Yeah, that whole elf blood bot thing is just creepy as hell. Even before they start ...leaking. lolThank you! Just to clarify, there is a huge difference in belief between Kali's Dad and Vanessa. KDad is quite literally willing to profit off the blood of elves, which in the long run, would turn every slave into a bag of blood waiting to be harvested.
All the more reason we need to hire all the techs, and start our own robot company. Between Android, Kali, and all of her friends, we could be off to a good start. Android can build the bodies, and the girls can code, and having Kim and Ami's legal background would help us in a lot of ways, even if they don't pass the bar (though maybe we can give them a reason to be motivated there), especially if we run for office later. Need people to look for loopholes in the laws for us.
Wouldn't hurt to get some AV people too, to film some of the things at those protests, show the truth there more than just some pics. Someone from the journalism course or something maybe? They could go under the guise of reporting on it for the school paper, radio, or news channel.
ELM!!! (especially dark elves and drow!)