Again, I get what you mean. Also sorry if this comes off as rambling. I am tired and trying not to reveal anything. And believe you me, I've been through and seen some shit in my days. Shit far worse than anything kids can dish out. I might even tell you one day if I get particularly drunk or emotional. But not now.
Thing is. I learned a leasson from that. And that lesson is the same one humans have been learning since the dawn of time. That being that the way to survive and stay sane is plain and simply accept the one fundamental fact about life. Life ain't fair.
You can't control who you are. You can't control what you are. And you can't control how life chooses to screw you. You could spend your entire existence making the correct choices and doing everything just right. And one bad roll of the universal dice and you'll find your self ruined through no fault of your own. Or, you could just be among the some 2/3 of the human population that are screwed before they are even born simply by being born in the wrong place or to the wrong social class, ethnic group etc.
So no matter how bad things get you just need to accept them for what they are and move on. Focus on what you can control. And the one and only thing in life you can control is how you react to the input you are receiving. Do you choose to react to everything or only the things that actually matter. Do you choose to get emotionally upset over trivialities and bad words or do you choose to ignore it and move on. That you can control.
And this is absolutely something you can train your self to do. In fact, human kind has for millennia considered this skill a necessary requirement for being taken seriously as an adult. And for good reason. It's the only thing that keeps you sane in this screwed up world.
And it is because of this undeniable fact that I feel that the modern departure from that approach is utterly wrong. Instead of teaching people to live with the world as it is, accept it and learn the skills they need to avoid unnecessary suffering so that they can live happy and sane lives we deliberately deny them these skills and in doing so condemn them to a lifetime of offense and anguish that is utterly avoidable.
Worse yet, in doing so we create a generation of people so disconnected from reality that their only recourse to rid them self of their utterly avoidable pain is to go out wasting time and energy fighting windmills in an ideological crusade to change the very nature of reality. And who will happily throw them self into extreme ideologies or religions to do so. All of which can only ever lead to more anguish and trouble in the long run.
Bottom line is you can't "fix" the world. And you can't wrap it up in bubble wrap to protect everyone from anything that could possibly hurt them either. Not without turning the entire world into a prison anyway. And even if you could, achievements such as that are well beyond the scope of human ability.
Instead you just have to learn to lick your wounds, make your heart into stone and keep wading through the river of shit that is life. And with enough practice you'll learn to tune out the stench so that maybe, just maybe, you can carve out a tiny bit of happiness for your self before you expire. And the only way to truly help people is to teach them this skill early and well.