
New Member
Jun 8, 2021
I got further into Sylvia's arc now and there's a pretty hard continuity error. In Lin's arc Sylvia can't explain the "magic" the queen wields, or why it avoids fire. She doesn't know what is touching her when the fairies do the vibrating wing heat thing. But when you take Sylvia out for the date (which you can't do until after the island), she is talking about the fairy-queen hierarchy, the fairies long being used as spies, how invisibility works, and how all the soldiers train with fairies in combat. She was even the one in control of mining the magic crystals.

She would not only have known what the Queen's magic was, she probably would have known more about it than the Queen, via her family records/lore.


Aug 8, 2017
I got further into Sylvia's arc now and there's a pretty hard continuity error. In Lin's arc Sylvia can't explain the "magic" the queen wields, or why it avoids fire. She doesn't know what is touching her when the fairies do the vibrating wing heat thing. But when you take Sylvia out for the date (which you can't do until after the island), she is talking about the fairy-queen hierarchy, the fairies long being used as spies, how invisibility works, and how all the soldiers train with fairies in combat. She was even the one in control of mining the magic crystals.

She would not only have known what the Queen's magic was, she probably would have known more about it than the Queen, via her family records/lore.
Yes, found it extremely weird that she had no idea what the queen magic was and next one she is talking about high elves having fairies and being able to turn invisible


Jun 15, 2017
I got further into Sylvia's arc now and there's a pretty hard continuity error. In Lin's arc Sylvia can't explain the "magic" the queen wields, or why it avoids fire. She doesn't know what is touching her when the fairies do the vibrating wing heat thing. But when you take Sylvia out for the date (which you can't do until after the island), she is talking about the fairy-queen hierarchy, the fairies long being used as spies, how invisibility works, and how all the soldiers train with fairies in combat. She was even the one in control of mining the magic crystals.

She would not only have known what the Queen's magic was, she probably would have known more about it than the Queen, via her family records/lore.
Yeah when I saw that I thought we were about to have a confrontation with her after catching her in a lie about not knowing about how the queen uses magic but we just ignored it and continued listening to her history lesson. I think Runey explained it on discord once (I might be misremembering) as her just not realizing the fairies were used by the queen that way. She's aware of the fairies and how they're normally used but the queen using them to pretend she has powers is a unique use for them.

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New Member
Jun 8, 2021
Yeah when I saw that I thought we were about to have a confrontation with her after catching her in a lie about not knowing about how the queen uses magic but we just ignored it and continued listening to her history lesson. I think Runey explained it on discord once (I might be misremembering) as her just not realizing the fairies were used by the queen that way. She's aware of the fairies and how they're normally used but the queen using them to pretend she has powers is a unique use for them.

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She explains that their common tactic on the battlefield is to have the invisible fairies make the elven warrior temporarily invisible while fighting alongside them. There's no way she hasn't seen floating knives and other such before, she wouldn't have mistaken that for telekinesis, especially after observing the fire avoidance.

It isn't that hard to write around, though. All you do is get rid of the "elf queen's mysterious magic" reference from Lin's arc, which didn't affect the story in any way, and replace it with, "the queen commands many magical servants". You can leave in the heat avoidance, Lin still grabs the torch to try and save Sylvia, the MC and characters are still talking openly around the elf captive so regardless of the invisible servants they aren't smart enough not to spill the beans while being observed, etc etc. Nothing really changes from there.
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New Member
Jun 8, 2021
I did just finish Lin's arc. Gotta admit, it's peeling so far away from the thematic hub of the Hotel gameplay that it does start to drag pretty hard. The core gameplay elements are more or less resolved at this point in the game and no new ones have been introduced, so it no longer feels like you are playing a game so much as you are just being dragged along through a story about politics. (Vanessa got a little less infuriating after she found the house, but I still can't stand her. She needs to experience some real life tragedy to fix that sheltered, entitled, judgmental keyboard activist vibe. Tala and Kim don't get many lines, but they're at least socialized humans.)

It might be worth cementing in the existing relationships in the harem by using the game mechanic to "max/marry" them so they are core characters with all options unlocked, and then introducing some new game mechanics for new characters as you expand into what appears to be a "today we take over the world" storyline with what appears to be multiple routes to power through Doll taking control of all androids and becoming your personal sexual skynet, Kali taking her father's company and the harem becoming something like a board of directors able to change world events through financial/political capital, Felicity/Emma getting you access to their father's cloning technology so you can start replacing key people or maybe offering a solution to the apparent lack of male elves in existence (especially if the clone can't be artificially aged to maturity), your connection through Cornwall to the inner workings of the HHI, overthrowing (and enslaving for a nice twist) the elf Queen and replacing her with a harem member, founding an underground railroad of sorts with the Sanctuary girls and the Desert elves... there are a lot of ways to go, and you could come up with a bunch of cool gameplay elements to play with that new theme. Might be better for that to be a second game, though, it's a lot. lol

I'm probably just rehashing conversations that have already been had, anyway.


New Member
Jun 8, 2021
Actually, the cloning research could be a way to extend the MCs lifespan to get around the age disparity problem, and Emma/Felicity's father could be a way to take over the colleges to change indoctrination. Possibilities.
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Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Don't normally join forums, but have to say, this is probably my favorite game in the genre right now. Been waiting a while for the chance to rescue Ms. Ren and help Juliet out. They've both been treated really miserably outside of the PCs sphere of influence. Also, having now met the Vanessa character, absolutely anything I can do to make her life more miserable is the path I'm going down. She makes early days Felicity look positively charming and non-judgmental.
To each their own, but I think a lot of people don't see the situation from Vanessa's side during the first interactions. Kali is the daughter of the richest man in the world, who also happens to own the most slaves out of anyone on the planet. Kali's boyfriend is also a slaver. If you met these types of people in real life, you would probably think they're horrible people until you got to know them. Vanessa is also an abolitionist, so she has a bigger bone to pick with slavers.

F&E on the other hand didn't like you guys because you were poor.

Question about the elf abduction scene. When I tried to refuse to help (I can't suspend disbelief enough to believe that I'd instantly decide to spend more than my business is worth to try to help out people who almost murdered me in an attempt to extort me, no matter how pretty they might be. Baseball bat to the head is not a subduing attack, that's lethal. I was also a little surprised that Lin performs the rescue rather than Doll with her rifle and security camera sight.) basically the script just ignored the choice, there wasn't any additional attempt to apologize or try to convince, and it just assumed that I'd said yes instead. Why make it a choice?
Don't take it so seriously. This game isn't 100% realistic. You got a bonk to the head and recovered.

I got further into Sylvia's arc now and there's a pretty hard continuity error. In Lin's arc Sylvia can't explain the "magic" the queen wields, or why it avoids fire. She doesn't know what is touching her when the fairies do the vibrating wing heat thing. But when you take Sylvia out for the date (which you can't do until after the island), she is talking about the fairy-queen hierarchy, the fairies long being used as spies, how invisibility works, and how all the soldiers train with fairies in combat. She was even the one in control of mining the magic crystals.

She would not only have known what the Queen's magic was, she probably would have known more about it than the Queen, via her family records/lore.
Yes, found it extremely weird that she had no idea what the queen magic was and next one she is talking about high elves having fairies and being able to turn invisible
"Magic" does not exist like you think it does. The only "Magic" in the game that you've seen is fairies going invisible. There are no fireballs.

And as Sylvia explains in that exact scene, fairies are never used in the way the Queen uses them. The high elf queen is able to conjure tornadoes, so says Sylvia anyway. But Ashley obviously can't.

So Sylvia believed at one point that the high elf queen could use genuine magic. Which just turned out to be fairies.

She explains that their common tactic on the battlefield is to have the invisible fairies make the elven warrior temporarily invisible while fighting alongside them. There's no way she hasn't seen floating knives and other such before, she wouldn't have mistaken that for telekinesis, especially after observing the fire avoidance.

It isn't that hard to write around, though. All you do is get rid of the "elf queen's mysterious magic" reference from Lin's arc, which didn't affect the story in any way, and replace it with, "the queen commands many magical servants". You can leave in the heat avoidance, Lin still grabs the torch to try and save Sylvia, the MC and characters are still talking openly around the elf captive so regardless of the invisible servants they aren't smart enough not to spill the beans while being observed, etc etc. Nothing really changes from there.
The elf queen's mysterious magic is one of the biggest parts of the background story. Her intimidation tactics and the mystery surrounding her gives her an extreme advantage. She's been able to hide her whole species from humans, while also spying on them and keeping her people loyal and almost worshiping her as a God.

I won't go into spoilers, so there are some things you will have to take my word on without explanation for the moment. But high elves "know" she can use "real magic" because they've seen it. She can conjure tornadoes for example. Fairies don't as easily explain away a tornado as "real magic" does, so she is feared.

To Sylvia, the knives could have been "real magic" or simply fairies, but she is too afraid to take that gamble, especially after seeing first hand what she can do. And I believe this is explained in game.

I did just finish Lin's arc. Gotta admit, it's peeling so far away from the thematic hub of the Hotel gameplay that it does start to drag pretty hard. The core gameplay elements are more or less resolved at this point in the game and no new ones have been introduced, so it no longer feels like you are playing a game so much as you are just being dragged along through a story about politics. (Vanessa got a little less infuriating after she found the house, but I still can't stand her. She needs to experience some real life tragedy to fix that sheltered, entitled, judgmental keyboard activist vibe. Tala and Kim don't get many lines, but they're at least socialized humans.)
When you say "Core gameplay elements", what do you mean? You can still have sex with characters in their rooms, and story pops up by clicking "* Talk *" on their door.

I assume you mean the first few arcs of the story for each character have been resolved? Yes, this is how story development typically works. New ones are introduced all the time though, some are smaller than others. Lin has always been a slave for example, that's a big one that's still going. But she did have an issue with her self image at one point which was resolved. Android is also currently going through a depression, and you probably already know what happened to Maria by now, so, I don't understand this at all to be honest.

And please try not to judge a book by its cover so much. Vanessa isn't sheltered nor entitled. Almost exactly the opposite in fact. She's met a very diverse amount of people, talked to elves and understood their problems, and even makes monetary sacrifices. She's privileged, and uses that privilege to help the unprivileged. She works part time at a daycare for elves which may as well be a non-profit.
Her privilege comes from her intergenerational wealth. Her parents were which, so she had a better start in life. But she's using that for good.

It might be worth cementing in the existing relationships in the harem by using the game mechanic to "max/marry" them so they are core characters with all options unlocked, and then introducing some new game mechanics for new characters as you expand into what appears to be a "today we take over the world" storyline with what appears to be multiple routes to power through Doll taking control of all androids and becoming your personal sexual skynet, Kali taking her father's company and the harem becoming something like a board of directors able to change world events through financial/political capital, Felicity/Emma getting you access to their father's cloning technology so you can start replacing key people or maybe offering a solution to the apparent lack of male elves in existence (especially if the clone can't be artificially aged to maturity), your connection through Cornwall to the inner workings of the HHI, overthrowing (and enslaving for a nice twist) the elf Queen and replacing her with a harem member, founding an underground railroad of sorts with the Sanctuary girls and the Desert elves... there are a lot of ways to go, and you could come up with a bunch of cool gameplay elements to play with that new theme. Might be better for that to be a second game, though, it's a lot. lol

I'm probably just rehashing conversations that have already been had, anyway.
Marriage will come at the end of the story, not arbritarily in the middle of ongoing arcs. It certaintly won't be a cheat mechanic that unlocks everything.

There won't be multiple story routes, nor will there be many mini games. This is primarily an adult visual novel.


If there's anything else you're confused about, feel free to ask on the discord. Easier to respond to questions.


New Member
Jun 8, 2021
Hmm, I don't know how to do the multi-quote function...

Vanessa's motivations for acting like a self-righteous scold are clear enough, she screams them out publicly in a loud and hostile fashion, so you really can't miss them. I might entirely agree with her on an issue like slavery from the point of view of the player, who is someone living in a part of the world that abolished it centuries ago, but that is not her or the MCs situation in the game world, as has been driven home at many other points in the story. The way Vanessa acts just induces an eye roll and a desire to be out of her proximity as quickly as possible, because she isn't savvy enough to contemplate nuance in others, or wise enough to exercise self control and keep her own counsel when she doesn't have enough information.

Pile that on top of preaching compassion and understanding while screeching judgments at strangers she just met, and then spending the rest of the time lecturing her assumptions at them without finding out anything of substance about them, and you have a thoroughly unlikable character. Her heel turn in the story so far was not her realizing something about herself and how she treats people, but rather stumbling accidently onto the realization that she had been raging at people who already agreed with her.

All that isn't to say there isn't a narrative use for an unlikable character, everybody likes a good redemption arc, and you have several good ones in the story already.

Cartoon physics aside, the choice still asks you if you will take them in and when you say No, ignores it and continues with the Yes line.

Sylvia and Magic
It still takes a huge suspension of disbelief to think someone with centuries of life experience with fairies popping in and out of the visible spectrum using magic crystals your family mines for them, who knows that they can extend the invisibility to soldiers and buildings, who was privy to the inner workings and gossip of the court, who has always known the fairies worked directly for the queen, and who was perceptive enough to spot the fire avoidance behavior, wouldn't put something so obvious together. I remember the first playthrough when the first line about the mysterious telekinesis powers was spoken on the boat thinking, "Oh, Ashley's fairies already pulled that move while stealing stuff for her." Nobody in the court made that connection in all that time?

Core Gameplay Mechanics
I'm referring to the "stat" building on the girls to unlock scenes, and earning money to buy upgrades and gear to increase your income/resources and unlock new parts of the game. So once you've bought all the upgrades and maxed all their stats, then you are just clicking on doors and reading. In standard game design, you'd either unlock a new level to their stats that unlocks new opportunities, or you'd incorporate new sorts of challenges linked to the story you're telling. Taking control segments might contain: Training assets to perform tasks (spies, raiders, influencers, etc), placing assets in organizations to increase your "hold" over them (high elven court, desert elf villages, Nero Corp, HHI, University, etc). Both of those are basically the same as the stat system on the girls. Reach a certain number to gain the capability.

You could also be recruiting new assets to increase income, influence, or capabilities (taking over androids, freeing elves to send to the desert tribes or the island after you control it, turning people at the school, etc), upgrading Nero Corp if you took it over, any number of things could add gameplay elements to the late game.

Locking In
Marriage is just one example of locking in, not cheating. If you've maxed a girl out, that would be one way of saying you've exhausted all of the gameplay elements with that character, and marking the occasion. In this case by saying, "You are now fully devoted to one another." Could be done any number of ways.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Hmm, I don't know how to do the multi-quote function...

Vanessa's motivations for acting like a self-righteous scold are clear enough, she screams them out publicly in a loud and hostile fashion, so you really can't miss them. I might entirely agree with her on an issue like slavery from the point of view of the player, who is someone living in a part of the world that abolished it centuries ago, but that is not her or the MCs situation in the game world, as has been driven home at many other points in the story. The way Vanessa acts just induces an eye roll and a desire to be out of her proximity as quickly as possible, because she isn't savvy enough to contemplate nuance in others, or wise enough to exercise self control and keep her own counsel when she doesn't have enough information.

Pile that on top of preaching compassion and understanding while screeching judgments at strangers she just met, and then spending the rest of the time lecturing her assumptions at them without finding out anything of substance about them, and you have a thoroughly unlikable character. Her heel turn in the story so far was not her realizing something about herself and how she treats people, but rather stumbling accidently onto the realization that she had been raging at people who already agreed with her.

All that isn't to say there isn't a narrative use for an unlikable character, everybody likes a good redemption arc, and you have several good ones in the story already.
Every character has a flaw. Vanessa is one of the few who actually acknowledges her own flaws from the get go. She even tells you she's working on her quick assumptions. She's not going to be perfect, and you're right, redemption arcs are common for me, and it's somewhat of the same with Vanessa. The plan has been to start off on the wrong foot but realize you have a lot more in common than you don't. In v0.13, Kali's story will involve Vanessa, this is the time when you really get to meet her true self and then you're given the opportunity to see her own side story or stop it.

Cartoon physics aside, the choice still asks you if you will take them in and when you say No, ignores it and continues with the Yes line.
Yes, this is a linear visual novel. This isn't the first time I've given you the illusion of choice.

Sylvia and Magic
It still takes a huge suspension of disbelief to think someone with centuries of life experience with fairies popping in and out of the visible spectrum using magic crystals your family mines for them, who knows that they can extend the invisibility to soldiers and buildings, who was privy to the inner workings and gossip of the court, who has always known the fairies worked directly for the queen, and who was perceptive enough to spot the fire avoidance behavior, wouldn't put something so obvious together. I remember the first playthrough when the first line about the mysterious telekinesis powers was spoken on the boat thinking, "Oh, Ashley's fairies already pulled that move while stealing stuff for her." Nobody in the court made that connection in all that time?
Of course, fairies were slaves to the high elves. Fairies picked things up for them all the time, maybe even fed them food so the high elves wouldn't have to move their arms.

But again, Sylvia grew up believing the high elf queen could use real magic and saw her conjure tornadoes. Sylvia fears her queen, or rather feared her. She even goes over this in the boat event before they reach the island. Sylvia starts believing the high elf queen has been lying to her. She started catching on at this point, but still fears her.

Core Gameplay Mechanics
I'm referring to the "stat" building on the girls to unlock scenes, and earning money to buy upgrades and gear to increase your income/resources and unlock new parts of the game. So once you've bought all the upgrades and maxed all their stats, then you are just clicking on doors and reading. In standard game design, you'd either unlock a new level to their stats that unlocks new opportunities, or you'd incorporate new sorts of challenges linked to the story you're telling. Taking control segments might contain: Training assets to perform tasks (spies, raiders, influencers, etc), placing assets in organizations to increase your "hold" over them (high elven court, desert elf villages, Nero Corp, HHI, University, etc). Both of those are basically the same as the stat system on the girls. Reach a certain number to gain the capability.

You could also be recruiting new assets to increase income, influence, or capabilities (taking over androids, freeing elves to send to the desert tribes or the island after you control it, turning people at the school, etc), upgrading Nero Corp if you took it over, any number of things could add gameplay elements to the late game.
Okay, I see what you mean. These aren't bad suggestions, but I'm having trouble visualizing how they would work. Would you mind adding more detail to your suggestions?

Of course these things couldn't happen immediately, but there are new gameplay mechanics that have been added and are being added currently, such as the sanctuary, or lust system which unlocks about mid - late of each character's current story. I guess that would mean It would be a decent time to introduce a new late game mechanic though.


Koikatu Harem Master
Game Developer
Mar 18, 2020
Okay, I see what you mean. These aren't bad suggestions.
Enjoying the conversation.

As far as the suggestions go I see what he means, cool ideas yes, very neat.
Possible for a one man dev team? No imo.

And I don't agree that just because some arcs end and the girls are maxed out on stats that the gameplay has become stagnant, or that the mechanics aren't moving forward. The mechanics are the story. And that's progressing. People expect to much from VN's.


New Member
Jun 8, 2021
Oh no, I'm aware. I've done enough game design and development to know what a nightmare true branching paths can be. It is rarely worth it. But in this case it would just involve a short dialog change where she apologizes sincerely, like you do in many other places, or a short divergent path on her arc like...

...MC refuses and Nia says, "Fine, but don't punish them for what I did. They need your help." and then the other two girls unlock in the computer but she doesn't. Then when you get to the trigger that normally unlocks the illegal strip club scene, instead of driving her there, you happen to be out on an errand and see her being dragged into the club by the gang members, or alternatively one of the other elves tells you she has been captured. You show up and play the same role you did in the story, but this time you buy her from the strip club owner or free her in some other way, and then she proceeds with the attack from there, merging the stories. In that case, rather than ignoring what she did, you are deciding that even she doesn't deserve such a fate. After that she enters herself into the HHI and unlocks in the computer as buyable, and the relationship takes up at a point further down the friendship line, where she is a bit friendlier toward you, having saved her life directly.

Sylvia and Magic
The tornado could be a good example of a difficult to explainable power, though the red fairy gives a pretty big clue toward that end when she scares Ashley's teacher, but Sylvia specifically goes on about the fire avoidant telekinesis, and that just seems unmissable in a society where invisible fairies are well known. Plus, not mentioning the fairy spies at all before they try to infiltrate the island also seems like an impossible oversight if they were common knowledge and she didn't want to be captured.

As in a previous suggestion, swapping out "wields mysterious magic" for "commands magical servants" solves it, and doesn't make the queen any less intimidating. Having an invisible army of spy/assassins is pretty intimidating. They're basically the magical equivalent of autonomous drone warfare, if drones had the ability to cloak.

Late Game Mechanics
So assuming you are going for getting the MC into a position to change the world, and you've set up a number of avenues toward power so far in the story, but without knowing which one or ones you are planning to use, some random scenario examples of possible gameplay mechanics that use simple threshold gateways like the ones you use for sex stat unlocks:

Scenario: Kali becomes CEO of Nero Corp and the harem moves to the Nero HQ (economic win)

New Spendable Asset, Weekly Budget Allocation
(not unlike the bar payout, but reversed to spend)

Research and Development (economy upgrades, new characters, story unlocks)
-Complete the Elf Droids (allows elf slave contract swaps)
-Upgrade the Elf Droids (to further the economic incentive to end slavery, better swap rates)
-Better War Bots (further the sexy skynet line, hold off rioters or hardcore zealots, intimidate governments, take over governments)
-Elf physiology based life extension for humans (allows time jumps in the storyline without characters dying)
-Clone research (Manchurian Candidate or another form of life extension)

Public Relations (lots of story unlocks)
-Lobby Politicians, change laws
-Support a charismatic ally/harem member for President
-Support an ally/harem member for head of HHI
-Support Cornwall for head of HHI in exchange for favors
-Spread pro-elf media

Investment (story unlocks, new characters)
-Buy a city/island/large chunk of land (a la Starbase)
-Set up a free city
-Invest in the city to foster a strong economy
-Buy out slaves or trade them for elf droids, and relocate them (UK Model)

Scenario: MC and Lin depose the Elf Queen and set up a figurehead (Sylvia or Jia) and harem moves to the palace (espionage win)

New Spendable Asset, Operational Focus

Rescue and Recruit (story unlocks, new characters, economic upgrades)
-Rescue elves in bad situations to relocate to Desert elf tribes or the island (more rescues = more operational focus budget)
-Recruit sympathetic humans and elves in key positions (increase operational focus budget, unlock new options)
-Blackmail humans in key positions (same)
-Take over androids (increase security)

Infiltration (options unlocked by R and R work)
-Place allies in positions of power
-Replace key people with loyal clones
-Place elvish allies in slave positions in key locations where they can gather intel/sabotage/plant suggestions

Subversion (options unlocked by Infiltration)
-Change government policies
-Change school curricula
-Create new bureaus/Alter bureau leadership (such as HHI)
-Lobby Businesses/Politicians
-Alter media narratives
-Create free zones/Elven lands

There are lots more possibilities, like doing a mix of paths to power and having it take place with the hotel as an HQ of sorts, or the droid-based hotel plan Kali had becoming a service empire of restaurants, hotels, and stores that spreads across the world, or just straight up Skynet and the droids take over with Doll as their leader and you as her master. I have no idea which of the many foreshadowed options you'll go with, but wherever your story is going, it can have building/earning/playing elements based on reaching thresholds that unlock scenes, new characters, gameplay options and upgrades, and advance the story.

As far as integrating things like that with the adult content, I'd say in roughly the same way you did with Moon and the bar. Or perhaps individual harem girls will be linked to different parts of the team and they'll have unlocks related to them.

There is some core conflict between the elven liberation plotline that seems to be expanding the setting out to world changing scope, and the original, more insular "big sexy family" sort of theme that the story began with, but where that goes and which theme prevails will be up to the storytelling.

Oof, that got long. I gotta sleep. Catch ya later!
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New Member
Jun 8, 2021
Enjoying the conversation.

As far as the suggestions go I see what he means, cool ideas yes, very neat.
Possible for a one man dev team? No imo.

And I don't agree that just because some arcs end and the girls are maxed out on stats that the gameplay has become stagnant, or that the mechanics aren't moving forward. The mechanics are the story. And that's progressing. People expect to much from VN's.
The mechanics don't really change, at their core. They're all just variations on a points based threshold gateway.

Some number of points in a variable triggers some result. etc etc.
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Koikatu Harem Master
Game Developer
Mar 18, 2020
The mechanics don't really change, at their core. They're all just variations on a points based threshold gateway.

Some number of points in a variable triggers some result. etc etc.
Yeah great ideas in your above post. Would require a large team to implement them. HH isn't a triple A game. There's just runey as far as I know. Maybe he'll take an idea or two for his story, make a scene where the MC helps rescue an abused elf or something and they send her off to the desert tribe, once a deal is made to rehabilitate freed elves and replenish their crippled population with. Win/win. Otherwise it sounds like a lot of grind, point and click sim city stuff. Buttons you click that tell you something is happening, without showing you that it's happening. Not the point of VN. Kind of like Dragon age 3. Point unseen agents to do unseen things and get some type of bonus on a screen. Grind, grind and more grindy. People would hate it.
Making real scenes with some of the ideas would be cool.
Branching paths as you said, not likely. Though taking over the world with the android only to have her YesMan you from fallout NV would be a cool ending :devilish:

And as for the points being a threshold gateway, that's what points are 9 times out of ten in adult VN's. It's grind, good or bad depending on the player/VN.
They don't need to be anything more.
Continue story, add H scenes, Harem Hotel sim city is not something I'd expect or want runey to spend his time on.


Aug 8, 2017
Guess you are playing with the truestory code. If you don't use the code, Felicity and Emma are clones instead of twins.
Well, that explains it. Then it would make no sense to use the whole cloning thing for the story since the "truestory" does not have clones at all


Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
Well, that explains it. Then it would make no sense to use the whole cloning thing for the story since the "truestory" does not have clones at all
True, at least for that part anyway. I mean they have already introduced some synth-like tech*, so I don't think adding cloning would be much of an imagination stretch though :)

*apparently I am too brain-fried this morning, can't get the spoiler function to work...:rolleyes:


New Member
Jun 8, 2021
Yeah great ideas in your above post. Would require a large team to implement them. HH isn't a triple A game. There's just runey as far as I know. Maybe he'll take an idea or two for his story, make a scene where the MC helps rescue an abused elf or something and they send her off to the desert tribe, once a deal is made to rehabilitate freed elves and replenish their crippled population with. Win/win. Otherwise it sounds like a lot of grind, point and click sim city stuff. Buttons you click that tell you something is happening, without showing you that it's happening. Not the point of VN. Kind of like Dragon age 3. Point unseen agents to do unseen things and get some type of bonus on a screen. Grind, grind and more grindy. People would hate it.
Making real scenes with some of the ideas would be cool.
Branching paths as you said, not likely. Though taking over the world with the android only to have her YesMan you from fallout NV would be a cool ending :devilish:

And as for the points being a threshold gateway, that's what points are 9 times out of ten in adult VN's. It's grind, good or bad depending on the player/VN.
They don't need to be anything more.
Continue story, add H scenes, Harem Hotel sim city is not something I'd expect or want runey to spend his time on.
Those elements are already in the game in the form of the sex statistics and the money/gift/upgrade system. It doesn't change the nature or mechanics of the game, it just adds gameplay goals in the late game, because all the early game mechanics are exhausted at that point.

If you've played "The Last Sovereign" the designer there does a really good job of switching in new gameplay objectives as the game progresses, that follow the story where you are as you transition from a simple crusader into the de facto ruler of a kingdom, then start to ascend to emperor and even a god-like status. TLS Example: After you recruit a business leader into the harem, you begin purchasing shares in businesses to increase your income. You use that money to buy into more businesses, or to improve your harem's equipment and status in the game world. Once you take over a kingdom, instead of spending your own money, you start spending percentages of the kingdom's budget (same value mechanic, but expressed as a percentage of 100), and instead of just forwarding your own wealth, you are aiming to improve the city's economy, reduce racial prejudice between orcs/succubi/humans, and improve overall quality of life. Same mechanics, different setting in the story.

As you progress, objectives change and means of achieving them are altered, previous decisions come into play by checking variable switches you made earlier, but it's done with just surface variations of the same design element (IE variable switches and thresholds). Making non-boring gameplay elements that don't feel grindy is just as much an art form as narrative storytelling, but you can use the same creative skillset to come up with them. The idea is to create a sense of participation for the player, so they can experience a sense of accomplishment as a result.
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