Hey, I was playing from the start again, try the slave route (but I don't see a difference with Lin), and it's good to see how the story has changed, like meeting Cromwall. So I'm just trying to speed through a lot of it, and I got the bar as quick as I could. So we meet Hana, and Maria and her story progresses. But the problem is the part with Maria doing the DNA test and the result of that happened to early I think in the story. And now I don't have Maria coming back yet, and a number of events happen with her. Had the bar scene with Ellen, the stuff with Autumn, etc. I come to part of the Android's story where she is with Maria, and I can't continue on because Maria's door is locked.
Is this some errors in the game? I haven't upgraded to version 13.2 yet, just using 13.1. Or maybe something is corrupted? The only other solution I can think of is going back to an older save, and try to not do any Maria events before I do a lot of the others.