our case if our act of revenge would become generally know.
Also, if I would take action of vengeance on here, it must be action taken by the staat, not from us. As another written, make her a half elf without rights, put her through the mashine.
Put it wouldn't change the system that allows such people to exist. She is as much to blame as the whole system.
Personally, I don't care about her. The opposite of like or love is not hate, it is ignoring someone one entirely. And that I would do - after she is marked as a half elf.
I care about Maria much, much more than about this bitch that does her job. Surely she does it in a worst possible way and take personnal enjoyment out of discriminate and toture other, but she is objective speaking working in the parameter of the law. That doesn't make it anything better, same as all other episode where mankind or fortunately only part of - and unfortunately sometimes a big part of it - had enslave, discriminate , torture and killed other humans because of lunatic arguments.