Autumn is the newest character, she's been in the game for a bit over 2 years. The game hasn't even been out for 4 years yet. Autumn also does get more story content with an average of 2 events per update.Runey isn't a big fan of Autumn is he? She's been in the game for almost 4 years (maybe even longer) and the only content that involves her is exhibitionism.
Newly added characters should receive more content compared to old characters in my humble opinion.
Sorry for my rant, but I've been waiting for years for more content involving Autumn... I'm not a young man anymore and I'm afraid that when Runey finally decides to create more content for her I'm already suffering from erectile dysfunction. :/
By "content" I assume you mean sexual content, and by that I assume you actually mean "When can I fuck her?". That is a ways out, vaginal is the last thing she'll get. She has been getting sexual content though, and more content in general. Her last event in v0.15 was sexual.