Um, yeah, most private medical data is kept out of the reach of prying eyes who don't have authorization.As if data is so well kept safe that you can't get a hand of it. Just look at irl how easilly even military incripsions get broken these days if you looking for an in universe solution there are plenty of androids and your own android does not always seem to be on your side. Even though this is usually unintended. Your own android has already shown to like exposing other people as the game has shown so why not maria after she annoyed your android? Kali her fix for your android did not go well with the android not being so friendly anymore so theres another option for possible spread of info from the hospital The options are there. As for if you cant beat em join em really does not explain away apprehension. If you go along just because they need you and will be better off without you does not take away any apprehension. If i where in the position of the mc i would go with her but still be trying till the very last min to get her to not do it. The apprehension does not go away like it seems to have with the mc. It may still be there but not that i can find in reading it. As said in the very beginning just having the option would have been nice. Maria might be stubborn yes but she has also shown to trust the mc's gut or input way more than she eventually does with the hospital. Every time before that one she has trusted the mc's input/judgment even with her stubbornness and now she would not? Again the option would have been nice thats all. Yes even if that leads to her going alone. Over all i could see 3 potential options. 1 she goes alone, 2 mc goes with her, 3 she does not go/find another way.
Android, by which I mean the character in the hotel, has been on our side since the beginning since her goals have never been opposed to our own. She has no reason to gain Maria's private medical data nor any reason to leak it. What Android has done before is nothing compared to what it would be like to expose Maria as an enslavement eligible elf and, despite what Maria has done to Android in the past, there isn't such bad blood between them that she would expose Maria even against literally everyone else at the hotel, including her own master, the MC.
Yeah, it actually does explain away apprehension. He found no use for opposing Maria's decision any further because opposing her decision would only mean she goes alone. It doesn't mean she doesn't get handled the exact same way by the
You and the MC are different people, then. That's not a bad thing, but you would be spinning your wheels, so to speak. Literally the only way to stop Maria would have been to physically force her not to go, at which point we could call it kidnapping since she would be held against her will.
She does listen, but not once she's made up her mind and she already had at that point. This is true of most stubborn people, once they make up their mind, their mind cannot be changed and the only options are either go along with their choice or physically stop them. Obviously, the MC chose the former.
In those previous times, she hadn't resolved to go through with something on her own choice. In this case, she was determined to see it through with or without the MC.
Again, there was no other way. It was the way it happened or the way it happened, but off screen, but either way she was getting what she got as it is now. Either way is the same outcome, which then serves as a catalyst for things to come later. I get it, it was hard to watch, but sometimes hard to watch things are necessary things for the future. We will see her find justice for these atrocities, of that I am certain. The only uncertainty I can see on this matter is what form that justice will take.